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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diaranson 16 Juni 2021

                         Video shows man apologized before Honolulu police shot him

            (AP)  —  Doorbell  cam-
            era  video  obtained  and
            made  public  by  lawyers
            representing  the  family
            of a man fatally shot two
            months  ago  by  Honolu-
            lu  police  provides  more
            information  about  the
            events  that  unfolded  be-
            fore the deadly encounter
            with officers.

            The  footage  shows  that  he
            arrived  at  a  house,  took  off
            his shoes, entered the home
            and then quickly left after his
            presence confused the occu-
            pants.  He  repeatedly  apolo-

            After  police  killed  Lindani
            Myeni  in  April,  his  widow
            filed a wrongful death lawsuit
            alleging  officers  were  moti-
            vated by racial discrimination
            because  her  unarmed  South
            African husband was Black.

            The shooting happened three
            months  after  Lindani  and
            Lindsay Myeni moved to Ha-
            waii, where she grew up. The
            couple  believed  Hawaii’s
            diversity  would  make  it  the
            safest U.S. state to raise their
            two Black children, she said.

            After  the  April  14  shooting,
            police  said  Lindani  Myeni’s
            strange  behavior  frightened
            the  occupants  and  that  he
            violently attacked responding  mands to get on the ground  Police and city officials didn’t  in  the  lawsuit,  the  man  and  tells  someone  calmly  that
            police  officers,  leaving  one  outside the house he entered,  immediately respond to a re-  woman were tourists staying  Myeni  apologized  and  left.
            hospitalized  with  a  concus-  a stun gun fired by police ei-  quest  for  comment  Tuesday  in  the  multi-unit  dwelling,  The  woman,  still  on  with
            sion.                        ther  malfunctioning  or  hav-  after  the  widow’s  lawyers  the lawyers said.        911, sounds upset.
                                         ing  no  effect  on  him.  The  released  the  video.  Now-
            Police  later  released  short  police  video  showed  that  an  retired  chief  Susan  Ballard  The  footage  shows  My-  When  police  arrive,  she  is
            clips of body camera footage,  officer fired several gunshots  previously  said  that  Myeni’s  eni  walking  into  the  home,  heard yelling, “That’s him!”
            showing him ignoring com-    before saying, “Police!”     race wasn’t a factor in the fa-  wearing a face mask and his
                                                                      tal shooting.                umqhele,  a  traditional  Zulu  “Get  on  the  ground  now,”
                                                                                                   headband.                    one officer is heard saying.
                                                                      A statement from the lawyers
                                                                      who  released  the  video  said  He is later seen standing out-  “Who  are  you?”  Myeni  re-
                                                                      Honolulu  police  “tried  to  side the house, his phone and  sponds.
                                                                      convince the public that this  headband in his left hand.
                                                                      was a burglary and that Lin-                              He  would  not  have  known
                                                                      dani Myeni was acting errati-  According  to  the  lawyers,  the  people  shining  bright

                                                                      cally; but the doorbell video  the woman in the home pre-  lights in his eyes were police,
                 “Achter elke traan van verdriet, schuilt een glimlach van   we have now obtained from  tended to make a phone call  the family’s lawsuit said. He
                                  herinneringen.”                     the  owner  shows  that  HPD  while Myeni was outside say-  likely mistook the house for a
                                                                      knew  all  along  these  stories  ing someone had broken into  similar looking dwelling that

                 Op 10 juni 2021 is overleden onze Moeder, Grootmoeder   were untrue.”             her home.                    houses  a  temple  next  door
                                                                                                                                that’s open to the public, the
                                     en Zus
                                                                      The  statement  added:  “We  She then called 911 and told  lawsuit said.
                                                                      have also compelled the City  an  operator  about  the  man
                           Glenda Dennert
                                                                      to turn over unredacted body  and and that he had no weap-  The footage, along with a re-
                                                                      cam  footage  in  its  original  ons in his hands.        cording  of  the  911  call  pre-
                 Condoleance zal plaatsvinden op zaterdag 19 juni 2021   format, producing much bet-                            viously released by police, is

                     van 9 uur tot 11:00 bij Aurora Funeral Home.     ter quality audio and images  Myeni is heard in the video  posted on YouTube by Justice
                                                                                                                                for Lindani Myeni.
                                                                      than  the  version  that  HPD  outside the home saying re-
                   André, Pamela
                                               Ingrid en Alexandra
                    en familie                 Maryse, Patrick en Kyra   played for the press on April  peatedly, “I’m sorry.” He puts

                                                                                                   his  shoes  on  and  leaves,  the  The  lawyers  said  they  were
                                                                      16, 2021.”
                                                                                                   footage shows.               still evaluating full, unredact-
                                                                      The  doorbell  footage  shows                             ed  body  camera  footage  for
                 In plaats van bloemen a.u.b. een donatie aan het Wilhelmina
                                   Kankerfonds.                       that  Myeni  arrived  at  the  Meanwhile,  the  couple’s  the period after the shooting.
                           Gelieve geen rouwbeklag aan huis.          house  soon  after  a  couple  voices recorded on the video
                                                                      entered the home that night.  make  it  sound  like  they  are
                                                                      According  to  depositions  still on phone calls. The man
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