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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 29 aPriL 2022

                         Explosions rock Kyiv again as Russians rain fire on Ukraine

            (AP)  —  Russia  pounded                                  drinking water inside the city
            targets  from  practically  Meanwhile,  explosions  were  could  lead  to  outbreaks  of
            one end of Ukraine to the  reported  across  the  coun-   deadly diseases such as chol-
            other  Thursday,  includ-    try,  in  Polonne  in  the  west,  era and dysentery.
            ing  Kyiv,  bombarding  the  Chernihiv  near  the  border
            city while the head of the  with  Belarus,  and  Fastiv,  a  In  Zaporizhzhia,  a  crucial
            United Nations was visit-    large  railway  hub  southwest  way station for tens of thou-
            ing  in  the  boldest  attack  of the capital. The mayor of  sands  of  Ukrainians  fleeing
            on the capital since Mos-    Odesa  in  southern  Ukraine  Mariupol, an 11-year-old boy
            cow’s    forces   retreated  said rockets were intercepted  was among at least three peo-
            weeks ago.                   by air defenses.             ple wounded in a rocket at-
                                                                      tack that authorities said was
            At least one person was killed  Ukrainian  authorities  also  the  first  to  hit  a  residential
            and  several  were  injured  in  reported intense Russian fire  area in the southern city since
            the attack on Kyiv, including  in the Donbas — the eastern  the war began. Shards of glass
            some  who  were  trapped  in  industrial  heartland  that  the  cut the boy’s leg to the bone.
            the  rubble  when  two  build-  Kremlin says is its main ob-
            ings were hit, rescue officials  jective — and near Kharkiv, a  Vadym Vodostoyev, the boy’s
            said.                        northeastern city outside the  father, said: “It just takes one
                                         Donbas that is seen as key to  second  and  you’re  left  with
            The  bombardment  came  the offensive.                    nothing.”                    mass killings of civilians was  cutor accused 10 Russian sol-
            barely  an  hour  after  Ukrai-                                                        found after Russia withdrew  diers of being “involved in the
            nian  President  Volodymyr  In  the  ruined  southern  port  The  fresh  attacks  came  as  in  early  April  in  the  face  of  torture of peaceful people” in
            Zelenskyy held a news con-   city  of  Mariupol,  Ukrainian  Guterres  surveyed  the  de-  unexpectedly stiff resistance.  Bucha.  Prosecutor  General
            ference with U.N. Secretary-  fighters holed up in the steel  struction in small towns out-                         Iryna Venediktova did not say
            General  António  Guterres,  plant that represents the last  side the capital that saw some  “Wherever there is a war, the  her office had filed criminal
            who  said  Ukraine  has  be-  pocket  of  resistance  said  of  the  worst  horrors  of  the  highest price is paid by civil-  charges, and she appealed to
            come  “an  epicenter  of  un-  concentrated  bombing  over-  first  onslaught  of  the  war.  ians,” the U.N. chief lament-  the public for help in gather-
            bearable heartache and pain.”  night  killed  and  wounded  He  condemned  the  atroci-  ed.                        ing evidence. Russia denies it
            A spokesperson said Guterres  more  people.  And  authori-  ties committed in towns like                            targets civilians.
            and his team were safe.      ties warned that a lack of safe  Bucha,  where  evidence  of  Separately,  Ukraine’s  prose-

