Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20220429
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a26     obituario/u.s. news
                    Diabierna 29 aPriL 2022

                                                                                                               ‘I can’t do this’: Woman

                                                                                                              halts testimony in Idaho

                                                                                                                           rape trial

              If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs   I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, from whence
              you down.                                       cometh my help.
                                                              My help cometh from the Lord, which made
                                                              Heaven and earth.
                                                                                             Psalm 121:1-2.

                                                              It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing
                                                              of our beloved:

                Sr: Heinrich Fedrik Braafhart
                 Mihor conoci como: “ Bombio ” of “ Juni ”.
                       *8 nov 1967 - †27 april 2022

              Na nomber di su:

              Mama  : † Veneranda Koeiman                         Mrs. LUCIA  IONA HAZEL- HODGE              (AP)  —  A  woman  who  reported  she  was
              Tata: Clementio Heinrich “Henky” Braafhart      better known as: Moms, Moeder, Miss Lucia, Sis. Hazel.  raped  by  an  Idaho  lawmaker  while  serving
              Yui: Marshia Braafhart                                      Sunrise: March 20th 1925           as a legislative intern testified in the former
              Nieto: Damien Sijtsma                                        Sunset: April 18th 2022           lawmaker’s trial on Wednesday, haltingly de-
              Ruman(nan): † Richard Koeiman                             wife of the late Wilfred Hazel.
                                   Xiomara & Edgardo Dirksz -Braafhart                                       scribing the moments the assault began be-
                                   Jane Braafhart             Left  to cherish her memories are her:         fore abruptly leaving the witness stand.
                                   Lucina & Ricardo Sneek-Braafhart  Children: Vincent and Doris Hazel & family (Holland)
                                   Michel & Christina Braafhart-Brooks                   David Richardson & family (England)  “I can’t do this,” the woman said, quickly walking
              Ruman(nan)                                                     † Linda and Winston Halman (Aruba)  out of the courtroom.
                                                                               Herman and Leonie Hazel & family (Holland)
              Di Crianza: Boy Martina na Curacao                               Cisco and Jean Hazel & family (Holland)
                                 Gregory Braafhart                             Jeanette Hazel & family (Aruba / Holland)  The Associated Press generally does not identify
                              Sharienne Braafhart                    Irvin (Mighty Reds) and Judith Hazel & family   people who say they have been sexually assaulted,
                              Ghislaine Braafhart             (Aruba / Holland)                              and has referred to the woman in this case as “Jane
              Tanta (nan): Stebanita & Alex Reyes y Famia                      Charles Hazel & family (Holland / Aruba)  Doe” at her request.
                           †Lucita Koeiman                                     James Hazel (Dick, Bubbles) & family (Aruba /
              Omo (nan): †Ricardo Koeiman                     Holland)
                              †Mario Koeiman                                                                 Doe was a 19-year-old intern when she told her
                              †Angel Koeiman                  Sisters:     Elaine Edwards-Hodge & family (England)  supervisors that then-Rep. Aaron von Ehlinger, a
              Primo & Prima(nan) na Aruba, Curacao y Hulanda.                   Bernice Richardson & family (England)  Republican from Lewiston, raped her at his Boise
                                                                               Linda Hazel & family (Aruba)
                                                                               Audrey Clyne & family (Puerto Rico)  apartment after the two had dinner at a restaurant.
              Sobrino y Sobrina(nan):
              Angelo Roga & Sanne Flinterman y Yuinan.        Grands:   Dave, Allan, Ethan, Frank, Hester, Francisco,   Von Ehlinger, 38, has pleaded not guilty to felony
              Rose-ann Roga & Yuinan.                         Wanethka, Debbrina, Irve, Husani, Raymicheal,   charges of rape and sexual penetration with a for-
              Jennifer Sneek & Manfred Paula y Yuinan.        Charisma, Shefton, Derrol, Clifford, Sharleen, Shante,   eign object, and maintains the two had consensual
              Kimberly Dirksz & William Quiroga Nieto y       Charissa, Diana, Janine, Jamie, Rachel, Jameson, Arina,   sex. He resigned from the House of Representa-
              Yuinan.                                         Athina, Diana-Marie, Shevron.
              Kevin Dirksz & Luisette Marval y Yui.                                                          tives last year after a legislative ethics committee
              Jozee Sneek & Glenbert Flanegin.                Great-grands:                                  recommended he be banned from the Statehouse.
                                                              44 great-grandchildren in: Aruba, Curacao, Holland
              Natisha Keteldijk & Richard Ragnauth y Yui.
              Jonathan Braafhart.                             Nieces, nephews, cousins, too numerous to mention, in:   During  testimony  Wednesday  afternoon,  Ada
              Chanela Braafhart.                              Aruba, Curaçao, Anguilla, U.S.A., St.Maarten, Holland,   County  Deputy  Prosecuting  Attorney  Katelyn
                                                              England, St.Thomas, Puerto Rico, Germany.      Farley asked Doe to describe an article of cloth-
              Swa & Cuña (nan): Ricardo Sneek                                                                ing worn by von Ehlinger that day, presumably to
                            Edgardo Dirksz                    Lucia Iona Hazel – Hodge was related to the following   identify him to the jury.
                            Christina Braafhart-Brooks        families:
                            Gleneth Koeiman-Courtar           Hazel, Hodge, Rabsatt, Edwards, Clyne, Richardson,
                                                              Fleming, Gumbs, Pretty, Connor, Halman, Heeward,   “Blazer,” Doe said, taking long looks around the
                                                              Celaire, James, Rumnit, Dellimore, Craigg, Stennett,   room. When Farley asked her to describe the color
              Mama di su Yui: Saskia Cleijne                  Cornett, McBene-Courtar, Levestone, Goerdajal, Gei,   of von Ehlinger’s tie, Doe answered, “I can’t.”
                                                              Koolman, Geerman, Jansen, Schmidt.
              Colega (nan) di Ministerie van Defensie Nederland.
                                                              Sister Hazel was a faithful member of the Methodist   Most  of  Doe’s  answers  were  often  one  or  two
              Amigo (nan) di cas: Earl Chittick               Christ Church Women’s League.                  words long, and she frequently looked toward the
                                     Clark Josefa                                                            jury or the exit door in the back of the courtroom.
                                     Eugene Dorand            White Road neighbours: Miss Emily, Miss Paul, Cecilia,   At other times her gaze landed on the defense table
                                      Addy Lazaros            Dina, Pedrito, Kling, Pieternella, Murray.     where von Ehlinger sat with his defense attorney,

