Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210419
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A30    world news
                      Dialuna 19 aPRil 2021

                         Germany remembers nearly 80,000 dead in COVID pandemic

            (AP)  —  Germany  paid                                                                                              demic  response  across  Ger-
            tribute  on  Sunday  to  the                                                                                        many’s 16 states.
            nearly 80,000 people it has
            lost  to  the  coronavirus,                                                                                         Merkel says the plan is need-
            even as the country argues                                                                                          ed to prevent the health care
            about how to get a grip on                                                                                          system from becoming over-
            another rise in infections.                                                                                         whelmed,  but  state  govern-
                                                                                                                                ments and others have found
            President      Frank-Walter                                                                                         fault  with  it.  Meanwhile,
            Steinmeier  led  a  memorial                                                                                        Germany's  vaccination  cam-
            event at Berlin’s Konzerthaus                                                                                       paign  is  beginning  to  gather
            concert  hall  with  Chancel-                                                                                       pace  after  a  much-criticized
            lor  Angela  Merkel  and  a                                                                                         slow start.
            few other top officials. They
            were joined by five relatives                                                                                       “We  are  worn  out  by  the
            of people who died over the                                                                                         burden of the pandemic and
            past year in placing a circle of                                                                                    rubbed  raw  by  the  argu-
            candles in the mostly empty                                                                                         ment about the right way” to
            hall.                                                                                                               deal with it, Steinmeier said.
                                                                                                                                “That's  another  reason  why
            Steinmeier  said  that  months                                                                                      we need a moment to pause,
            of focusing on infection rates                                                                                      a moment beyond daily poli-
            and other statistics were “un-                                                                                      tics, a moment that allows us
            derstandable,  but  my  im-                                                                                         to look together at the human
            pression  is  that  we  as  a  so-                                                                                  tragedy of the pandemic.”
            ciety  don't  appreciate  often
            enough  that  ...  people  stand                                                                                    The  president  also  remem-
            behind all the figures.”                                                                                            bered those who died of other
                                                                                                                                causes since the crisis started,
            “Their  suffering  and  their                                                                                       noting that many “were alone
            death has often remained in-                                                                                        under  the  conditions  of  the
            visible in public,” he said.                                                                                        pandemic — they died with-
                                                                                                                                out support and a farewell.”
            Germany's  confirmed  death  1,000 deaths per day were re-  band, Hannes, a doctor, died  would  mandate  an  “emer-  Finja Wilkens, whose father,
            toll from COVID-19 stood at  ported at times in the country  of  COVID-19  a  year  ago,  gency  brake”  in  areas  where  Hans-Gerd, died of leukemia
            79,914 on Sunday, an increase  of 83 million people.      called  on  Germans  to  keep  there  are  more  than  100  in November, recalled being
            of  67  over  the  previous  day.                         sticking  to  rules  meant  to  weekly new cases per 100,000  unable to see him other than
            That  is  the  fifth-highest  to-  Infections  have  increased  contain the virus.     inhabitants.  The  nationwide  sometimes by video call dur-
            tal in Europe, after the U.K.,  again  over  the  past  two                            rate stood at 162 on Sunday.  ing his time in hospital.
            Italy, Russia and France.    months as a more contagious  “Even though corona fatigue
                                         coronavirus  variant  first  de-  is increasing after 12 months  It would require the closure  “My  dad  was  always  there,
            Germany  had  a  compara-    tected  in  Britain  took  hold.  of the pandemic, I appeal to  of stores, cultural and sports  for us and for others, and it
            tively small number of deaths  Germany  has  reported  3.14  you  all:  hang  in  there,”  she  facilities,  limits  on  personal  wasn’t  possible  for  us  to  be
            in the pandemic’s first phase,  million  cases  since  the  pan-  said. “It comes down to every  contacts  and  nighttime  cur-  there for him at the most dif-
            but  saw  much  higher  infec-  demic began.              single person.”              fews. The idea is to end the  ficult  time  of  his  life,”  she
            tion  levels  in  the  fall  and                          Merkel is trying to get a bill  patchwork  of  measures  that  said.  “We  feel  as  though  we
            winter. In January, more than  Anita  Schedel,  whose  hus-  through   parliament   that  has  characterized  the  pan-  left him in the lurch.”

                          3 killed as police crack down on hard-line group in Pakistan

            (AP)  —  A  crackdown  by  Lahore  police  spokesman                                   said  was  a  commitment  it  enraged protesters.
            Pakistani  security  forces  Rana Arif said supporters of  Police said 11 of the injured  made  in  February  to  his
            on  protesting  supporters  the  hard-line  Tehreek-e-La-  were police who needed to be  party to expel the French en-  Tehreek-e-Labaik  and  other
            of a banned Islamist party  baik  Pakistan  party  attacked  hospitalized.             voy  over  the  publication  in  Islamist  parties  have  de-
            left  at  least  three  people  police  with  a  petrol  bomb                          France  of  depictions  of  Is-  nounced  French  President
            dead and 20 others injured  and took custody of five po-  Shafiq  Ameeni,  spokesman  lam’s  Prophet.  The  govern-  Emmanuel  Macron  since
            Sunday,  a  police  official  lice officers, including Depu-  for Tehreek-e-Labaik, posted  ment  said  that  it  only  com-  October  last  year,  saying  he
            and  a  party  spokesman  ty Superintendent Umar Fa-      a  video  clip  on  social  media  mitted to discussing the mat-  tried to defend caricatures of
            said.                        rooq Baluch. Arif alleged the  saying  that  police  moved  in  ter in Parliament.     the  Prophet  Muhammad  as
                                         officers were tortured.      on  the  party's  supporters  at                          freedom  of  expression.  Ma-
                                                                      the group's offices in Lahore  TLP  supports  the  country's  cron’s  comments  came  after
                                                                      at about 8 a.m.              controversial blasphemy laws  a young Muslim beheaded a
                                                                                                   and  has  a  history  of  staging  French  school  teacher  who
                                                                      Ameeni  said  several  of  the  violent  rallies  to  influence  had shown caricatures of the
                                                                      group's   supporters   were  the government.              Prophet Muhammad in class.
                                                                      killed and others wounded in
                                                                      the violence.                A video clip on social media  The images had been repub-
                                                                                                   apparently  recorded  at  the  lished  by  the  satirical  maga-
                                                                      Pakistan's     government  TLP's offices in Lahore shows  zine Charlie Hebdo to mark
                                                                      banned     Tehreek-e-Labaik  images  of  what  appeared  to  the opening of the trial over
                                                                      Pakistan last week after sup-  be  dead  and  injured  TLP  the deadly 2015 attack against
                                                                      porters  took  to  the  streets  supporters. An injured police  the publication for the origi-
                                                                      to  protest  the  arrest  of  their  officer who identifies himself  nal caricatures. That enraged
                                                                      leader, cleric Saad Rizvi.   as Muhammad Umar Farooq  many  Muslims  in  Pakistan
                                                                                                   says three people were killed  and  elsewhere  who  believe
                                                                      Rizvi had called on the gov-  and  10  to  15  were  injured  those  depictions  were  blas-
                                                                      ernment  to  honor  what  he  when police were attacked by  phemous.
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