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A28    u.s. news
                  Dialuna 11 OctOber 2021

                         Feds won’t seek charges against cop in Jacob Blake shooting

                                                                      tigation days after the shoot-  key could successfully argue  porters  flooded  downtown
                                                                      ing.  The  agency  announced  that he fired in self-defense.  Kenosha  for  several  nights,
                                                                      Friday  that  a  team  of  pros-                          with  some  demonstrators
                                                                      ecutors from its Civil Rights  Sheskey  and  other  officers  setting  fire  to  buildings  and
                                                                      Division and the U.S. attor-  encountered Blake after they  cars.  Gov.  Tony  Evers  was
                                                                      ney’s  office  in  Milwaukee  responded  to  a  call  from  a  forced to call in the National
                                                                      reviewed police reports, wit-  woman  who  reported  that  Guard.
                                                                      ness statements, dispatch logs  her  boyfriend  wasn’t  sup-
                                                                      and  videos  of  the  incident,  posed  to  be  at  her  home.  Kyle Rittenhouse, of Antioch,
                                                                      and determined there wasn’t  When  they  arrived  at  the  Illinois, answered a local mi-
                                                                      enough  evidence  to  prove  scene  the  woman  told  them  litia’s  call  to  protect  Keno-
                                                                      Sheskey willfully used exces-  that  Blake  was  trying  to  her  sha  businesses  from  looters
                                                                      sive force or violated Blake’s  kids and her SUV.         and vandals during the third
                                                                      federal rights.                                           night  of  protests.  He  ended
                                                                                                   Blake  fought  the  officers  as  up  shooting  Joseph  Rosen-
                                                                      “Accordingly,  the  review  of  they  tried  to  take  him  into  baum,  Anthony  Huber  and
                                                                      this incident has been closed  custody. Sheskey and anoth-  Gaige  Grosskreutz,  killing
                                                                      without  a  federal  prosecu-  er officer tried to shock him  Rosenbaum  and  Huber  and
                                                                      tion,” the Justice Department  with  their  stun  guns  to  no  wounding Grosskreutz in the
                                                                      said in a news release.      avail.  Blake  tried  to  get  into  arm.  All  four  men  involved
                                                                                                   the SUV with his young chil-  were white.
                                                                      Blake’s  uncle,  Justin  Blake,  dren in the backseat, prompt-
                                                                      called  the  decision  “uncon-  ing Sheskey to grab his shirt.  Prosecutors  have  charged
                                                                      scionable”  and  said  it  “defi-  Sheskey  told  investigators  Rittenhouse  with  multiple
            (AP)  —  Federal  prosecu-   and  sparked  several  nights  nitely  steps  on  every  civil  that  he  was  afraid  Blake  counts,  including  homicide.
            tors  announced  Friday  of  protests,  some  of  which  right  we  can  imagine  this  would drive off with the chil-  He  has  argued  that  he  fired
            that they won’t file charg-  turned  violent.  An  Illinois  country  owes  every  African  dren or use them as hostages.  in self-defense after the three
            es  against  a  white  police  man  shot  three  people,  kill-  American descendant.”                              men attacked him. He’s set to
            officer  who  shot  Jacob  ing two of them, during one                                 Graveley  said  video  shows  stand trial next month.
            Blake  in  Wisconsin  last  of the demonstrations.        “If we had a heart to be bro-  Blake  turning  toward  Shes-
            year  —  a  shooting  that                                ken,  it  would  be,”  he  said.  key  with  a  knife  and  made  Conservatives frustrated with
            sparked  protests  that  led  State prosecutors decided not  “But  because  we’ve  been  a  motion  toward  the  officer  Black  Lives  Matter  protests
            to the deaths of two men.    to  file  charges  against  Shes-  through all we’ve been, we’re  with  the  knife,  prompting  have  rallied  around  Ritten-
                                         key earlier this year after vid-  not.”                   Sheskey to fire.             house.  They  raised  $2  mil-
            Officer Rusten Sheskey shot  eo  showed  that  Blake,  who                                                          lion  to  cover  his  bail.  Black
            Blake,  who  is  Black,  dur-  was wanted on a felony war-  The  Justice  Department’s  The  shooting  came  three  Lives Matter supporters have
            ing  a  domestic  disturbance  rant, was armed with a knife.  findings dovetail with Keno-  months  after  George  Floyd  painted him as a trigger-hap-
            in  Kenosha  in  August  2020.                            sha County District Attorney  died while white Minneapo-  py vigilante who made things
            The shooting left Blake para-  The U.S. Department of Jus-  Michael Graveley’s determi-  lis  police  officers  restrained  worse  in  Kenosha  by  bring-
            lyzed  from  the  waist  down  tice launched its own inves-  nation in January that Shes-  him. Black Lives Matter sup-  ing a gun to the protests.