              Demas Famia : Braafhart, Koeiman, Sneek,        Viewing:Thursday, the 28th of April, 2022:     Jon Cox.
                                                              at: Pray funeral home
              Roga, Keteldijk, Brooks, Paula, Flanegin, Fraser,   time: 7 to 9 pm                            Behind the attorneys, the gallery of the courtroom
              Flinterman, Quiroga-Nieto, Dirksz, Ragnauth,                                                   was  full.  Journalists,  representatives  from  victim
              Withfield, Enser, Cannegieter,Croes, Monsanto,   The family invites you to attend the laying to rest of the
              Reyes, Calmes, Francisca, Toppenberg, Kelkboom,   late Lucia Hazel – Hodge on:                 services and other onlookers sat side-by-side. One
              Richardson, Hopmans, Gietel, Rafael, Courtar.    Friday, the 29th of April, 2022:              of the benches was reserved for a woman with a
                                                              thanksgiving service at the:                   service dog — the animals are sometimes used to
              Disculpa nos si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida   Christ Church Methodist Church, Amalia van   provide a supportive presence for witnesses who
              algun miembro di famia.                         Solmsstraat 1, San Nicolas                     are asked to give difficult testimony.
                                                              viewing: from 1.00 pm  until 2.45 pm.
              Ta invita pa Acto di entiero cu lo tuma lugar   service:  from 3.00 pm until 4.00 pm and from thence to   Doe’s voice was quiet, and Cox repeatedly inter-
                                                              the cemetery at Sabana Basora.
              Diasabra 30 di April 2022 for di 2or pa 4or di atardi                                          rupted her answers to say that he couldn’t hear her.
              na misa Birgen di Fatima na Dakota. Despues pa   If in our sorrow we have forgotten to mention anyone,   That prompted the judge to repeatedly ask Doe to
              Santa Central na Sabana Basora.                 please accept our sincere apologies.           scoot closer to the microphone, and lean in.
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