Page 9 - MIN.MIKE DE MEZA FEB 6,2015
P. 9
WASHINGTON/OR A N- can of South Carolina met ested in developing good rela- Hill in Washington, D.C. Dur- Rocky Mountain Institute as
JESTAD – Vice President with Caribbean leaders last tions with the leaders of other ing the meeting, PM Eman well as the Carbon War Room
of the United States, Joe week to discuss how “energy- countries in the region and explained the importance for and we look forward to an even
Biden recently invited Aru- efficient countries do more looking for opportunities in the Aruba to have a strong rela- greater interest from the USA.”
ba’s Prime Minister Mike while using less.”Congressman energy realm. “Whether its tionship with the USA and not When asked why the Caribbe-
Eman and Minister of Energy Duncan sits on the US Natural alternative energy or liquefied just for tourism. He also gave a an was important to the USA,
Mike de Meza to actively Resources Committee, which natural gas (LNG) opportuni- brief overview of Aruba’s vision Duncan explained, “we are
participate the Caribbean gives him an outlet to pro- ties for American businesses, to transition to 100% Renew- neighbors in the hemisphere
Energy Security Summit in mote US energy policy, and I look forward to an ongoing able Energy by 2020 and what and we are allies in a lot of
Washington DC. V.P. Biden he is an integral part of the relationship and open conver- it is going to take to get there. ways, especially with Aruba
spotlighted Aruba during GOP’s House Energy Action sation with Aruba and other Eman stated “We know the in regards to the tourism as-
the energy summit as being Team (HEAT). Congressman Caribbean countries,” stated United States has a role in our pect, business opportunities,
a leader in renewable energy Duncan is passionate about Duncan. goals to reach our maximum pre-clearance facilities with
for the Caribbean. A greater American Energy Indepen- Prime Minister Mike Eman potential through technology, immigration and customs and
compliment for the island of dence and also is the president had the opportunity to meet research and energy storage as so many opportunities to work
Aruba would be hard to find. of the Alliance to Save Energy. with Duncan at The House we already work closely with together to meet our energy
U.S. Congressman Jeff Dun- Duncan said that he is inter- of Representatives on Capitol Harvard University and the needs.”

Aruba’s Prime Minister Mike figuring out what to do to avoid the standard measures,” said and how to move in a direction you make investments in people,
Eman and Minister Mike de a crisis. Professor Stiglitz and Stiglitz. The first aspect Stiglitz to create a learning society and investments in the country, and
Meza recently had the op- Prime Minister Eman discussed and Eman agreed on is insur- how Aruba can establish itself then you need to look at the point
portunity to meet with Nobel about areas that each have been ing that shared prosperity and as a hub between Latin America from the view of a balance sheet
Prize Winner and Economics engaged in. Professor Stiglitz its benefits are shared within a and Europe, North America in with assets and liabilities, the
Professor Joseph Stiglitz at mentioned “One of the things society. The second is to insure providing locale for knowledge results show that the country is
Columbia University. Profes- that I’ve done in recent years e environmental sustainable and learning. actually richer and doing much
sor Stiglitz was an adviser is focusing on this issue of what growth. A particular aspect of “Aruba’s targets are ambitious better. “I’m very pleased that
to former US President Bill does it take for an economy that is energy, how to implement and there is already work un- Aruba’s Prime Minister has
Clinton and a Chief Economist to do well. The main message green policies that take advan- derway and this meeting today followed the investment kind of
for the World Bank and contin- is that well-being is what we tage of nature without destroy- with PM Eman opened the policy. I’m looking forward to
ues to participate in advising should be caring about, and ing it. PM Eman showed great doors to the possibilities as to visiting Aruba as I’ve heard a
governments and economic realize that well-being is not interested Stiglitz’ last book how I could make some effort to lot of wonderful things about the
policies. His work includes really measured by the GDP or ‘Creating a Learning Society’ help,” Stiglitz confirmed.When island,” concluded Stiglitz.
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