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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 19 aPRil 2021

                       Refugees win rare victory in landmark Serbia pushback ruling

            (AP)  —  Hamid  Ahmadi                                                                                              asylum center.
            still  can  feel  the  cold  of
            the  February  night  when                                                                                          Ahmadi,  who  spoke  to  the
            Serbian  police  left  him                                                                                          AP  from  Germany  through
            and two dozen other refu-                                                                                           an interpreter, said he clearly
            gees in a forest.                                                                                                   remembers  when  the  judge
                                                                                                                                asked  them  if  they  wanted
            Crammed  into  a  police                                                                                            to stay in Serbia. He said he
            van,  the  refugees  from  Af-                                                                                      was happy they would finally
            ghanistan thought they were                                                                                         have a place in the camp after
            headed to an asylum-seekers'                                                                                        traveling through Turkey and
            camp  in  eastern  Serbia.  In-                                                                                     Bulgaria.
            stead, they were ordered out
            near  the  country's  border                                                                                        Hours later, inside the border
            with  Bulgaria  in  the  middle                                                                                     police van that was supposed
            of that night four years ago.                                                                                       to take them to the camp, Ah-
            In  below-freezing  tempera-                                                                                        madi realized something was
            tures and desperately in need                                                                                       wrong.  When  police  aban-
            of  help,  they  had  no  choice                                                                                    doned them in the forest, “I
            but to head to Bulgaria — the                                                                                       felt  broken,"  he  recalled.  “I
            country  they  had  left  just  a                                                                                   thought  about  my  family  at
            day earlier.                                                                                                        home."
            “I will not forget it as long as                                                                                    In  the  pitch  dark  and  freez-
            I live,” said Ahmadi, who was                                                                                       ing  temperatures,  the  refu-
            17 at the time and now lives                                                                                        gees  headed  on  foot  toward
            in Germany. “Even after a pe-                                                                                       Bulgaria — and straight into
            riod of good life and stability,                                                                                    the hands of border police in
            one cannot forget the tough                                                                                         that  country.  They  managed
            times.”                                                                                                             to  phone  an  interpreter  in
                                                                                                                                Serbia,  who  alerted  refugee
            The  Serbian  border  police                                                                                        rights activists in both Serbia
            had  engaged  in  a  pushback,                                                                                      and in Bulgaria.
            or  collective  expulsion,  one
            of  many  such  actions  along                                                                                      The refugees stayed in camps
            the travel routes used by mi-                                                                                       in  Bulgaria,  some  for  days
            grants and refugees trying to                                                                                       and  others  longer,  before
            reach  Western  Europe.  But                                                                                        making it back to Serbia again
            unlike  most  such  illegal  de-                                                                                    and  later  moving  on  toward
            portations,  the  officers'  ac-                                                                                    Western  Europe.  The  rights
            tions  in  February  2017  re-                                                                                      lawyers later collected docu-
            sulted in the Afghan refugees  allowing  them  to  apply  for  pushbacks along EU member  atic violations of the ban on  mentation left behind by the
            winning  an  unprecedented  asylum.                       Croatia's border with Bosnia  collective expulsions,” Kova-  Serbian  court  and  the  Bul-
            legal victory in Serbia's high-                           after  a  U.N.  team  encoun-  cevic said. “But at least now  garian  authorities,  establish-
            est court.                   Although  refugees  and  eco-  tered  50  men  with  wounds  in  Serbia,  this  was  officially  ing a clear trace of events that
                                         nomic    migrants   passing  on their bodies who reported  confirmed,  not  by  a  non-  helped build  the  case  in  the
            The  Balkan  country's  Con-  through  the  Balkans  regu-  authorities pushed them back  government organization, lo-  court.
