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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 15 augusT 2023
‘No Labels’ movement says it could offer bipartisan presidential
ticket in 2024
By GARY D. ROBERTSON The other official North Car-
Associated Press olina parties are the Demo-
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A na- cratic, Republican, Green
tional political movement and Libertarian parties.
that could offer a bipar- Voters also can register as
tisan presidential ticket in unaffiliated, which repre-
2024 as an alternative to sents the largest bloc in the
major-party nominees said state.
Monday it has now won Board chair Alan Hirsch
ballot access in 10 states, and member Jeff Carmon,
after North Carolina elec- both Democrats, joined Re-
tion officials formally grant- publicans Four Eggers and
ed official status to a “No Kevin Lewis in voting for the
Labels” affiliate. official recognition. Demo-
The State Board of Elec- cratic member Siobhan
tions voted 4-1 on Sunday O’Duffy Millen voted no.
to recognize the No Labels The official recognition fol-
Party as an official North lowed questions seeking
Carolina party following a more information on No
successful petition effort. It Labels, particularly its af-
joins four other recognized filiation with the national
parties with which voters movement, and whether it
can now choose to be truly met the definition of a
registered and field candi- John Holman, of Denver, Colo., right, and others with the group “No Labels” take part in a rally party.
dates. The new North Caro- on Capitol Hill in Washington, July 18, 2011. The board also was inter-
lina party is linked to a na- Associated Press ested in whether the par-
tional No Labels effort that nees.” North Carolina, usu- Chavis, a North Carolina dential ambitions. ty’s signature collectors
lists a wide array of mostly ally considered a battle- native and national co- North Carolina state law properly informed signers
centrist political leaders ground state, has 16 elec- chair of No Labels, said in a says that to be recognized, of the “general purpose
backing it. They include toral votes at stake. news release Monday. a party must collect signa- and intent” of the party, as
former North Carolina GOP The other states are Alaska, There is no named ticket tures from registered vot- state law requires.
Gov. Pat McCrory, U.S. Arizona, Arkansas, Colo- yet for No Labels. Group ers equal to 0.25% of the No Labels presented af-
Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. rado, Florida, Nevada, Or- leaders have said it would total number of voters who fidavits from collectors
Va., and former Connecti- egon, South Dakota and stand down if there’s no voted in the last election stating that they were in-
cut Sen. Joe Lieberman, a Utah. clear path to victory next governor in 2020, or just un- structed to share in part
former Democrat who be- Reaching 10 states is “a year. But some Democrats der 13,900 signatures. State it was a party “to bring all
came an independent. historic victory for Ameri- are worried that won’t election officials agreed the parties together to get
No Labels is poised to offer cans who have said loud happen, leading uninten- that No Labels provided things done in Washington
a bipartisan ticket for presi- and clear they want more tionally to the election of over 14,800 signatures, and through a unity ticket” and
dent and vice president if choices at the ballot box. Republican Donald Trump. also met a requirement that the petition “allows
Democrats and Republi- The spirit of democracy is National left-leaning that at least 200 signatures a third party to run candi-
cans “select unreasonably winning in America today,” groups have been working each come from three dates in the presidential
divisive presidential nomi- civil rights leader Benjamin to derail the group’s presi- congressional districts. election.”q
Biden says auto workers need ‘good jobs that can support a family’
By JOSH BOAK commonly known as the this transition to new tech- fined benefit pensions for The union has proposed a
Associated Press big three automakers. The nologies, the UAW deserves all workers, and restoring 32-hour workweek, instead
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- workers’ contracts expire a contract that sustains the retiree health coverage. of the conventional 40.q
dent Joe Biden is asking at 11:59 p.m. Sept. 14. middle class,” Biden said.
major U.S. automakers Biden said in a statement GM said in a statement that
and their workers’ union to Monday that as the market it’s bargaining in “good
reach an agreement that moves away from gasoline- faith” with the UAW on “a
takes “every possible step powered vehicles, the auto contract that provides job
to avoid painful plant clos- industry still must provide security and supports good
ings” as the sector transi- “good jobs that can sup- wages and benefits for our
tions to electric vehicles. port a family” and ensure team members while en-
The president has not yet that “transitions are fair and abling companies to com-
been endorsed by the look to retool, reboot, and pete successfully domesti-
United Auto Workers as he rehire in the same factories cally and globally.”
seeks reelection, despite his and communities at com- Shawn Fain, president of
broad support from orga- parable wages, while giv- the union, has asked for
nized labor going into the ing existing workers the first an end to different wage
2024 campaign. The UAW shot to fill those jobs.” tiers among workers. He is
represents 146,000 work- “The UAW helped create also seeking double-digit The Ram 1500 Revolution electric battery powered pickup
truck is displayed on stage during the Stellantis keynote at the
ers at Ford, General Motors the American middle class pay raises and restoration CES tech show on Jan. 5, 2023, in Las Vegas.
and Stellantis, which are and as we move forward in of cost-of-living pay, de- Associated Press