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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 16 Juni 2021

                               Ikea fined $1.3 million over spying campaign in France

            (AP)  —  A  French  court  bling customers.               A  lawyer  for  the  unions,  Paris  was  convicted  of  ecutives and changed internal
            ordered home furnishings                                  Solene  Debarre,  expressed  fraudulently  gathering  per-  policy after French prosecu-
            giant Ikea to pay some 1.1  Ikea France was convicted of  hope  that  the  verdict  would  sonal  data,  fined  10,000  eu-  tors opened a criminal probe
            million  euros  ($1.3  mil-  receiving  personal  data  ob-  “make   some   companies  ros  ($12,125)  and  given  an  in 2012.
            lion) in fines and damages  tained  through  fraudulent  tremble.”                     18-month  suspended  sen-
            Tuesday  over  a  campaign  means in a habitual way, and                               tence.                       Trade unions alleged that Ikea
            to spy on union represen-    ordered to pay 1 million eu-  “One  million  euros  isn’t                              France paid to gain access to
            tatives,  employees  and  ros in fines and about 100,000  much for Ikea, but it’s a sym-  Baillot, who denied ordering  police files that had informa-
            some  unhappy  customers  euros ($121,225) in damages.    bol,” Debarre said.          a spy operation, was convict-  tion about targeted individu-
            in France.                                                                             ed  of  receiving  fraudulently  als,  particularly  union  activ-
                                         Ingka  Group,  which  owns  The  company,  which  said  it  collected data and complicity  ists and customers who were
            Two  former  Ikea  France  ex-  and operates most Ikea stores,  cooperated  in  the  investiga-  in the scheme. He was fined  in disputes with Ikea.
            ecutives  were  convicted  and  noted in a statement after the  tion, had faced a potential fi-  50,000  euros  ($60,626)  and
            fined  over  the  scheme  and  verdicts that the French retail  nancial penalty of up to 3.75  given  a  two-year  suspended  In one situation, Ikea France
            given suspended prison sen-  operation “has strongly con-  million euros ($4.5 million).  sentence.                 was  accused  of  using  unau-
            tences.  Among  the  other  13  demned the practices, apolo-  Prosecutor  Pamela  Tabardel                          thorized  information  to  try
            defendants  in  the  high-pro-  gized and implemented a ma-  asked  the  court  to  hand  “an  Another former CEO of Ikea  to  catch  an  employee  who
            file trial, some were acquitted  jor action plan to prevent this  exemplary  sentence  and  a  France was acquitted for lack  had  claimed  unemployment
            and  others  given  suspended  from happening again.”     strong message to all compa-  of evidence.                benefits but drove a Porsche.
            sentences.                                                nies.”                                                    In  another  alleged  instance
                                         “We  will  now  review  the                               Ikea  France’s  lawyer,  Em-  of illegal prying, the subsid-
            Adel  Amara,  a  former  Ikea  court’s decision in detail and  The  executive  who  was  in  manuel Daoud, said the com-  iary  reportedly  investigated
            employee who helped expose  consider if and where any ad-  charge of risk management at  pany hadn’t decided whether  an  employee’s  criminal  re-
            the  wrongdoing,  called  the  ditional  measures  are  neces-  the time of the spying, Jean-  to  appeal.  He  said  the  case  cord  to  determine  how  the
            ruling “a big step in defense  sary,” the group said.     François Paris, acknowledged  was marked by a lack of hard  employee was able to own a
            of  the  citizen....It  makes  me                         to French judges that 530,000  evidence, and noted that the  BMW on a low income.
            glad  that  there  is  justice  in  Trade  unions  accused  Ikea  to 630,000 euros a year were  fines  were  well  below  the  The company also faces po-
            France.”                     France of collecting personal  earmarked  for  such  inves-  maximum possible.         tential damages from separate
                                         data  by  fraudulent  means,  tigations.  Paris  —  the  only                          civil lawsuits filed by unions
            The  panel  of  judges  at  the  notably via illegally obtained  official  to  have  admitted  to  “The court took into account  and 74 employees.
            Versailles  court  found  that  police  files,  and  illicitly  dis-  the  alleged  illegal  sleuthing  the action plan that Ikea put
            between  2009  and  2012,  closing personal information.  —  said  his  department  was  in place after the revelation of  Ikea’s France subsidiary em-
            Ikea’s French subsidiary used  Lawyers  for  Ikea  France  de-  responsible  for  handling  the  the facts, in 2012. That’s very  ploys more than 10,000 peo-
            espionage  to  sift  out  trou-  nied  that  the  company  had  operation  on  orders  from  satisfying,” Daoud said.  ple  in  34  stores,  an  e-com-
            ble-makers  in  the  employee  any  strategy  of  “generalized  former  Ikea  France  CEO                           merce  site  and  a  customer
            ranks  and  to  profile  squab-  espionage.”              Jean-Louis Baillot.          The company fired four ex-   support center.

