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A28    u.s. news
                      Dialuna 19 aPRil 2021

                    GOP White House hopefuls move forward as Trump considers run

                                                                                                   polling and consultants.     World  Values  Network  in
                                                                                                                                New  York,  where  he  was
                                                                                                   Trump  is  making  plans  to  introduced  by  video  by  Re-
                                                                                                   soon  increase  his  visibility,  publican megadonor Miriam
                                                                                                   with aides discussing options  Adelson.  And  on  Saturday,
                                                                                                   to hold rallies as soon as late  he headlined the Palm Beach
                                                                                                   spring  or  summer.  “There’s  County  Republican  Party’s
                                                                                                   a  pretty  strong  demand  out  annual Lincoln Day dinner at
                                                                                                   there to get President Trump  Mar-a-Lago along with Scott
                                                                                                   on the road,” Miller said.   and DeSantis.

                                                                                                   Many Republicans acknowl-    DeSantis,  who  is  up  for  re-
                                                                                                   edge  Trump  would  leap  to  election  next  year,  recently
                                                                                                   the  front  of  the  pack  if  he  hired a top Republican strat-
                                                                                                   chooses  to  mount  a  bid  to  egist who served as executive
                                                                                                   become  the  only  president  director  of  the  Republican
                                                                                                   other than Grover Cleveland  Governors  Association.  De-
                                                                                                   to  serve  two  nonconsecu-  Santis also has been using the
                                                                                                   tive terms. Still, there is deep  race to build a deep fundrais-
                                                                                                   skepticism  in  many  corners  ing network that could sup-
                                                                                                   of the party that Trump will  port him if he chooses to run
                                                                                                   run again.                   nationally.

