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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 15 augusT 2023

            North Korea’s Kim orders sharp increase in missile production

            By HYUNG-JIN KIM                                                                                                    as the U.S. and South Korea
            Associated Press                                                                                                    are set to start their summer
            SEOUL, South Korea (AP) —                                                                                           military exercises next Mon-
            North  Korean  leader  Kim                                                                                          day.  North  Korea  calls  the
            Jong Un again toured ma-                                                                                            U.S.-South  Korean  training
            jor  munitions  factories  and                                                                                      a practice for an invasion.
            ordered a drastic increase                                                                                          The  allies  say  they  have
            in  production  of  missiles                                                                                        no  intentions  of  attacking
            and  other  weapons,  state                                                                                         North Korea.
            media  said  Monday,  as                                                                                            KCNA quoted Kim as saying
            the  South  Korean  and  U.S.                                                                                       North Korea must have “an
            militaries  announced  they                                                                                         overwhelming military force
            will  begin  major  drills  next                                                                                    and  get  fully  prepared  for
            week to hone their joint ca-                                                                                        coping with any war” with
            pability against the North’s                                                                                        the power to “surely annihi-
            evolving nuclear threats.                                                                                           late” its enemies.
            Kim’s  push  to  produce                                                                                            The   U.S.-South   Korean
            more weapons also comes                                                                                             drills, called Ulchi Freedom
            as U.S. officials believe Rus-                                                                                      Shield,  is  a  computer-sim-
            sia’s  defense  minister  re-                                                                                       ulated  command  post  ex-
            cently  talked  with  North                                                                                         ercise.  During  this  year’s
            Korea  about  selling  more                                                                                         exercise  that  is  scheduled
            weapons  to  Russia  for  its                                                                                       to run through until Aug. 31,
            war with Ukraine.            In this undated photo provided on Monday, Aug. 14, 2023, by the North Korean government, North   the  allies  said  they’ll  also
            The  Korean  Central  News   Korean leader Kim Jong Un, center, rides on an armored vehicle during his Aug. 11-12 visit to a   conduct  large-scale  field
            Agency  said  Kim  visited   military factory in North Korea.                                      Associated Press   training  events,  which  will
            factories  producing  tacti-                                                                                        reportedly be the largest of
            cal  missiles,  mobile  launch   said.                    urgent  need  to  boost  pro-  ed  more  than  100  missile   their kind in recent years.
            platforms,   armored    ve-  “The  qualitative  level  of  duction  of  large-caliber  tests,  many  of  them  in  the   South  Korea’s  Joint  Chiefs
            hicles  and  artillery  shells   war  preparations  depends  multiple  rocket  launcher  name  of  warning  the  U.S.   of  Staff  spokesperson,  Lee
            on  Friday  and  Saturday.   on the development of the  shells  “at  an  exponential  and South Korea over their    Sung  Joon,  told  reporters
            He visited a spate of other   munitions  industry  and  the  rate,”  the  report  said.  Kim  expansion  of  joint  military   that this year’s UFS drills are
            munitions  factories  in  early   factory bears a very impor-  also  drove  a  new  utility  training  exercises.  Many   aimed  at  further  strength-
            August.                      tant responsibility in speed-  combat  armored  vehicle,  experts  say  Kim  eventually   ening  the  allies’  response
            During a stop at the missile   ing  up  the  war  prepara-  KCNA  said.  Kim  has  been  aims to use his modernized   capabilities  by  performing
            factory,  Kim  set  a  goal  to   tions of the (North) Korean  focusing  on  enlarging  his  weapons  arsenals  to  wrest   exercises  based  on  sce-
            “drastically boost” produc-  People’s  Army,”  Kim  said,  nuclear and missile arsenals  U.S.  concessions,  such  as   narios  that  reflect  North
            tion capacity so the facility   according to the report.  since  his  high-stakes  diplo-  sanctions  relief,  whenever   Korea’s advancing nuclear
            can  mass  produce  missiles   Visiting other factories, Kim  macy  with  then-President  diplomacy  resumes  with   and missile capabilities and
            to meet the needs of front-  called  for  building  more  Donald Trump collapsed in  Washington.                    other regional security situ-
            line  military  units,  KCNA   modern   missile   launch  2019. Since the start of 2022,  North Korea could perform   ations. q
                                         trucks and said there is an  Kim’s military has conduct-  more  weapons  tests  soon

             Sweden calls for vigilance abroad after Quran desecrations and


            COPENHAGEN,       Denmark  States  and  other  actors  of  measures  and  working  of  the  Quran  or  other  reli-  have any blasphemy laws;
            (AP) — A senior Swedish of-  have  helped  amplify  such  closely  with  international  gious texts. Like many West-  Sweden’s   were   aban-
            ficial said Monday Swedes  messages.” He said extrem-     partners to protect Swedes  ern  countries,  it  doesn’t  doned in the 1970s.q
            abroad    and    businesses  ists  who  previously  consid-  and   Swedish   interests
            linked  to  Sweden”should  ered Sweden a “legitimate  abroad and to counteract
            observe    increased   vigi-  target”  now  consider  it  a  the  hate  messages  being
            lance and caution,” follow-  “priority.”  The  statement  spread about Sweden,” he
            ing  recent  Quran  burnings  did  not  identify  those  in-  said,
            in the country and protests  volved.                      This   month,      Sweden
            in the Muslim world.         Landerholm said there also  stepped  up  border  con-
            Henrik  Landerholm,  Swe-    were    “indications”   that  trols and identity checks at
            den’s National Security Ad-  groups  are  planning  other  crossing points.
            viser, said there are signs of  acts  against  Swedish  in-  A  recent  string  of  public
            “a  heightened  threat”  to  terests  abroad,  and  cited  Quran  desecrations  by  a
            the country and to Swedish  the  storming  of  Sweden’s  handful of anti-Islam activ-
            interests  abroad,  adding  Embassy  in  Baghdad  last  ists in Sweden  and more re-
            the  security  situation  has  month  and  an  attempted  cently in neighboring Den-
            worsened.                    attack  on  the  diplomatic  mark    has  sparked  angry
            In a statement, Landerholm  mission in Beirut last week.  demonstrations  in  Muslim   Supporters  of  a  radical  Islamist  party  ‘Tehreek-e-Labaik
            said  that  “representatives  The  Swedish  government  countries.                     Pakistan’ burn the representation of Swedish flag during a rally
            of  terrorist  groups  have  and  relevant  authorities  Sweden  does  not  have  a    to denounce burning of Islam’s holy book ‘Quran’, in Karachi,
            called  for  attacks  against  “are  monitoring  develop-  law  specifically  prohibiting   Pakistan, on July 7, 2023.
            Sweden.                      ments,  taking  a  variety  the burning or desecration                                            Associated Press
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