                       UK fends off demands to give workers more virus support help

            (AP)  —  The  British  gov-  in  India,  is  between  40%  to  But  beginning  in  July,  that  will  have  been  offered  two  effective  against  hospitaliza-
            ernment  fended  off  calls  80% more transmissible than  support  goes  down  to  70%  vaccine  shots,  including  ev-  tion from the delta variant —
            Tuesday  to  provide  more  the previous dominant strain  with firms contributing 10%.  eryone over 50, by July 19. In  96% in the case of Pfizer and
            financial support to busi-   in  the  U.K.  The  alpha  vari-  The  scheme  becomes  less  a further development Tues-  92% for the AstraZeneca jab.
            nesses  and  workers  suf-   ant first found in Britain was  generous  through  the  sum-  day, the National Health Ser-  On Tuesday, the British gov-
            fering from its decision to  largely behind a winter virus  mer  before  it  expires  at  the  vice  said  the  rollout,  which  ernment reported 7,673 new
            delay  lifting  coronavirus  surge  that  left  the  country  end of September.        has been primarily based on  confirmed  cases,  one  of  the
            restrictions  in  England  with Europe’s highest virus-                                age, will be accelerated so that  highest  daily  numbers  since
            until July 19.               related  death  toll  at  nearly  And  the  Confederation  of  every adult should be able to  the  end  of  February.  The
                                         128,000.                     British  Industry  urged  the  book a first dose by the end  delta  variant  accounted  for
            Although  many  restrictions                              government  to  hold  back  of this week.                 around 90% of all new infec-
            were  eased  in  recent  weeks,  Following  the  announce-  on  the  planned  tapering  of                          tions.
            allowing  large  parts  of  the  ment, unions joined business  tax  relief  for  businesses  and  As  of  Tuesday,  around  62%
            U.K.  economy  to  reopen,  a  leaders  to  urge  the  Conser-  extend  the  commercial  rent  of the British population had  The  opposition  Labour  Par-
            number of businesses, partic-  vative  government  to  com-  moratorium  for  the  sectors  received  one  vaccine  shot,  ty has put the blame for the
            ularly  in  the  hospitality  and  pensate those affected by the  most impacted.       while about 45% had two.     spread  of  the  delta  variant
            entertainment  sectors,  have  delay, warning that it may tip                                                       squarely  on  the  Conserva-
            remained  shuttered  because  many  companies  over  the  Cabinet Officer minister Mi-  An  analysis  from  Public  tive  government,  saying  it
            it was not financially viable.  edge and lead to a sharp rise  chael Gove, a close Johnson  Health England showed that  was too slow in imposing the
                                         in  unemployment,  which  ally,  said  the  support  pro-  two  doses  of  the  main  vac-  strictest quarantines on all ar-
            After  months  of  planning,  stood at 4.7% in April.     grams were created knowing  cines in the U.K. are highly  rivals from India.
            those  businesses  had  been                              that there could be delays in
            preparing to reopen on June  Frances  O’Grady,  general  getting out of lockdown. But
            21, the date the government  secretary of the Trades Union  he said he was “pretty confi-
            had  earmarked  for  the  pos-  Congress,  said  the  govern-  dent” there wouldn’t be an-
            sible lifting of restrictions on  ment  should  delay  asking  other delay in lifting restric-
            social  contact.  But  a  recent  businesses  to  contribute  to  tions.
            spike  in  new  infections  as  a  the  salary  support  program
            result of the more contagious  it  has  operated  since  March  Johnson  said  health  officials
            delta  variant  upended  that  2020 and retain the program  would use the reopening de-
            plan and has fueled concerns  for as long as it’s needed.  lay to drive up immunity lev-
            that the restrictions may per-                            els, limiting the spread of the
            sist beyond July 19.         Under  the  Job  Retention  delta  variant  when  restric-
                                         Scheme, the government has  tions are fully lifted.
            Scientists  advising  the  gov-  been paying 80% of the sala-
            ernment reckon that the delta  ries of those unable to work  The plan is that two-thirds of
            variant, which was first found  because  of  the  restrictions.  the  U.K.’s  adult  population
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