            stitutional  Court  ruled  in  larly  give  accounts  of  the  and  took  their  possessions  cal or foreign, but the highest
            December  that  the  border  practice, authorities routinely  away when they tried to en-  authority  for  protection  of  Four  years  later,  Kovacevic
            control  officers  unlawfully  deny that their agencies carry  ter Croatia.            human rights.”               is  trying  to  establish  contact
            deported the refugees and vi-  out pushbacks, which are dif-                                                        with all the people from Af-
            olated their rights. The court  ficult to prove and mostly go  According to the U.N. refu-  To  hide  any  evidence  of  ghanistan  he  represented;
            also ordered Serbian authori-  unpunished.                gee  agency's  office  in  Serbia  wrongdoing,  border  con-  they are scattered in countries
            ties to pay the 17 members of                             and its partners, 25,180 peo-  trol  officers  routinely  strip  that also include France and
            the  group  who  brought  the  Turned  back  and  forth  at  ple  were  pushed  back  into  refugees  of  mobile  phones  Bosnia.  Coronavirus  lock-
            lawsuit 1,000 euros ($1,180)  various borders, people flee-  Serbia from Croatia, Bosnia,  or  documents.  In  the  case  downs  have  made  it  more
            each in compensation.        ing  war  and  poverty  spend  Hungary  and  Romania  last  of Ahmadi and the others, a  difficult  to  establish  contact
                                         months, if not years, on the  year.                       clear  trace  of  evidence  was  and arrange money transfers
            “The importance of this ver-  road, exposed to harsh condi-                            left  behind  thanks  to  what  for the damages they won, he
            dict  is  immense  for  Serbia,”  tions and danger in the hands  Kovacevic, the lawyer in Ser-  Kovacevic said was the “bla-  said.
            said  Belgrade  lawyer  Nikola  of people-smugglers and hu-  bia, said collective expulsions  tant  arrogance”  of  the  Ser-  “It’s taking a little longer, but
            Kovacevic,  who  represented  man  traffickers.  Sometimes,  became  increasingly  com-  bian  police  who  “thought  we  will  get  there,”  smiled
            the  refugees  in  the  case.  It  refugees  and  migrants  are  mon after the EU and Turkey  they could do whatever they  Kovacevic.
            sends  a  “clear  message  to  sent  back  over  two  or  three  made  a  2016  agreement  in-  wanted."
            state  authorities  to  harmo-  borders  it  had  taken  them  tended  to  curb  migration  to                      Ahmadi,  who  was  granted
            nize  their  border  practices  months to cross.          Europe. More than a million  It  started  on  Feb.  2,  2017,  asylum  in  Germany  five
            with  domestic  and  interna-  Human  rights  groups  have  people from the Middle East,  when 25 migrants, including  months ago, said he plans to
            tional law."                 called repeatedly for govern-  Africa and Asia had streamed  nine children, were caught at  use the damages to help him
                                         ments  to  uphold  their  re-  to the continent the year be-  the border with Bulgaria and  and his wife start a new life
            The ruling is a rare official ac-  sponsibilities involving refu-  fore.  The  agreement  called  brought  to  a  nearby  police  in Europe. He is now taking
            knowledgment that countries  gee  rights  and  accused  the  for  Turkey  to  control  the  station in Serbia. They were  German language lessons be-
            in Europe conduct pushbacks  European Union of turning a  flow  of  people  departing  its  kept for hours in a basement  fore looking for a job.
            in  violation  of  European  blind eye to the illegal activity  territory in exchange for aid  room,  then  taken  before  a
            Union and international laws  taking place at its doorstep.  for the large number of Syr-  judge to face charges of ille-  “This compensation means a
            which  ban  forcibly  return-                             ian refugees in Turkey, as well  gally crossing the border. The  lot to me,” he said. “I will be
            ing people to other countries  The United Nations mission  as other incentives.        judge,  however,  ruled  that  able to buy a bed and a little
            without  looking  into  their  in  Bosnia  called  this  month  “All  the  borders  have  intro-  the  group  should  be  treated  something  for  our  flat  once
            individual  circumstances  or  for  urgent  action  to  halt  duced the practice of system-  as  refugees  and  taken  to  an  we rent it.”
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