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A28    u.s. news
                    Diaranson 16 Juni 2021

                           California fully reopens after being 1st to shut in pandemic

            (AP)  —  California,  the                                                              events  they  once  packed  or  Many  question  if  the  honor
            first  state  in  America  to                                                          that businesses will opt to re-  system  will  work,  including
            put in place a coronavirus                                                             turn to full capacity immedi-  the  California  Nurses  Asso-
            lockdown,  has  turned  a                                                              ately. But a palpable feeling of  ciation,  which  said  the  new
            page on the pandemic.                                                                  anticipation has replaced the  rules essentially call on busi-
                                                                                                   anxiety,  frustration  and  sad-  nesses  and  essential  workers
            The nation’s most populated                                                            ness that ushered in summer  to be the vaccination police.
            state lifted most of its restric-                                                      2020.
            tions  Tuesday,  meaning  no                                                                                        “This  is  not  a  sound  public
            more state rules on social dis-                                                        For  Angie  Barragan,  who  health  strategy,”  said  Sandy
            tancing  or  capacity  limits  at                                                      was born in Los Angeles and  Rending,  a  president  of  the
            restaurants,  bars,  supermar-                                                         visited  last  week  from  Las  association,  which  is  calling
            kets, gyms, stadiums or any-                                                           Vegas,  so  many  things  that  on people to keep masks on
            where else.                                                                            were  once  normal  feel  new,  indoors and in crowds.
                                                                                                   awkward and amazing: stroll-
            And  masks  —  one  of  the                                                            ing in public without a mask,  For  now,  masks  are  still  re-
            most fraught symbols of the                                                            socializing  for  the  first  time  quired  in  places  like  public
            pandemic  —  are  no  longer                                                           in ages.                     transit,  airports,  health  care
            mandated for vaccinated peo-                                                                                        settings  and  indoor  school
            ple  in  most  settings,  though                                                       “It’s kind of learning how to  classes.
            businesses  and  counties  can                                                         be a human again,” she said as
            still require them.                                                                    she shopped and strolled on  While applauding the reopen-
                                                                                                   LA’s  historic  Olvera  Street,  ing,  some  business  owners
            Gov.  Gavin  Newsom  cele-   and people can largely return  tions were imposed again.  a  restored  Mexican  mar-   said ever-shifting mask rules
            brated the milestone by host-  to pre-pandemic lifestyles.                             ketplace  once  clogged  with  are confounding.
            ing a lottery-style selection of                          By  summer’s  end,  a  darker  tourists. “But it’s great to be
            10 winners who will get $1.5  Fans  can  cheer  maskless  at  reality  set  in  as  California  among people.”      “We’re  excited  —  and  a  lit-
            million each simply for being  Dodgers and Giants baseball  hurtled toward a deadly win-                            tle  confused,”  said  Tom  La
            vaccinated.  It  was  the  grand  games.  Disneyland  is  open-  ter  surge.  Shutdowns,  cur-  The reopening doesn’t mean  Torre, owner of Sabella & La
            finale  to  the  nation’s  largest  ing to all tourists after allow-  fews  and  harrowing  images  the  pandemic  is  over,  New-  Torre  Restaurant  at  Fisher-
            vaccine  incentive  —  $116  ing  just  California  residents  from overwhelmed hospitals  som  has  repeatedly  stressed  man’s Wharf in San Francis-
            million in COVID-19 lottery  since  April.  People  can  pack  became the norm as the state  as an explanation for retain-  co, a tourist haven that trans-
            jackpots  and  cash  card  give-  indoor  bars  and  nightclubs  set  records  almost  daily  for  ing  his  statewide  emergency  formed  into  a  ghost  town
            aways.                       from the Sunset Strip in Los  infections and deaths.      declaration.                 during the pandemic.
                                         Angeles to the Castro in San
            “Finally  we  are  here,  June  Francisco.                More  people  tested  posi-  Some public health measures  Until now, his restaurant was
            15th,  to  turn  the  page,”                              tive for the virus in Califor-  will  stay  for  “megaevents.”  limited to 50% capacity.
            Newsom  declared  from  a  Tourism  was  among  the  nia  (3.8  million  and  count-   People attending indoor con-
            stage  at  Universal  Studios  hardest hit industries during  ing)  and  more  people  died  certs, sporting events or other  “That will be nice to fill the
            Hollywood during festivities  the pandemic and now wants  (63,000 plus) than anywhere  large gatherings of more than  place  up.  However,  we  are
            to  mark  what  he  called  the  to make up for lost time.  else in the country, although  5,000  people  will  have  to  still confused about the mask
            “full reopening” of the state’s                           the  nation’s  most  populous  show proof that they are vac-  mandate,” La Torre said.
            economy.                     “In  terms  of  our  incredible  state  had  a  lower  per  capita  cinated or have a recent nega-
                                         cities,  our  iconic  attractions,  death rate than most others.  tive  COVID-19  test.  Those  It’s also unclear if people will
            The  Democratic  governor  the  industry  is  ready  to  roll                          going to outdoor events with  come.
            pointed to the more than 40  out the red carpet to visitors  California now has one of the  more than 10,000 people are
            million doses of vaccine ad-  in California, around the na-  lowest  rates  of  infection  in  “strongly  encouraged”  to  do  For  Rita  Torres,  a  retired
            ministered and the resulting  tion and even the world,” said  the country, below 1%. That  the same.                university  administrator  in
            plunge in cases as the reason  Caroline  Beteta,  president  dramatic  drop  in  infections                         Oakland, the last 15 months
            for the reopening.           and CEO of Visit California.  combined with an increasing  While fully vaccinated people  were  “mindboggling.”  She
                                                                      number  of  vaccinated  resi-  will no longer be required to  has  missed  dancing  at  live
            “Foundationally,  that’s  why  Pandemic  highs  and  lows  dents — over 70% of adults  wear  masks  in  most  places,  concerts  and  hugging  her
            we’re  here  today,”  Newsom  saw  California  go  from  be-  have had at least one dose —  those  who  are  unvaccinated  girlfriends  at  weekly  happy
            said.                        ing  a  success  story  to  the  led Newsom to announce in  are expected to, but it won’t  hours.  But  for  her,  the  re-
                                         U.S.  epicenter  of  the  virus.  April  that  most  COVID-19  be enforced. Businesses have  opening is just another day.
            Just  in  time  for  summer,  As the first in the country to  restrictions  would  be  lifted  three choices: operate on an
            California wants to send the  impose a statewide lockdown  June 15.                    honor  system,  require  cus-  “Deep  down,  I  want  to  re-
            message  that  life  is  getting  in  March  2020,  California’s                       tomers to show proof of vac-  joice,”  Torres  said,  but  she’s
            much closer to normal. The  businesses  were just  starting  The  reopening  doesn’t  nec-  cination or require everyone  going  to  take  it  slow.  “Be-
            economy  is  fully  reopen  for  to reopen last June when cas-  essarily mean people will im-  to cover their face.  cause it’s kind of like, is it too
            the  first  time  in  15  months  es  started  rising  and  restric-  mediately flock to places and                 soon? Will we be sorry?”

