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                                                                  business/technology Saturday 4 april 2020
            Tesla's 1Q car sales surged before pandemic shut things down

            By MICHAEL LIEDTKE                                                                                                  with  some  experts  already
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  predicting  the  ban  keep-
            BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Tes-                                                                                        ing  Tesla's  Fremont  factory
            la's  sales  of  its  increasingly                                                                                  closed  could  extend  into
            popular electric cars got off                                                                                       June.  Tesla  estimated  it
            to fast start this year, even                                                                                       could  have  made  nearly
            though  the  company  had                                                                                           500,000 cars in Fremont this
            to  slam  the  brakes  along                                                                                        year in addition to 150,000
            with other major automak-                                                                                           vehicles at a new factory in
            ers  last  month  because  of                                                                                       China.
            worldwide  efforts  to  con-                                                                                        Tesla entered 2020 with high
            tain the worst pandemic in                                                                                          hopes,  with  the  outspoken
            a century.                                                                                                          Musk brashly predicting the
            The  Palo  Alto,  California,                                                                                       company's sales would ex-
            company delivered 88,400                                                                                            ceed  500,000  cars  for  the
            vehicles  during  the  first                                                                                        year. That would be up sig-
            three  months  of  the  year,                                                                                       nificantly  higher  than  the
            based on preliminary num-                                                                                           company's sales of 367,500
            bers  released  Thursday.                                                                                           last year.
            That represented a 40% in-                                                                                          After  years  of  huge  losses,
            crease from the same time    This Wednesday, March 18, 2020, file photo, shows a Tesla charging station for automobiles in Port   Tesla also appeared to be
                                         Huron, Mich. Tesla's sales of its increasingly popular electric cars got off to a fast start in the year,
            last  year  and  came  close   even though the company had to slam the brakes along with other major automakers in March   turning  the  corner  finan-
            to  matching  the  average   2020 because of worldwide efforts to contain the worst pandemic in a century.          cially  a  fter  two  consecu-
            sales  estimate  of  89,000                                                             (AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File)  tive quarters of profits.
            vehicles  among  analysts  Wedbush  Securities  ana-      making  the  leap  from  the  its main factory in Fremont,  The company will release its
            polled  by  FactSet.  Those  lyst  Daniel  Ives  described  luxury  to  mainstream  mar-  California, last month after  financial  results  for  the  first
            projections had fallen from  Tesla's sales numbers as “a  ket.                         an edict was issued to close  quarter  later  this  month  or
            estimated  sales  of  107,000  small victory in a dark envi-  Tesla  CEO  Elon  Muck  was  down most businesses.    early next month.
            Tesla  vehicles  when  Fact-  ronment."                   among  those  who  initially  Before  the  shutdown,  Tes-  Those  numbers  will  also
            Set surveyed analysts at the  Tesla's  stock  surged  nearly  downplayed  the  threat  la  manufactured  nearly  give  investors  an  idea  of
            end of February.             17%  to  $531  in  extended  posed  by  the  coronavirus,  102,700  vehicles  in  the  first  how  much  cash  Tesla  has
            Investors  apparently  had  trading  after  the  first-quar-  and  publicly  predicted  it  three  months  of  the  year,  available  to  help  ride  out
            been bracing for a letdown  ter sales figures came out.  would be not much worse  a  33%  increase  from  the  the  economic  turbulence
            amid the economic turmoil  Even  so,  Tesla's  stock  has  than  the  flu.  He  has  since  same 2019 period.       still  ahead.  The  company
            triggered by the health cri-  lost  nearly  half  its  value  pledged  to  help  make  The  company  won't  be  ended        December     with
            sis  that  has  already  killed  since  peaking  nearly  two  the  ventilators  needed  for  making any more cars un-  $6.3  billion  and  raised  an-
            more  than  50,000  people  months  ago  amid  rising  people  battling  COVID-19,  til at least early May under  other  $2  billion  in  February
            worldwide    while   infect-  hopes  that  the  company's  although local officials had  the  current  restrictions  in  while its stock was still a hot
            ing  more  than  1  million.  cars were on the verge of  to  pressure  Tesla  to  close  the San Francisco Bay Area,  commodity.q
              Small biz rescue off to spotty start; some banks not ready

              By KEN SWEET,               The program is being over-   bank  wasn’t  accepting
              JOYCE  ROSENBERG  and  seen by the SBA but banks  applications  and  that  he
              RYAN J. FOLEY               are handling the applica-    should  keep  checking  his
              The Associated Press        tion  process.  Some  large  online  account  for  guid-
              NEW YORK (AP) — The fed-    lenders  like  Wells  Fargo,  ance in the coming hours
              eral  government's  relief  Huntington Bank and Bank  and days, Stein said.
              program for small business-  of America said are ready  “It  was  almost  comical,
              es is off to a bumpy start Fri-  to  go.  BofA  said  they've  but   heartbreaking.   It’s
              day, with some businesses  gotten 28,000 applications  tragicomedy,  I  guess,"  he
              able to apply and several  so far.                       said.
              big  banks  saying  they’re  Others   like   JPMorgan  Going  into  the  program's
              not  ready  to  process  ap-  Chase  said  they  wouldn't  launch Friday, the banking
              plications.                 accept  applications  on  industry  had  been  trying
              Millions of small businesses  Friday, citing lack of guid-  to  temper  expectations
              are expected to apply for  ance  from  the  Treasury  about how many business-
              these desperately needed  Department.                    es  will  get  the  cash  they   In  this  Thursday,  April  2,  2020  file  photo,  Jovita  Carranza,
              resaid scue loans from the  Ted  Stein,  who  operates  need on Friday.              administrator  of  the  Small  Business  Administration,  speaks
              $349 billion Paycheck Pro-  a  small  software  business  Banks  large  and  small  will   about the coronavirus in the James Brady Press Briefing Room
              tection  Program,  which  in  West  Virginia,  filled  out  have  to  process  these   of the White House n Washington, as Vice President Mike Pence,
                                                                                                   President Donald Trump listen. Millions of small businesses are
              was  put  in  place  to  help  an  online  form  Thursday  loans as quickly as possible   expected  to  apply  for  a  desperately  needed  rescue  loan
              them  retain  workers  and  through PNC Bank ,saying  in  order  to  get  their  cus-  Friday,  a  stern  test  for  a  banking  industry  that  has  had  less
              pay  bills  during  the  coro-  he  was  interested  in  ap-  tomers  a  slice  of  the  pro-  than a week to prepare for the deluge. Small businesses will
              navirus pandemic. Rough-    plying.  On  Friday,  a  bank  gram.                     be  seeking  loans  from  the  $349  billion  Paycheck  Protection
              ly  2,300  loans  valued  at  representative  told  Stein  The  banks  have  moved   Program, which was put in place to help them retain workers
              $889  million  have  been  he  was  unaware  that  the  employees  into  new  de-    and pay bills during the coronavirus pandemic.
                                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)
              processed  so  far,  said  Jo-  form was on its website. Af-  partments  —  a  logistical
              vita  Carranza,  administra-  ter Stein explained to him  challenge  given  many  ly  keep  up  with  the  flood  employees  are  either  sick
              tor  of  the  Small  Business  where  to  find  it,  the  rep-  employees are working re-  of  applications.  Not  only  or  quarantined  because
              Administration.             resentative  told  Stein  the  motely — just to potential-  that, but thousands of their  of the virus. q
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