                                                                                                   While  people  close  to  him  The  party,  which  for  a  time
                                                                                                   insist he is serious, many see  appeared  to  be  paralyzed  by
                                                                                                   Trump’s continued flirtations  division,  has  grown  more
                                                                                                   as  a  means  to  maintain  rel-  united  in  its  opposition  to
                                                                                                   evance as he has settled into  Biden,  even  as  Trump  con-
                                                                                                   a  comfortable  post-White  tinues  to  spar  with  McCo-
                                                                                                   House life. At Mar-a-Lago in  nnell  and  works  to  defeat
                                                                                                   Palm Beach, he's courted by  incumbents  who  voted  for
            (AP)  —  Less  than  three  They’re raising money, mak-   challenge his standing.      candidates and met by rounds  his  impeachment.  Republi-
            months after former Pres-    ing hires and working to bol-                             of applause and standing ova-  cans in Congress have found
            ident  Donald  Trump  left  ster  their  name  recognition.  Florida  Sen.  Rick  Scott,  the  tions whenever he enters the  common cause railing against
            the White House, the race  The  moves  reflect  both  the  chairman  of  the  National  dining room.                Biden’s border policies, vot-
            to  succeed  him  atop  the  fervor in the party to reclaim  Republican Senatorial Com-                             ing  against  his  COVID-19
            Republican  Party  is  al-   the White House and the re-  mittee, last weekend awarded  In  the  meantime,  other  relief  bill  and  pushing  for
            ready beginning.             ality that mounting a modern  Trump  a  new  “Champion  could-be-candidates       are  new  restrictions  on  voting,
                                         presidential  campaign  is  a  for  Freedom  Award,"  which  making moves, even as many  while  railing  against  corpo-
            Trump's  former  secretary  yearslong endeavor.           the  group  publicized  —  of their aides insist their fo-  rate interference in the voting
            of  state,  Mike  Pompeo,                                 complete  with  a  photo  of  a  cus is squarely on next year's  rights debate.
            has  launched  an  aggressive  “You  build  the  ark  before  it  smiling,  golf-attired  Trump  congressional  elections  and
            schedule,  visiting  states  that  rains,”  said  Michael  Steel,  a  holding  a  small,  gleaming  helping  Republicans  win  “I think you would find broad
            will  play  a  pivotal  role  in  Republican  strategist  who  cup — even after the former  back  control  of  the  House  agreement  in  our  party  that
            the  2024  primaries,  and  he  worked for Jeb Bush’s pres-  president  went  after  Sen-  and Senate.              we need to be having the de-
            has  signed  a  contract  with  idential   2016   campaign,  ate Republican leader Mitch                            bate  about  policy,"  said  Rep.
            Fox  News  Channel.  Mike  among  others.  “They’re  go-  McConnell of Kentucky in a  Jeff  Kaufmann,  the  chair  of  Liz Cheney, R-Wyoming, the
            Pence,  Trump's  former  vice  ing  to  do  the  things  they  profanity-laden speech.  the  Iowa  Republican  party,  No.  3  House  Republican,
            president,  has  started  a  po-  need to do if he decides not                         said  the  activity  in  his  state  who continues to face enor-
            litical  advocacy  group,  final-  to run.”               A  day  later,  former  South  has  begun  even  earlier  this  mous  backlash  after  voting
            ized  a  book  deal  and  later                           Carolina  Gov.  Nikki  Haley,  year than in the past two elec-  for  Trump's  impeachment.
            this month will give his first  Trump,  at  least  for  now,  is  considered  a  top-tier  2024  tion  cycles,  with  every  can-  “We need to be talking about
            speech since leaving office in  giving them plenty of leeway,  candidate,  told  The  Associ-  didate  on  his  potential  2024  policy," she said while speak-
            South Carolina. And Florida  convinced  they  pose  little  ated Press that she will sit out  list  having  already  visited  or  ing  to  Georgetown  Univer-
            Gov. Ron DeSantis has been  threat to his own ambitions.  the race if Trump runs again.  thinking  of  visiting  the  first  sity’s Institute of Politics and
            courting  donors,  including                                                           state  on  the  GOP  nominat-  Public Service last week.
            in  Trump's  backyard,  with  a  “It’s a free country. Folks can  “I would not run if President  ing calendar.
            prominent  speaking  slot  be-  do  what  they  want,"  Trump  Trump ran, and I would talk                          Regardless  of  Trump's  ulti-
            fore the former president at a  adviser  Jason  Miller  said  to him about it," she said in  “I know of no one — honest-  mate decision, his critics and
            GOP fundraising retreat din-  in  response  to  the  moves.  Orangeburg, South Carolina.  ly no one — that is hesitating  acolytes alike say they see the
            ner this month at Mar-a-La-  “But,” he added, “if President  “That’s something that we’ll  to come out," he said. "Now  future of the party as depen-
            go,  the Florida  resort  where  Trump does decide to run in  have a conversation about at  some are a little more subtle  dent on maintaining their ap-
            Trump now lives.             2024, the nomination will be  some  point,  if  that  decision  than others, but that may not  peal to Trump voters, while at
                                         his if you’re paying any atten-  is  something  that  has  to  be  necessarily  be  tied  to  Don-  the same time winning back
            Trump ended his presidency  tion to public polling of Re-  made.”                      ald Trump. That may be just  the  suburban  voters  who
            with such a firm grip on Re-  publican voters."                                        tied into their campaign style  abandoned them last fall.
            publican  voters  that  party                             The  deference  is,  in  part,  and not wanting to get too far
            leaders  fretted  he  would  Polling  does  indeed  show  an   acknowledgement     of  ahead of their skis until they  “I  think  everyone’s  trying
            freeze  the  field  of  potential  that  Trump  remains  a  com-  Trump's  continued  power.  see if they have any traction  to find that magic combina-
            2024  candidates,  delaying  manding     figure   among  Even out of office and with-  whatsoever.”                 tion of ‘Trump-plus,’ of con-
            preparations as he teased an-  GOP voters, despite his loss  out  his  Twitter  megaphone,                          tinuing to appeal to the new
            other run. Instead, many Re-  in  November  to  Democrat  Trump remains deeply popu-   Pompeo,  arguably  the  most  voters  that  President  Trump
            publicans  with  national  am-  Joe  Biden.  Republican  lead-  lar with the GOP base and is  aggressive  to  date,  is  among  brought  to  the  Republican
            bitions are openly laying the  ers,  including  those  who  bolstered  by  an  $85  million  those  who  have  already  coalition while also bringing
            groundwork for campaigns as  may  hope  to  someday  suc-  war chest that can be shared  spent  time  in  Iowa,  as  well  back  some  of  the  college-
            Trump continues to mull his  ceed him, have been careful  with  endorsed  candidates,  as  New  Hampshire,  and  educated suburban folks that
            own plans.                   to tend to his ego and make  spent on advertising and used  this  week  past  he  addressed  were repelled by his antics,”
                                         clear  they  have  no  plans  to  to  fund  travel  and  pay  for  Rabbi  Shmuley  Boteach’s  said Steel.
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