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                                                                                                       sports Diabierna 29 aPriL 2022

                          NFL draft class faced major challenges in COVID-19 battles

            (AP)  —  This  year’s  NFL  definitely helps.”            a  once-in-a-lifetime  two  or
            draft prospects reluctant-                                three years.”
            ly  recall  their  personal  This  draft  class  arrived  on
            COVID-19 experiences.        campus  with  the  exuberant  But in some cases, the physi-
                                         expectation  of  a  traditional  cal and mental toll came with
            Some consider them inspira-  college  experience  and  in-  a cost.
            tional reminders of obstacles  stead wound up using video
            already  overcame.  Others  calls to socialize, isolation to  Strong  faced  a  monumental
            sound  more  reminiscent  of  continue  playing  and  pure  obstacle  when  the  Football
            old war stories. And while the  grit  to  cope  with  constantly  Championship  Division  de-
            stories  change,  each  comes  evolving  rules,  regulations  cided to play a spring and fall
            with  unforgettably  vivid  de-  and restrictions.        season  in  2021.  He  helped
            tail  and  heartfelt  emotion                             the  Jackrabbits  make  play-
            about a challenging two-year  It  lost  the  2020  spring  foot-  off runs both times, logging
            battle to pursue their dreams.  ball  schedule  and  planned  371  carries  and  2,393  yards
                                         individual  workouts  with  from  mid-February  to  mid-
            Pandemic  protocols  pre-    whatever  they  could  find  December.  Still,  he  ran  a
            vented  Alabama  receiver  nearby.  Even  when  they  did  4.37-second  40-yard  dash,  stand you have to take care of  schools  in  New  Jersey  and
            John  Metchie  III  from  see-  return to campus, uncertain-  tying  Isaih  Pacheco  of  Rut-  yourself.  But  when  you  feel  Maryland as the son of a Ni-
            ing  his  Canadian  family  for  ty remained.             gers for the best time among  fine,  there’s  a  guilty  feeling  gerian father before choosing
            two  years.  South  Dakota                                running  backs  at  the  NFL’s  when you’re not out there.”  Alabama, the easing of travel
            State  running  back  Pierre  Some Big Ten schools actu-  annual scouting combine.                                  restrictions  would  be  a  wel-
            Strong  played  24  games  in  ally started practicing in pads                         It’s not just what happens on  come respite — especially as
            10 months. Minnesota tack-   before  university  presidents  While Kinnard took the usual  the field, either.       he works his way back from
            le  Daniel  Faalele  tipped  the  pulled everyone off the field  measures of extra hand wash-                       a torn anterior cruciate liga-
            scales  at  405  pounds  after  and  announced  no  games  ing  and  social  distancing  to  When  league  officials  an-  ment in his left knee.
            opting  out  of  the  2020  sea-  would  be  played.  When  the  help keep his mother healthy,  nounced during the combine
            son.  Kentucky  guard  Darian  SEC  and  other  leagues  did  the  6-foot-5,  322-pound  of-  that  all  COVID-19  restric-  But  for  everyone  hoping  to
            Kinnard worked out by flip-  not follow the Big Ten’s lead,  fensive  lineman  like  many  tions would be lifted this fall,  be drafted, the life-changing
            ping  logs  while  his  mother  Ohio  State  quarterback  Jus-  people  was  unhappy  being  the  feeling  from  the  over-  twists and turns they’ve faced
            tended  to  hospitalized  pa-  tin  Fields  and  his  Buckeyes  “cooped up” as he ran hills to  whelming  majority  of  the  on the path to this year’s draft
            tients and UConn defensive  teammates petitioned confer-  stay in shape.               300-plus  invitees  was  grati-  will help keep football in per-
            tackle Travis Jones dealt with  ence officials to reinstate the                        tude.                        spective.
            the  cancellation  of  an  entire  season.                At  Louisiana,  it  was  worse
            season.                                                   for tackle Max Mitchell who  “First, no one wants that stick  “To think at the end of it all,
                                         The effort worked — sort of.  spent  two  weeks  in  isola-  up your nose,” Auburn line-  I’m  talking  in  front  of  you
            None of it was easy.                                      tion  after  a  COVID-19  test  backer Zakoby McClain said.  guys,  with  an  NFL  micro-
                                         “It’s crazy,” Ohio State tackle  showed  he  had  antibodies.  “I got my vaccine so I didn’t  phone,  an  NFL  nameplate,
            “I’m glad my family was stay-  Nick  Petit-Frere  said.  “The  He returned in October and  have  to  go  through  it  as  at  a  combine  with  a  chance
            ing  safe  and  all,”  Metchie  season  got  canceled,  came  finished  the  season,  but  the  much. It will be very stress-  to do what almost every little
            said  in  March.  “Not  seeing  back, games got canceled. We  impact lingers.          free  because  no  one  wants  kid, or every athlete dreamed
            my  mom  for  two  years  was  played one of the most crazy                            that stick up their nose.”   of, to go run a 40 at Indy,” Pe-
            tough.  I  knew,  eventually,  seasons you could ever imag-  “It was frustrating to say the                         tit-Frere said. “When I think
            I’d see her again. Of course,  ine  in  the  history  of  college  least,” Mitchell said. “I never  For a player such as Metchie,  about that and I think about
            technology  nowadays  helps.  football  and  somehow,  the  tested positive and they came  who was born in his mother’s  where I am now, I can’t really
            It’s  not  the  same  as  see-  Ohio  State  Buckeyes  were  and  pulled  me  off  the  field  native Taiwan, lived in Gha-  imagine how it happened.”
            ing them in person or being  in  the  (national)  champion-  in  the  middle  of  practice.  If  na  until  moving  to  Canada
            around them in person, but it  ship game. ... This has been  you’ve  been  sick,  I  under-  at  age  6  and  attended  high