                                    New ethics board thrust into Kristi Noem inquiry

            (AP)  —  The  four  retired  judges  Noem’s use of state airplanes broke                                    ment, have the ability to say there’s
            who  make  up  South  Dakota’s  the law; the other is concerns about  “This will be a real test of this new  nothing  here,  or  we  should  have  a
            Government         Accountability  whether the governor interfered in a  board, one we did not expect, but cer-  closer  look,”  said  Mark  Mickelson,
            Board  usually  meet  just  a  hand-  state  agency  that  was  evaluating  her  tainly  appropriate,”  said  Karen  Soli,  who as House Speaker in 2017 helped
            ful of times a year, almost entirely  daughter’s application for a real estate  the  former  Democratic  lawmaker  push the board proposal through the
            unnoticed by the public, and have  appraiser license.                   who spearheaded the effort to create  Republican-dominated Legislature.
            never advanced a complaint to a                                         the board.
            public hearing.                     Noem,  who  is  positioned  for  a                                      If any board members recuse them-
                                                White House bid in 2024, has denied  WHY  WAS  THE  BOARD  CRE-         selves, Noem would name a replace-
            They’re now preparing for the high-  wrongdoing and dismissed the cases  ATED?                              ment. Governor’s spokesman Jordan
            profile task of weighing whether Gov.  as political attacks.            Soli proposed the board in 2017 and  Overturf said, “we can’t comment on
            Kristi Noem twice abused the power                                      got  eager  support  from  Republican  hypotheticals,” when asked how the
            of her office.                      Concern from both Republican and  lawmakers,  who  were  under  pres-   governor would handle that.
                                                Democratic  state  lawmakers  has  sure  from  voters  after  repealing  a
            The board is barely 4 years old, cre-  grown in the wake of an Associated  voter-passed law that overhauled eth-
            ated  by  the  Legislature  after  public  Press report that the governor held a  ics laws. The push for ethics reform
            pressure  for  ethics  reforms  in  state  meeting with both her daughter and  came  after  a  series  of  state  govern-
            government. It has met a total of 17  the director of a state agency that had  ment  scandals,  Soli  said,  including
            times,  dismissing  most  complaints  moved to deny her daughter’s appli-  one  that  culminated  in  2015  with  a
            without  a  public  hearing  on  the  cation for an appraiser certification.  couple dying in a murder-suicide af-
            grounds that they fell outside its spe-                                 ter stealing hundreds of thousands of
            cific purpose to “review and investi-  WHAT CAN THE BOARD DO?           dollars from government programs.
            gate allegations of misconduct” by of-  It has broad powers. It can dismiss an
            ficials holding a statewide office or by  ethics complaint in a private confer-  The  board  is  bipartisan.  Noem  ap-
            executive branch employees.         ence  without  even  naming  who  the  pointed  one  of  its  members  —  for-
                                                complaint  was  against.  If  it  decides  mer  Supreme  Court  Chief  Justice
            WHAT  ARE  THE  ALLEGA-             to  proceed  with  an  inquiry,  it  can  David  Gilbertson.  For  many  years,
            TIONS AGAINST NOEM?                 subpoena evidence and witnesses or  Gilbertson  was  a  registered  Demo-
            Attorney  General  Jason  Ravnsborg  even request the Division of Crimi-  crat, but he told the AP last year that
            — a Republican like Noem, but no  nal Investigation to launch a probe. If  he had switched his party affiliation
            ally of the governor’s — referred two  it finds violations, the board can take  to independent.
            matters to the board. The first is a re-  a  wide  range  of  actions,  from  issu-
            quest  from  a  Democratic  lawmaker  ing  private  reprimands  to  requiring  “It’s  comprised  of  folks  who  would
            for  an  investigation  into  whether  coursework or community service.  have  the  ability  to  have  good  judg-
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