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A4   U.S. NEWS
                   Tuesday 15 augusT 2023

             Chicago’s newly selected top cop says reducing violence among

             top priorities

            By MICHAEL TARM                                                                                                     Johnson  and  Snelling  dif-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    fered on the use of a gun-
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  A  Chi-                                                                                           detection      technology
            cago  native  pegged  as                                                                                            called  ShotSpotter,  which
            the city’s next police super-                                                                                       its  critics  say  isn’t  fully  reli-
            intendent  said  Monday  at                                                                                         able and disproportionate-
            his  introductory  news  con-                                                                                       ly  targets  Black  neighbor-
            ference  that  his  top  priori-                                                                                    hoods.
            ties include finding ways to                                                                                        As  a  candidate,  Johnson
            tamp down violent crime.                                                                                            criticized  the  network  and
            Larry  Snelling,  54,  a  former                                                                                    suggested ending its use in
            police  patrolman-turned-                                                                                           Chicago. Snelling has previ-
            head  of  the  department                                                                                           ously defended the system
            counterterrorism   division,                                                                                        as a valuable policing tool.
            cited  his  own  experiences                                                                                        When  a  reporter  asked
            in calling for a comprehen-                                                                                         Johnson  Monday  about
            sive strategy to address the                                                                                        those  contrasting  views,
            violence.                                                                                                           Johnson  said  only  that  he
            “I’ve worked in some of the                                                                                         and Snelling were commit-
            most  violent  beats  in  the                                                                                       ted  to  “listening  to  each
            city,” he said.                                                                                                     other.”
            Chicago  Mayor  Brandon                                                                                             While  crime  in  Chicago
            Johnson  introduced  Snel-                                                                                          often  focuses  on  murders
            ling  at  the  news  confer-  Chief Larry Snelling speaks during a news conference at City Hall after Mayor Brandon Johnson   and shootings, the numbers
            ence as his choice to lead   chose Snelling to be the next superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, Monday, Aug.   so  far  in  2023  are  down  in
            the  12,000-officer  police   14, 2023.                                                                             both categories by 5% and
            force  in  the  nation’s  third                                                                    Associated Press   10%,  respectively,  accord-
            largest city.                ment  ranks  and  was  now  is  a  notoriously  tough  one  “In  order  for  our  officers  ing to the most recent de-
            “He’s just a rare individual,”  slated  to  become  its  top  and  many  past  heads  to  love  someone  else,  we  partment  crime  statistics.
            Johnson said.                cop.                         of  Chicago  police  have  have  to  love  them,”  he  However,       overall   major
            Snelling was raised on Chi-  “At no point did I ever think  lasted  only  a  few  years  said.                      crime  rates  are  up  35%  so
            cago’s South Side in areas  I  would  find  myself  in  this  amid pressure from interest  Johnson and Snelling spoke  far this year over 2022.
            he later worked as a patrol-  position,” he said.         groups, including the local  in  general  terms  and  of-  Both  Johnson  and  Snelling
            man  and  then  as  a  com-  Snelling  has  been  chief  of  police union.             fered  no  specifics  on  po-  alluded   to   compliance
            mander.                      the  department’s  bureau  Among  his  other  priorities,  lice strategies, though Snel-  with a court-monitored de-
            He  joined  the  department  of  counterterrorism,  which  said  Snelling,  was  build-  ling did briefly mention the  partment  overhaul  plan,
            in 1992.                     coordinates with the Office  ing  trust  with  communities  need  to  build  on  the  use  called  a  consent  decree.
            Snelling was a sergeant un-  of  Emergency  Manage-       historically  suspicious  of  of  technology  in  fighting  It, among other things, calls
            til  just  five  years  ago,  and  ment and Communication  police,  ensuring  high-level  crime.                    for more community polic-
            he told reporters Monday it  and  other  city  agencies,  training for officers and at-  That  has,  at  least  in  the  ing and expanded training
            was still hard to fathom that  since 2022.                tending to officers’ mental  past,  been  a  point  of  dis-  on the use of force.q
            he’d  risen  through  depart-  The  superintendent’s  job  well being.                 agreement.

            Indiana teen who shot teacher and student in 2018 is ordered to

            treatment center

                                                                      NOBLESVILLE, Ind. (AP) — A  a five-page order.            13-year-old  student.  The
                                                                      teenager who opened fire  A hearing has been sched-       teacher,  Jason  Seaman,
                                                                      at  a  central  Indiana  mid-  uled for Oct. 4 to determine  tackled and pinned him to
                                                                      dle school in 2018, wound-   where he will be placed.     the ground.
                                                                      ing another student and a  He will be held in the facil-  Seaman  was  shot  three
                                                                      teacher, should go to a res-  ity  for  at  least  a  year.  The  times, and the student, Ella
                                                                      idential  treatment  center,  judge  ordered  him  to  ap-  Whistler,  was  shot  seven
                                                                      a judge ordered Monday.      pear  for  a  permanency  times. No one was killed.
                                                                      Hamilton  Superior  Court  hearing  in  June  2024.  Un-  The teen was preparing to
                                                                      Judge  Michael  A.  Casati  der Indiana law, he can be  be  released  to  his  family
                                                                      ordered  that  the  now-18-  detained as a juvenile until  when  on  March  20,  pros-
                                                                      year-old  be  held  in  the  the day before he turns 22.  ecutors  say,  he  assaulted
                                                                      Hamilton  County  Juvenile  The teenager, who was 13  a  female  counselor  at  the
                                                                      Service Center for 120 days  at the time of the shooting,  Pendleton  Juvenile  Cor-
                                                                      while  a  probation  depart-  had  been  detained  since  rectional  Facility  by  “fist-
                                                                      ment  finds  a  suitable  se-  shortly after he opened fire  bumping” her breast, then
                                                                      cure  residential  facility  for  at  Noblesville  West  Middle  joking  about  it  with  other
             Law enforcement vehicles are seen behind a school sign after
             a shooting at Noblesville West Middle School in Noblesville,   him, news outlets reported.  School  in  May  2018.  He  juveniles. He was 17 at the
             Ind., May 25, 2018.                                      “The juvenile is a risk to the  shot  a  seventh-grade  sci-  time and was charged as a
                                                     Associated Press  community,” Casati said in  ence teacher and another  juvenile with battery.q
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