                              Barcelona to play 2023-24 season away from Camp Nou

            (AP)  —  Barcelona  will  soccer stadium undergoes                                     nys  Stadium.  The  stadium,
            play  the  2023-24  season  a  massive  overhaul,  the  The club said Barcelona will  which has a capacity of about  The  club  wants  to  increase
            away  from  Camp  Nou  Spanish  club  said  Thurs-        play its games at the munici-  60,000 spectators, hosted the  Camp  Nou’s  capacity  to
            while  Europe’s  largest  day.                            pally  owned  Lluís  Compa-  opening and closing ceremo-  110,000  while  also  refur-
                                                                                                   nies of the 1992 Olympics.   bishing its surrounding area,
                                                                                                                                which includes a pavilion for
                                                                                                   The club said its long-delayed  the  club’s  other  sports,  the
                                                                                                   project to remodel and mod-  museum  and  stores.  It  has
                                                                                                   ernize  Camp  Nou,  which  budgeted  1.5  billion  euros
                                                                                                   currently seats 99,000 specta-  ($1.57 billion) for the project.
                                                                                                   tors, will begin this year after
                                                                                                   it received the final go-ahead  Barcelona’s  crosstown  ri-
                                                                                                   from the city.               val,  Espanyol,  played  at  the
                                                                                                                                Lluís  Companys  Stadium
                                                                                                   Games  will  continue  to  be  from  1997-2009.  The  stadi-
                                                                                                   played  at  Camp  Nou  next  um, whose field is ringed by
                                                                                                   season. After playing the fol-  an athletics track, sits atop a
                                                                                                   lowing campaign away from  small hill that offers views of
                                                                                                   Camp  Nou,  the  club  wants  the Mediterranean city.
                                                                                                   games to return for the 2024-
                                                                                                   25  season,  albeit  with  atten-  Barcelona had considered us-
                                                                                                   dance  reduced  to  50%  be-  ing  its  much  smaller  Johan
                                                                                                   cause  of  construction  work.  Cruyff  Stadium,  which  is
                                                                                                   The club plans to finish the  located outside the city, as an
                                                                                                   stadium  work  during  the  alternative site.
                                                                                                   2025-26 season.
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