                       Judge dismisses murder charges against Simone Biles’ brother

            (AP)  —  A  judge  in  Ohio  Moments  after  Cuyahoga  Defense  lawyers  had  sought  Biles-Thomas,  a  U.S.  Army  the party in 2018. Nineteen-
            has    dismissed   murder  County      Common      Pleas  the judge’s ruling, which also  soldier, has maintained his in-  year-old DelVaunte Johnson,
            charges  filed  against  the  Court Judge Joan Synenberg  acquitted  Biles-Thomas  of  nocence. His first trial ended  21-year-old  Toshaun  Banks
            brother  of  Olympic  gym-   issued her ruling that acquit-  voluntary  manslaughter  and  in a mistrial last month after  and  23-year-old  DeVaughn
            nastics champion Simone  ted  Tevin  Biles-Thomas,  a  felonious  assault  charges.  jurors said they had read legal  Gibson were killed.
            Biles, ruling Tuesday that  woman  in  the  court  gallery  They  said  there  was  no  fo-  paperwork that inadvertently
            prosecutors  did  not  pres-  charged  at  the  defendant  rensic  evidence  connecting  was included in evidence giv-  Simone  Biles  has  said  on
            ent  evidence  to  sustain  a  and  screamed  “You  killed  their client to the killings and  en to them to review.  Twitter  that  she  was  strug-
            conviction in a 2018 New  my  baby!”  Three  sheriff’s  that  no  witnesses  testified                              gling  with  her  brother’s  ar-
            Year’s  Eve  party  shoot-   deputies  tackled  the  woman  that  they  saw  Biles-Thomas  Authorities  have  said  gun-  rest and that her heart ached
            ing in Cleveland that left  before she could reach Biles-  shoot.                      fire broke out when a group  for the victims and their fam-
            three men dead.              Thomas.                                                   of  men  arrived  uninvited  to  ilies.
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