Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210616
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A30     world news
                    Diaranson 16 Juni 2021

                         New Israel government vows change, but not for Palestinians

                                         rights  groups say amount  to  atar after an Israeli who was  the rights  of others,” his fa-  the Palestinians and much of
                                         apartheid. In Gaza, which has  killed  in  an  attack  in  2013,  ther, Said, said at a mourning  the international community
                                         been under a crippling block-  was  built  without  the  per-  event attended by dozens of  as  a  major  obstacle  to  peace
                                         ade since the Hamas militant  mission of Israeli authorities  villagers.  He  described  his  because  they  make  it  nearly
                                         group seized power in 2007,  on  land  the  Palestinians  say  son  as  a  popular  teenager  impossible to create a contig-
                                         it’s even worse.             is  privately  owned.  Israeli  who got good grades and was  uous, viable state of Palestine
                                                                      troops  have  evacuated  set-  a natural leader.          alongside Israel.
                                         “They  talk  about  it  being  a  tlers from the site three times
                                         government  of  change,  but  before, but they returned af-  “Thank God, I’m very proud  Every  Israeli  government
            (AP) — Israel’s fragile new  it’s just going to entrench the  ter  an  Israeli  was  killed  in  a  of my son,” he said. “Even in  since 1967 has expanded the
            government has shown lit-    status quo,” said Waleed As-  shooting  attack  nearby  early  martyrdom  he  distinguished  settlements,  and  this  one  is
            tle  interest  in  addressing  saf, a Palestinian official who  last month.            himself.”                    unlikely  to  be  an  exception.
            the  decades-old  conflict  coordinates  protests  against                                                          Bennett  briefly  served  as
            with the Palestinians, but  West     Bank    settlements.  Clearing  them  out  again  The villagers fear that if the  head of a major settler orga-
            it may not have a choice.    “Bennett is a copy of Netan-  would  embarrass  Bennett  outpost remains, it will even-  nization, and his party is one
                                         yahu, and he might even be  and  other  right-wing  mem-  tually swallow up even more  of three in the coalition that
            Jewish  ultranationalists  are  more radical.”            bers of the coalition, who al-  of  their  land,  growing  and  strongly support settlements.
            already  staging  provocations                            ready face fierce criticism —  merging  with  some  of  the
            aimed  at  splitting  the  coali-  Bennett  said  little  about  the  and even death threats — for  more  than  130  authorized  Hagit  Ofran,  an  expert  on
            tion  and  bringing  about  a  Palestinians  in  a  speech  be-  allying with centrist and left-  settlements  across  the  occu-  settlements  with  the  Israeli
            return to right-wing rule. In  fore being sworn in on Sun-  wing factions to oust Netan-  pied West Bank, where nearly  rights group Peace Now, says
            doing so, they risk escalating  day.  “Violence  will  be  met  yahu.                  500,000 settlers live.       the settlers have always used
            tensions with the Palestinians  with  a  firm  response,”  he                                                       illegal  outposts  to  challenge
            weeks  after  an  11-day  Gaza  warned, adding that “security  The government faces a sim-  “We’re not a political game in  Israeli authorities, a trend she
            war  was  halted  by  an  infor-  calm  will  lead  to  economic  ilar  dilemma  over  a  parade  the hands of Bennett or Ne-  expects  to  accelerate  under
            mal cease-fire.              moves, which will lead to re-  through  east  Jerusalem  or-  tanyahu,”  said  Mohammed  the new government.
                                         ducing friction and the con-  ganized  by  ultranationalists  Khabeesa,  a  resident  who
            Prime Minister Naftali Ben-  flict.”                      that is due to be held Tues-  says  he  owns  land  near  the  “Because the settlers feel this
            nett’s best hope for maintain-                            day. The march risks setting  settler outpost that he can no  government is not their gov-
            ing  his  ruling  coalition  —  Environment Minister Tam-  off  the  kind  of  protests  and  longer access without a mili-  ernment, challenging it, psy-
            which  consists  of  eight  par-  ar  Zandberg,  a  member  of  clashes that helped ignite last  tary permit.       chologically,  will  be  much,
            ties from across the political  the dovish Meretz party, told  month’s Gaza war.                                    much easier,” she said.
            spectrum — will be to man-   Israeli  television’s  Channel                            “The  settlements  are  like  a
            age the conflict, the same ap-  12 that she believes the peace  Meanwhile,   Palestinians  cancer,”  he  said.  “Everyone  She  hopes  the  new  govern-
            proach favored by his prede-  process is important, but that  from  the  adjacent  village  of  knows they begin small, and  ment  will  at  least  put  the
            cessor, Benjamin Netanyahu,  the  new  government  has  Beita have held regular pro-   then  they  take  root  and  ex-  brakes  on  larger  settlement
            for most of his 12-year rule.  agreed, “at least at this stage,  tests  against  the  settlement  pand at people’s expense un-  projects,  including  massive
            But  that  method  failed  to  not to deal with it.”      outpost. Demonstrators have  til they reach our homes.”   infrastructure  that  will  pave
            prevent three Gaza wars and                               thrown  stones,  and  Israeli                             the way for future growth.
            countless smaller eruptions.  The government faces an ear-  troops have fired tear gas and  A spokeswoman for the set-
                                         ly challenge on Jabal Sabeeh,  live ammunition. Three pro-  tler  organization  behind  the  “I  think  it’s  more  easy  po-
            That’s because the status quo  a hilltop in the northern West  testers  have  been  killed,  in-  outpost did not respond to a  litically  to  stop  big  budgets
            for  Palestinians  involves  ex-  Bank where dozens of Jewish  cluding 17-year-old Moham-  request for comment.     and  big  projects  rather  than
            panding  settlements  in  the  settlers rapidly established an  med Hamayel, who was shot                           evicting an outpost,” she said.
            occupied  West  Bank,  loom-  outpost  last  month,  paving  dead  Friday.  Initial  reports  Israel  captured  the  West  “I  would  rather  see  that  the
            ing  evictions  in  Jerusalem,  roads  and  setting  up  living  said he was 15.       Bank,  east  Jerusalem  and  government  is  stopping  the
            home  demolitions,  deadly  quarters that they say are now                             Gaza  in  the  1967  Mideast  big projects rather than fight-
            shootings  and  an  array  of  home to dozens of families.  “I  always  taught  him  you  war,  territories  the  Palestin-  ing  over  every  hilltop.  The
            discriminatory    measures                                should  stand  up  for  your  ians  want  for  a  future  state.  settlers have the opposite in-
            that two well-known human  The  settlement,  named  Evi-  rights  without  infringing  on  The  settlements  are  seen  by  terest.”

