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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 29 aPriL 2022

                          Chauvin appeals murder conviction for killing George Floyd

            (AP)  —  Former  Minne-      venience  store.  Three  other  during  jury  selection  that  if
            apolis  police  officer  Der-  fired  officers  face  state  trial  Chauvin  was  acquitted  they
            ek  Chauvin  is  appealing  this summer after being con-  would fear for their person-
            his conviction for murder  victed in federal court earlier  al  safety  and  worried  about
            in  the  killing  of  George  this year of violating Floyd’s  more  violence.  He  said  sev-
            Floyd, arguing that jurors  civil rights.                 eral  of  them  said  they  were
            were  intimidated  by  the                                intimidated  by  the  security
            protests that followed and  Chauvin’s  attorney,  William  measures implemented at the
            prejudiced  by  heavy  pre-  Mohrman, laid out a number  courthouse  to  protect  trial
            trial publicity.             of  challenges  to  his  convic-  participants from protesters.
                                         tion,  including  that  the  trial
            Chauvin asked the Minneso-   should  not  have  been  held  The filing also cited the fatal
            ta Court of Appeals in a court  in Hennepin County, where  shooting  of  Daunte  Wright
            filing Monday to reverse his  Floyd was killed.           by  a  police  officer  in  near-
            conviction,  reverse  and  re-                            by  Brooklyn  Center  that
            mand for a new trial in a new  “The  overwhelming  media  sparked mor protests during
            venue, or order a resentenc-  coverage  exposed  the  jurors  Chauvin’s trial. It says jurors
            ing.                         —  literally  every  day  —  to  should have been sequestered
                                         news  demonizing  Chauvin  after selection to avoid being  ernment.                    nesota  Department  of  Hu-
            Last June, Hennepin County  and  glorifying  Floyd  which  prejudiced by reports of that                            man  Rights  released  the  re-
            Judge Peter Cahill sentenced  was  more  than  sufficient  to  slaying.  It  also  cited  a  $27  The filing also says the judge  sults  of  a  nearly  two-year
            Chauvin  to  22  1/2  years  in  presume prejudice,” the brief  million  settlement  reached  did  not  apply  the  sentenc-  investigation  launched  after
            prison after jurors found him  said.                      between the city and Floyd’s  ing  guidelines  correctly  and  Floyd’s slaying. It found the
            guilty of second-degree mur-                              family  that  was  announced  should  not  have  included  Minneapolis  Police  Depart-
            der, third-degree murder and  In the months that followed  during jury selection, saying  “abuse  of  a  position  of  au-  ment  has  engaged  in  a  pat-
            second-degree manslaughter.  Floyd’s  killing,  protesters  the timing of that prejudiced  thority”  as  an  aggravating  tern  of  race  discrimination
                                         took to the streets in Minne-  jurors in the case.        sentencing factor for the for-  for at least a decade, includ-
            Floyd died on May 25, 2020,  apolis and around the coun-                               mer police officer.          ing  stopping  and  arresting
            after  Chauvin  pinned  the  try to protest police brutality  Mohrman  cited  several  in-                          Black people at a higher rate
            Black  man  to  the  ground  and racism. Some of that un-  stances  of  alleged  prosecu-  Minnesota Attorney General  than  white  people,  using
            with his knee on his neck for  rest was violent.          torial  misconduct,  claiming  Keith Ellison has 45 days to  force  more  often  on  people
            9 minutes, 29 seconds. Floyd                              untimely sharing of evidence,  respond to Chauvin’s brief.  of  color  and  maintaining  a
            had been accused of passing a  Mohrman said several poten-  failure to disclose and docu-                           culture where racist language
            counterfeit $20 bill at a con-  tial jurors expressed concerns  ment  dumping  by  the  gov-  The appeal came as the Min-  is tolerated.

                                   In NYC, ads for jobs will have to say what they pay

            (AP) — Help wanted. The  fair pay.                        restaurant  server  Elizabeth  “You’re  put  in  a  really  chal-  board — must give the mini-
            job: putting one of the na-                               Stone.                       lenging position of not want-  mum and maximum pay the
            tion’s  most  far-reaching  But  on  the  cusp  of  imple-                             ing  to  upset  your  employer  employer  “in  good  faith  be-
            salary disclosure laws into  menting  the  measure,  law-  “I believe I deserve to know  and  not  wanting  to  scare  lieves” it will pay. There’s no
            practice.  Location:  New  makers  voted  Thursday  to  how  much  I  can  make  as  a  away an opportunity, but also  limit on how wide the range
            York City.                   postpone  it  for  five  months  waitress,” she said.     wanting to fight for what you  can be, nor a prohibition on
                                         after  employers  waved  red                              know  is  what  you  deserve,”  deviating from it if the “good
            Just  four  months  ago,  city  flags,   though   businesses  Stone  has  scoured  job  ads  said Stone, 23, a member of  faith” plan changes.
            lawmakers  overwhelmingly  didn’t get some other chang-   that are mum about pay, leav-  restaurant workers’ advocacy
            voted  to  require  many  ads  es they wanted.            ing  her  wondering  whether  group ROC United.           The  laws  are  propelled  by  a
            for jobs in the nation’s most                             to move on from an employ-                                gradually shrinking but stub-
            populous city to include sal-  The debate marked a promi-  er  she  likes  but  wishes  paid  Over  the  last  four  years,  at  born  discrepancy:  The  me-
            ary  ranges,  in  the  name  of  nent  test  for  a  burgeoning  more,  and  feeling  like  she  least seven states from Cali-  dian pay for full-time female
            giving job applicants — par-  slate  of  U.S.  “pay  transpar-  has no leverage to push for a  fornia to Connecticut and at  workers was about 83% what
            ticularly  women  and  people  ency”  laws.  And  the  answer  raise.                  least two cities beyond New  men made in 2021, according
            of  color  —  a  better  shot  at  seems  simple  to  Brooklyn                         York — Cincinnati and Tole-  to federal data.
                                                                                                   do, Ohio — started demand-
                                                                                                   ing employers disclose salary  Women make less than their
                                                                                                   information  to  job-seekers  male colleagues in nearly all
                                                                                                   in  some  circumstances.  In  fields, with a few exceptions
                                                                                                   many cases, that means upon  in areas like social work done
                                                                                                   request and/or after an inter-  in health care settings, federal
                                                                                                   view,  and  there  are  exemp-  statistics show.
                                                                                                   tions for small businesses.
                                                                                                                                Pay-transparency   require-
                                                                                                   Colorado broke new ground  ments  are  “one  of  the  most
                                                                                                   with  a  2019  law  requiring  a  powerful  tools  that  we  have
                                                                                                   pay range in all job postings.  to  change  those  gaps,”  said
                                                                                                                                Beverly  Neufeld,  the  presi-
                                                                                                   New York City’s new law is  dent  of  PowHer  New  York,
                                                                                                   similar  but  applies  only  to  an economic equality advoca-
                                                                                                   employers with four or more  cy group. Workers get a level
                                                                                                   workers.  That  amounts  to  playing field, she argues, and
                                                                                                   about  1/3  of  employers  but  businesses save time by get-
                                                                                                   roughly  90%  of  workers  in  ting  applicants  amenable  to
                                                                                                   the city, according to state La-  the salary on offer.
                                                                                                   bor Department statistics.
                                                                                                                                Indeed,  many  employers  al-
                                                                                                   The  law  says  any  job  notice  ready  advertise  what  they
                                                                                                   —  from  an  online  ad  to  an  pay.a
                                                                                                   internal  company  bulletin
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