Page 8 - MIN.MIKE DE MEZA FEB 6,2015
P. 8
The Prime Minister of Aruba that lives up in the Kennedy the history and the commit- ing and the conviction, and so Kennedy expressed that the
Mike Eman and his delegation family. This is a great inspira- ment to supporting those who I’m very proud to follow your United States continues to be
visited the offices of Congress- tion I’m sure for the United are in need, giving also the career and to be here with you a good friend to Aruba and the
man Joe Kennedy III, represen- States and in our part of the light of hope to people who today, on behalf of the people Aruban people and how ever
tative of the 4th Congressional world,” stated PM Eman. sometimes feel abandoned of Aruba, we wish you a lot of they can be supportive, they
District of Massachusetts this PM Eman and his wife have and don’t necessarily feel that success.” will continue to be. “You’ve set
week. Kennedy III is the son maintained a good relationship they have a voice in this world, Joe Kennedy III expressed how an example in how you serve
of Joseph Kennedy II and the with the Kennedy family and have always found in the Ken- honored he was that Prime your country and how you
grandson of the legendary Rob- each time there is an opportu- nedy family and with President Minister Eman was able to have moved your country to
ert Kennedy (RIP). “Not only nity to visit one another they Kennedy and Joseph’s grand- spend some time with him dur- economic stagnation, that we
is it great for the United States do. Joseph Kennedy II was father Robert Kennedy, a ing his short stay in the USA. and so many others felt, to eco-
to see young public servants, invited to speak in recent years voice and a recognition. “The You’ve been ext raord inar y nomic recovery, environmental
but also coming from a family back at a successful conference fact that this legacy is being friend to me and my family sustainability, tourism and oth-
that has dedicated their lives to at the Aruba Renaissance continued today by you,” PM now for quite some time. Your ers that is one that the rest of
public service. That sentiment Conference Center supported Eman said to Kennedy III, words mean more to me than I us can learn from and we will
and the feeling of continued by the AVP Party. “and it is quite an honor to be think you can probably recog- continue to support you and
service is not only naturally The Kennedy family name, here, and coming from a fam- nize, given your own family’s the Aruban people” Concluded
seen by Massachusetts, but for ily with many generations in commitment to the people of Kennedy III.
the United states as a whole and politics, I understand the feel- Aruba.
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