                          Serbia, Kosovo restart EU-brokered talks, remain far apart

            (AP)  —  The  leaders  of  Miroslav  Lajcak.  “What  is  While Kosovo has been rec-    which  “we  commit  as  states  tinue by the end of July. He
            Serbia  and  Kosovo  on  important  for  the  European  ognized by the United States  that will not attack each other  insisted  that  “the  European
            Tuesday resumed EU-bro-      Union  is  that  both  leaders  and  most  EU  nations,  Bel-  and thus impact on peace and  Union as well as the citizens
            kered  negotiations  aimed  confirmed  that  there  is  no  grade  has  relied  on  support  security  in  the  region.”  The  of  Kosovo  and  Serbia  have
            at resolving a long-lasting  other  way  forward  but  to  from Russia and China in its  other side proposed only “old  high  expectations  from  the
            dispute  that  remains  a  normalize  relations  between  bid to retain claim on the ter-  ideas,” he said.         two leaders to overcome the
            source  of  tensions  in  the  Kosovo and Serbia.”        ritory.                                                   legacy  of  the  past  and  steer
            volatile Balkans.                                                                      “We expressed our readiness  Kosovo  and  Serbia  to  their
                                         Both  countries  have  been  Both  Vucic  and  Kurti  criti-  for a constructive dialogue on  common  European  future
            But  the  meeting  in  Brus-  told  that  they  cannot  hope  cized  each  other’s  positions  reciprocal recognition,” Kurti  by  being  able  to  normalize
            sels  between  Serbia’s  Presi-  to move forward in their ef-  in  separate  statements  after  wrote.              relations  between  them  in  a
            dent  Aleksandar  Vucic  and  forts  to  join  the  EU  before  Tuesday’s  meeting.  Vucic                          comprehensive way. ”
            Kosovo’s  new  Prime  Minis-  resolving the decades-old rift  said Kosovo “wanted to hear  Since  the  start  of  the  EU-
            ter  Albin  Kurti  appeared  to  that exploded in a conflict in  when  we  will  recognize  in-  brokered  negotiations,  del-  European Commission Vice-
            produce little progress in the  1998-99,  leaving  more  than  dependent  Kosovo  ...  and  I  egations  from  Belgrade  and  President  Josep  Borrell  ear-
            negotiations that first started  10,000 people dead and trig-  said  never.”  He  complained  Pristina  have  agreed  on  a  lier urged leaders of the rival
            in 2011 and have been stalled  gering a NATO intervention.  that Kosovo’s approach “had  number  of  issues,  tackling  Balkan  nations  to  “seize  the
            since last year.                                          nothing to do with reality and  everyday  problems  such  as  opportunity” of a “new mo-
                                                                      responsibility.”             free travel or trade. But they  mentum” and move forward
            “It was not an easy meeting,  Kosovo, formerly a province                              remained far apart on Koso-  in the negotiations that have
            but  it  was  important  that  it  of  Serbia,  declared  indepen-  Kurti  said  on  Facebook  that  vo’s independence.  been stalled since last year.
            happened,”  said  the  EU’s  dence  in  2008  but  Belgrade  he has proposed a joint Koso-
            special  envoy  for  the  talks,  has  refused  to  accept  that.  vo-Serbia peace statement in  Lajcak  said  talks  will  con-
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