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A30    world news
                    Diabierna 29 aPriL 2022

                               A political reckoning in Sri Lanka as debt crisis grows

                                                                      demanding  that  Rajapaksa  power cuts. People have been  president and prime minister
                                                                      quit.                        forced  to  queue  for  hours  have  changed  tact  in  recent
                                                                                                   every  day  to  buy  essentials.  weeks.  They  have  admitted
                                                                      The  protests  highlight  the  Doctors  have  warned  of  a  to  mistakes  they  made  that
                                                                      dramatic fall of the Rajapak-  crippling  shortage  of  life-  exacerbated the crisis, such as
                                                                      sas  from  Sri  Lanka’s  most  saving drugs in hospitals, and  implementing  a  short-lived
                                                                      powerful political dynasty in  the government has suspend-  ban  last  year  on  importing
                                                                      decades to a family grasping  ed payments on $7 billion in  chemical fertilizers that badly
                                                                      to  retain  power.  Despite  ac-  foreign  debts  due  this  year  hurt  farmers  and  conceding
                                                                      cusations of atrocities during  alone.                    that they should have sought
                                                                      the  civil  war,  Gotabaya  and                           a bailout sooner.
                                                                      Mahinda, who was previous-   “The Rajapaksas, like an oc-
                                                                      ly president, remained heroes  topus, have held on to every  Influential  Buddhist  monks
                                                                      to many of the island’s Bud-  aspect  of  public  life  in  Sri  have urged Rajapaksa to form
                                                                      dhist-Sinhalese majority and  Lanka,” de Silva said. “They  an  interim  government  un-
            (AP)  —  Sherry  Fonseka  bankruptcy,  Fonseka,  who  were  firmly  entrenched  at  have been running it as if it  der  a  new  prime  minister,
            joined millions in 2019 in  owns  a  small  garment  busi-  the top of Sri Lankan politics  was  their  kingdom.  They  signaling  a  further  decline
            electing  President  Got-    ness in the capital, Colombo,  before the revolt by previous  wished and they did –- that’s  in the family’s image as pro-
            abaya  Rajapaksa,  a  mili-  has resorted to spending his  supporters like Fonseka.    how it was and people were  tectors of the country’s 70%
            tary strategist whose bru-   own savings to pay the sala-                              with them.”                  Buddhist-Sinhalese majority.
            tal  campaign  helped  end  ries of his 30 employees. But  “The  pendulum  has  swung                               Some  observers  say  it’s  too
            Sri  Lanka’s  30-year  civil  he knows he will soon have  from  ‘it’s  all  about  the  Ra-  President  Rajapaksa  has  de-  soon to measure how much
            war 10 years earlier.        to  let  them  go  and  is  clear  japaksas, they are the people  fended   his   government,  support  for  the  Rajapaksas
                                         about who is to blame.       who saved this country,’ to ‘it  partly blaming the pandemic  has fallen among their hard-
            Now he is one of thousands                                is  because  of  the  Rajapaksas  and Russia’s war in Ukraine.  core base, but for many their
            who, for weeks, have protest-  “All  of  us  thought  we  made  that  the  country  is  now  ru-  “This  crisis  was  not  created  response  has  been  too  little
            ed outside the president’s of-  the correct decision (to elect  ined,’” said Harsha de Silva,  by  me,”  he  said  in  a  speech  and too late.
            fice, calling on Rajapaksa and  Rajapaksa),  but  we’ve  real-  an economist and opposition  last  month,  adding  that  his
            his brother, Mahinda, who is  ized  we  were  wrong.  We  lawmaker.                    government  was  working  “There  is  now  recognition
            prime minister, to resign for  should  have  the  backbone                             hard  on  solutions.  They  in-  across  the  government  of
            leading  the  country  into  its  to tell people, and the world,  The  unravelling  of  Sri  Lan-  clude approaching the Inter-  several missteps, but it’s one
            worst  economic  crisis  since  that we made a mistake,” he  ka’s economy has been swift  national Monetary Fund and  that’s  come  at  a  huge  cost
            its  independence  from  Brit-  said.                     and  painful.  Imports  of  ev-  World  Bank  for  assistance,  to the people,” said Bhavani
            ain in 1948.                                              erything  from  milk  to  fuel  after repeated calls to do so.  Fonseka,  a  senior  researcher
                                         In recent weeks, protests have  have plunged, spawning dire                            at  the  Colombo-based  Cen-
            With the island teetering near  erupted  across  the  country  food  shortages  and  rolling  But as protesters seethed, the  ter for Policy Alternatives.

