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u.s. news Dialuna 19 aPRil 2021
Teen wanted on murder warrant in Nebraska mall shooting
(AP) — A murder war- Police did not describe the leg, but her injuries are not
rant has been issued for a relationship between the two considered life-threatening.
teenage boy suspected in young men.
a shooting at a Nebraska Authorities have not de-
mall that left one man Police said a third man has scribed the circumstances
dead and a woman in- been identified as a person of leading up to the shooting,
jured, police said Sunday. interest in the shooting, but but said it was an isolated in-
did not release his name. cident and not a random at-
Omaha Police said 16-year- tack.
old Makhi Woolridge-Jones Terrified shoppers fled for
is wanted on a charge of first- cover as shots rang out Last month, Omaha Police
degree murder in the shoot- around midday near a J.C. Officer Jeffrey Wittstruck
ing Saturday at the Westroads Penney store at the mall was shot at four times by a
Mall in Omaha. Brandon 21-year-old man who was
Woolridge-Jones, 18, has Police said 21-year-old accused of shoplifting T-
been arrested on a charge Trequez Swift was shot and shirts from J.C. Penney at
of being an accessory to the died at an Omaha hospital. A Westroads. Wittstruck sur-
shooting. woman, 22-year-old Ja’Keya vived. In 2007, a gunman killed side the Von Maur depart-
Veland, was wounded in her eight people and himself in- ment store at Westroads.
Fauci says he expects J&J vaccine to resume later this week
(AP) — The United States will likely move on age or gender or with a blanket warning, so that “I don’t think that’s going to happen,” he said.
to resume Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 it is administered in a way “a little bit different than “The pause was to take a look, make sure we know
vaccine this coming week, possibly with re- we were before the pause.” all the information we can have within that time-
strictions or broader warnings after reports frame, and also warn some of the physicians out
of some very rare blood clot cases, the gov- The J&J vaccine has been in limbo after the CDC there who might see people, particularly women,
ernment’s top infectious diseases expert said and the Food and Drug Administration said last who have this particular adverse event, that they
Sunday. week they needed more evidence to decide if a treat them properly.”
handful of unusual blood clots were linked to the
Dr. Anthony Fauci, in a series of news show in- shot — and if so, how big the risk is. “I think it’ll likely say, ‘OK, we’re going to use it.
terviews, said he expects a decision when advisers But be careful under these certain circumstances.’”
to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The reports are rare — six cases out of more than
meet Friday to discuss the pause in J&J’s single- 7 million U.S. inoculations with J&J vaccine. The More than 6.8 million doses of the J&J vaccine
dose vaccine. clots were found in six women between the ages of have been given in the U.S., the vast majority with
18 and 48. One person died. no or mild side effects. Authorities stressed they
“I would be very surprised if we don’t have a re- have found no sign of clot problems with the most
sumption in some form by Friday,” he said. "I don’t The acting FDA commissioner had said she ex- widely used COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. —
really anticipate that they’re going to want it stretch pected the pause to last only a matter of days. Still, from Moderna and Pfizer.
it out a bit longer.” the decision last Tuesday triggered swift action in
Europe and elsewhere. Fauci appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press,”
Fauci, who is President Joe Biden’s chief medi- CNN’s “State of the Union,” ABC’s “This Week”
cal adviser, said he believed that federal regulators Fauci said he doubted very seriously that the U.S. and CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
could bring the shots back with restrictions based would permanently halt use of the J&J vaccine.
Sheriff: 3 dead, 2 wounded in shooting at Wisconsin tavern
(AP) — Three people were to leave the bar, but returned the sheriff’s department has month, four people were cob Blake, leaving him para-
killed and two were serious- and opened fire. Beth said contacted local hospitals to killed at an office shooting in lyzed. A white Illinois teen-
ly wounded in a shooting at shots were fired inside and find them, Beth said. California, eight people were ager was accused of fatally
a busy tavern in southeast- outside the bar, which he de- fatally shot at massage busi- shooting two people during
ern Wisconsin early Sunday, scribed as “very busy” at the He said investigators are re- nesses in the Atlanta area, and the Kenosha protests. Kyle
sheriff’s officials said. time. He left open the pos- viewing surveillance video 10 died in gunfire at a super- Rittenhouse of Antioch, is
sibility that there was more from the scene. The tavern market in Boulder, Colorado. charged with homicide and
Kenosha County Sheriff than one suspect. He said he installed video cameras a attempted homicide in the
David Beth said the suspect believed at least one handgun couple years ago, Beth said, The nearby city of Kenosha Aug. 25 shootings. He has
in the shooting at Somers was used. but he didn’t know if the sur- was the scene of serious un- pleaded not guilty and says
House Tavern in Kenosha veillance video is from the rest last summer, after police he fired in self-defense.
County is still at large, but Officials were still work- business. shot a young Black man, Ja-
that he believes the public is ing to determine the identi- A man who lives near the bar,
not in danger. ties of the people who died. Peter Ploskee, told WLS-TV
Beth said two people died at he heard gun shots, looked
“We believe our suspect the scene. The third person out a window and saw “peo-
knew who he was targeting,” hopped in a car with two ple running from the bar in
Beth said during a Sunday other people, who moments every direction.”
morning news conference. later flagged down a police
He asked that anyone with vehicle. The officer drove the “It was just chaos,” he said.
information about the in- victim to a hospital where the “People are just running,
cident contact the Kenosha victim was pronounced dead, people screaming.”
Sheriff’s Department. Keno- Beth said.
sha is about 30 miles (50 kilo- It was the latest in a recent
meters) south of Milwaukee, The two people who were string of mass shootings
not far from the Wisconsin- wounded by gunshots were across the country, including
Illinois border. taken to area hospitals. There the killings of eight people
may have been more people at a FedEx warehouse in In-
The suspect had been asked with less serious injuries, and dianapolis on Thursday. Last