                          Britain’s parliamentary term ends in acrimony and scandal

            (AP)  —  British  lawmak-    own  surprise  birthday  party  mons  chamber.  Parliamen-  Parliament is now a more di-  the  cost-of-living  crisis  and
            ers  headed  back  to  their  in June 2020 when lockdown  tary officials are investigating  verse  place,  but  lawmakers  revamping Britain’s economy
            constituencies  across  the  rules barred social gatherings.  the claim. The lawmaker has  and staff still say bullying, ha-  in the wake of the country’s
            country  Thursday  at  the                                not been named.              rassment  and  inappropriate  departure from the European
            end  of  a  parliamentary  Johnson  has  apologized,  but                              behavior are rife under a sys-  Union.
            year  overshadowed  by  denies  knowingly  breaking  Home  Office  Minister  Ra-       tem that largely allows legis-
            scandal.                     the  rules.  He  faces  the  pos-  chel Maclean said the alleged  lators to regulate themselves.  But  some  bills  announced
                                         sibility  of  more  fines  over  behavior was “deeply sicken-                          when the last session of Par-
            They left a Parliament where  other  parties  —  police  are  ing and disgusting.”     Defense  Secretary  Ben  Wal-  liament  began  in  May  2021
            one  lawmaker  stands  ac-   investigating a dozen gather-                             lace said there was a problem  have  been  delayed  or  aban-
            cused  of  watching  porn  in  ings  —  and  a  parliamentary  “Action needs to be taken and  with  “the  overall  culture  of  doned.  Others  —  including
            the House of Commons, an-    investigation into whether he  I very much hope … we will  the House of Commons.”      new powers for police to cur-
            other  has  been  found  guilty  misled  lawmakers  about  his  see  him  out  of  Parliament,                      tail  noisy  protests  and  a  re-
            of bullying, and Conservative  behavior.                  out of the party,” she said.  “It is late sitting, long nights  quirement to show photo ID
            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-                                                          with bars, and that very often  before  voting  —  faced  stiff
            son is in peril for breaching  He  also  faces  discontent  Earlier this week, female law-  leads, and it has done for de-  opposition  but  were  pushed
            the  lockdown  rules  he  im-  within his own party, which  makers reacted with outrage  cades, to behavioral challeng-  through  Parliament  after
            posed  on  the  nation  during  could  grow  after  local  elec-  after a newspaper quoted an  es,” he told Sky News.  bruising  debates  because  of
            the coronavirus pandemic.    tions  across  the  country  on  unnamed  Conservative  leg-                           the Conservatives’ large ma-
                                         May  5.  The  Conservatives  islator  who  accused  Labour  Johnson’s  critics  say  prob-  jority.
            Parliament   was   formally  fear  a  backlash  from  voters  Party  Deputy  Leader  Angela  lems  are  worsening  under  a
            suspended,  or  prorogued,  amid  soaring  food  and  en-  Rayner of trying to “distract”  prime minister who has faced  As Parliament shut down on
            on  Thursday  in  a  tradition-  ergy prices driven by the war  the  prime  minister  during  a  series  of  scandals  over  his  Thursday,  House  of  Com-
            steeped  ceremony  involving  in  Ukraine,  Brexit  and  the  debates  by  crossing  and  un-  finances  and  judgment.  The  mons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle
            ermine-draped  members  of  disruption from the corona-   crossing her legs.           scandals  are  an  unwelcome  sent lawmakers on their way
            the House of Lords and an of-  virus pandemic. A bad result                            distraction for a government  with  thanks  for  the  session
            ficial proclaiming “the queen  for the governing party could  The  prime  minister  con-  that wants to focus on easing  just ending.
            wills it” in Norman French.  lead  Conservatives  to  try  to  demned  the  comments  as
            A new session will begin May  replace  Johnson  with  a  less  “sexist, misogynist tripe.”
            10  with  a  pomp-filled  State  tarnished leader.
            Opening of Parliament and a                               Also  Thursday,  opposition
            new slate of legislation from  The  “partygate”  scandal  has  Labour Party lawmaker Liam
            the  Conservative  govern-   shaken  the  prime  minister’s  Byrne was handed a two-day
            ment.                        grip  on  power,  but  trou-  suspension  from  the  House
                                         bles  for  Britain’s  politicians  of  Commons  for  bullying  a
            Johnson hopes the new term  extend    beyond    Johnson.  member of his staff.
            will  mark  a  fresh  start  after  Thursday’s  headlines  were
            months of turmoil in which  brimming     with   miscon-   The  constant  drip  of  alle-
            he  became  the  first  prime  duct  allegations,  including  a  gations  has  taken  a  toll  on
            minister to be sanctioned for  Conservative  lawmaker  ac-  politicians’  morale,  and  on
            breaking the law in office. He  cused by female colleagues of  their  already  tarnished  pub-
            was  fined  50  pounds  ($62)  watching pornography on his  lic  image.  Long  known  for
            by  police  for  attending  his  phone in the House of Com-  its boozy, macho atmosphere,
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