                           Israeli PM’s family receives death threat and bullet in mail

            (AP)  —  Prime  Minister  Bennett’s  government  is  the fragile alliance without a                                 and  officials  declined  to  say
            Naftali  Bennett’s  teenage  made up of eight parties from  parliamentary majority.    Bennett is a former top aide  whether there were any sus-
            son  has  received  a  death  across the political spectrum,                           to  Netanyahu,  and  Yoni  is  pects.
            threat  and  bullet  in  the  including  religious  national-  Bennett formed the coalition  named  after  Netanyahu’s
            mail,  Israeli  officials  said  ists,  centrists  and  an  Islamic  last  June  after  four  incon-  older brother, who was killed  While   many   indications
            Thursday, he second such  party. It is the first Arab party  clusive  elections  that  under-  in a famous 1976 Israeli com-  pointed  to  Jewish  extrem-
            warning against the Israeli  to be part of a governing co-  scored the fissures in society  mando raid while rescuing a  ists,  the  threats  also  come
            leader’s family this week.   alition.                     over key issues as well as the  hijacked airplane in Uganda.  at a time of heightened ten-
                                                                      polarizing  effects  of  Netan-                           sions  with  the  Palestinians
            The  threats  have  come  at  a  These  parties  have  little  in  yahu’s 12-year rule.  An  Israeli  official  familiar  following  a  series  of  deadly
            time  of  deep  political  divi-  common beyond their shared                           with  the  matter  confirmed  Palestinian  attacks  in  Israeli
            sions  in  Israel.  In  a  major  animosity  to  former  Prime  In Wednesday’s speech, com-  on Thursday that the second  cities, Israeli military raids in
            speech  on  Wednesday  night  Minister  Benjamin  Netan-  ing on one of the most sol-  threatening  letter  and  bullet  the occupied West Bank, and
            marking  Israel’s  Holocaust  yahu.  They  have  agreed  to  emn days of the year, Bennett  had  been  sent  to  Yoni  Ben-  clashes  between  Palestinians
            memorial  day,  Bennett  had  put  aside  many  of  their  dif-  implored  the  nation  to  put  nett.  The  official  spoke  on  and  Israeli  police  at  Jerusa-
            spoken out against the polar-  ferences  while  focusing  on  aside its differences.   condition  of  anonymity  in  lem’s most sensitive holy site
            ization in Israel, urging citi-  common  ground,  such  as                             line with regulations.       and  cross-border  fighting
            zens not to let internal divi-  the  economy,  managing  the  “My brothers and sisters, we                          with  Palestinian  militants  in
            sions rip society apart.     coronavirus crisis and spend-  cannot, we simply cannot al-  Police  have  imposed  a  gag  the Gaza Strip.
                                         ing  on  education  and  social  low the same dangerous gene  order  on  their  investigation,
            Israeli  police  said  that  both  services.              of factionalism dismantle Is-
            incidents  were  being  inves-                            rael  from  within,”  Bennett
            tigated,  but  gave  few  other  Netanyahu, now the opposi-  said.
            details,  including  where  the  tion leader, has worked hard
            items  were  sent  and  who  to undermine the coalition.  That speech came a day after
            might have sent them.                                     his  family  received  a  bullet
                                         Critics have accused Bennett,  in the mail for the first time.
            Bennett  has  been  the  target  who  leads  a  small,  religious  The  episode  prompted  his
            of fierce criticism from Isra-  nationalist  party,  of  aban-  17-year-old  son  Yoni  to  ex-
            el’s hard-line right wing since  doning  his  core  hard-line  press his sadness in an Insta-
            forming his governing coali-  beliefs.  One  member  of  his  gram post.
            tion last year. In 1995, Prime  Yamina party was sanctioned
            Minister  Yitzhak  Rabin  was  this week as a “defector” for  “It’s just sad to see that real
            assassinated  by  a  Jewish  ul-  repeatedly  supporting  the  people  write  such  horrible
            tranationalist  opposed  to  his  opposition  in  hundreds  of  things,”  he  said.  “To  think
            peacemaking efforts with the  votes.  Another  member  of  that he lives and breathes like
            Palestinians.                his  party  recently  resigned  me but has a brain that was
                                         from  the  coalition,  leaving  created by the devil is crazy.”
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