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P. 31
sports Dialuna 11 OctOber 2021
Astros try to sweep White Sox as ALDS shifts to Chicago
(AP) — The Chicago young hitters.”
White Sox hired Hall of They’ll send Rookie of the
Fame manager Tony La Year candidate Luis Garcia to Chicago didn’t get the start-
Russa hoping he would the mound, while the White ing pitching it hoped for
oversee a deep postseason Sox opted to go with Dylan from Lance Lynn and Lu-
run and maybe lead them Cease over Carlos Rodón. cas Giolito or the pop at the
to their second World Se- plate it needed in the first two
ries championship since “It doesn’t matter if it’s 2-0 games. The White Sox have
1917. or 1-0 to us,” Astros catch- 18 hits in the series — not
er Martín Maldonado said. one double, triple or homer.
They did not see them- “We have to treat this like
selves making another quick it’s a tight series and go out This was not the way the
exit. But that’s exactly what there and do our best to win White Sox drew it up after
they’re staring at unless a games. You know, we have to running away with the AL
sudden turnaround is com- keep the momentum.” Central at 93-69. They beat
ing. Cleveland by 13 games in the
The Astros have outscored division and finished with stretch because of shoulder
The Houston Astros will try Chicago 15-5, taking the their highest win total since “I think about his first bull- soreness and fatigue. The
to sweep the White Sox when opener 6-1 behind a domi- the 2005 World Series cham- pen, you could tell he had left-hander has a history of
their AL Division Series nant start by Lance McCull- pionship team went 99-63. outstanding talent,” La Russa arm and shoulder injuries
shifts to Chicago for Game 3 ers Jr. and following that up said. “And then I watched the and threw just 28 innings
on Sunday. with a 9-4 victory. Carlos After losing to Oakland 2-1 progress where he got more over the final two months
Correa, Yordan Alvarez and in the wild card last year and consistent in his delivery and of the regular season. But he
“We have to keep playing the Kyle Tucker came through at then hiring La Russa for a commanding pitches, and he also played a big role as the
way that we’ve been playing the plate in that one, and Jose second stint to replace Rick takes it into the season. All White Sox ran away with the
all season,” White Sox out- Altuve turned in some gems Renteria, the White Sox ac- the different situations he division.
fielder Luis Robert said. “To- in the field. complished a franchise first. had to face. Sometimes, he
morrow we’ll have to find a They had never made the was good early and then got Rodón set a career high for
way to win the game. I don’t Now, Garcia looks to close playoffs in back-to-back sea- a little struggle, never quit wins in going 13-5 with a
know what way that is, but out the series. The 24-year- sons. competing.” 2.37 ERA and made his first
we have to find a way to win old right-hander started All-Star team. His 24 starts
the game.” Game 5 of the ALCS against “We’re not sitting here mopey Cease, who found out about and 132 2/3 innings are the
Tampa Bay last season and or anything,” Cease said. “We the start Friday from La Rus- most for him since 2016, well
The Astros, meanwhile, threw two scoreless innings have to do everything we can sa, is “grateful” for the chance beyond his totals in the pre-
aren’t taking anything for in a 4-3 win. The Astros got to perform and execute at a to pitch such an important vious two years combined.
granted. After winning the knocked out in seven games. high level.” game.
AL West, they’re on the “I understand the doubt,”
verge of their fifth straight “The stuff that he has,” man- La Russa said Saturday that La Russa acknowledged Rodón said. “But fortunately,
AL Championship Series ap- ager Dusty Baker said. “The Cease will get the ball when Rodón’s health factored I feel good enough to go out
pearance, a run that includes repertoire of pitches that he the series shifts to Chicago. into the decision to go with there and throw the ball, just
two pennants and a World has. And, you know, I’ve seen The 25-year-old right-hand- Cease. He also said Rodón looking forward to watching
Series championship in 2017 very young pitchers come er tied Rodón for the team might pitch a potential Game Dylan Cease work tomor-
marred by a sign-stealing in these situations and have lead in wins while going 13-7 4 on Monday after being lim- row.”
scandal. actually more success than with a 3.91 ERA in 32 starts. ited down the regular-season
Dodgers break through, tie NLDS with 9-2 win over Giants
(AP) — Julio Urías shut down Angeles Dodgers pounded the clared earlier in the day, “We’re going hits.
San Francisco and contributed Giants 9-2 on Saturday night to to play this game essentially like a do
an RBI single for his cause, Cody even their NL Division Series at or die,” and the reigning World Series BRAVES 3, BREWERS 0
Bellinger and AJ Pollock deliv- one game apiece. champions did just that by continu-
ered two-run doubles to blow ing to add on, including Will Smith’s Max Fried pitched six sharp innings
it open in the sixth, and the Los Dodgers manager Dave Roberts de- leadoff homer in the eighth. and Atlanta’s bullpen held on after
manager Brian Snitker’s quick hook,
Now, NL West runner-up Los Ange- sending the Braves over Milwaukee
les — second place despite 106 wins to tie their NL Division Series at a
— is right back in it and headed home game apiece.
to Chavez Ravine with a chance to
ride some momentum. The Brewers brought the tying run to
the plate in each of the last three in-
The best-of-five series shifts to nings but couldn’t get a key hit.
Dodger Stadium for Game 3 on
Monday night all square, hardly a Austin Riley homered and Ozzie Al-
surprise considering how close these bies hit an RBI double for the Braves,
clubs played for months. The 107- who bounced back after losing 2-1 in
win Giants edged the Dodgers for the Game 1.
division on the final day and took the
season series 10-9 but were outscored The best-of-five series heads to At-
overall 80-78. lanta for Game 3 on Monday.
Urías went unbeaten over his final Fried struck out nine, allowed three
17 regular-season starts since June hits and didn’t walk anybody. The
21, going 11-0 during that stretch Brewers didn’t get a runner in scor-
that included a Sept. 4 victory here at ing position until Willy Adames hit
raucous Oracle Park. He struck out a two-out double in the sixth, and
five and walked one over five innings Fried responded by striking out Edu-
Saturday, giving up one run on three ardo Escobar.