Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200414
P. 31

LOCAL           Tuesday 14 april 2020

            Royal Netherlands Navy ship HNLMS

            Karel Doorman to assist in the Caribbean

            DEN  HELDER,  NETHERLANDS  Doorman can provide sup-       quests for assistance in the
            —  HNLMS  Karel  Doorman  port in the form of transport  fight  against  coronavirus
            has left Den Helder on Mon-  capability in order to, for in-  from local authorities in the
            day 13 April, bound for the  stance, guarantee food se-   Dutch Caribbean. At pres-
            Caribbean.  The  Nether-     curity. In addition, the RNLN  ent, Defense is already as-
            lands Ministry of Defense is  ship is capable of assisting  sisting  with  units  stationed
            deploying  the  ship  to  pro-  the coastguard in maritime  in  the  region,  including
            vide  immediate  support  border  control,  and  can  support in maritime border
            to  the  civil  authorities  in  act  as  a  base  of  opera-  control  and  in  maintaining  Force for medical transport  ship  will  also  carry  a  hurri-
            the COVID-19 pandemic if  tions from which to quickly  public  order.  By  preposi-    and medical evacuation, a  cane  disaster  relief  pack-
            needed. The ship is initially  provide  man  and  materiel  tioning  HNLMS  Karel  Door-  medical team with surgical  age.
            being  deployed  for  three  in  support  of  public  order  man in the region, Defense  capability, a medical team
            months.                      on land. Lastly, the ship also  will  ensure  that  additional  for  basic  medical  support  France  and  the  United
                                         houses  medical  resources  support  can  be  provided  on  shore  and  drones  from  Kingdom  also  each  have
            With  the  presence  of  this  that can support the local  at  very  short  notice  when-  the  army  and  navy  to  as-  a  navy  ship  in  the  region,
            logistic  support  ship,  the  healthcare  system  by  pro-  ever it is needed.        sist  in  picture  compilation.  and a coordination cell has
            Caribbean  islands  will  be  viding  non-COVID-related                                Netherlands  Marine  Corps  been  established  on  Mar-
            able  to  rely  on  versatile  emergency treatment.       In addition to its own capa-  units  will  also  take  part  in  tinique with these countries
            and rapidly deployable ca-                                bilities  as  a  transport  and  the  deployment,  with  ve-  to  facilitate  cooperation
            pability  in  addition  to  that  Over  the  past  couple  of  supply ship, the Karel Door-  hicles and landing craft for  where necessary. The Karel
            of  the  guard  ship  already  weeks,  the  Netherlands  man will be augmented by  transport purposes. An ad-       Doorman  could  for  exam-
            present  in  the  region,  HN-  Ministry  of  Defense  has  2  Cougar  helicopters  from  ditional marine unit can be  ple  provide  fuel  for  these
            LMS  Zeeland.  HNLMS  Karel  received  a  number  of  re-  the  Royal  Netherlands  Air  flown  in  if  necessary.  The  ships.q

              Aruban Baseball All-Star Xander Bogaerts teams up with CEDE

              Aruba to promote the “Happy to Give Back” initiative

              ORANJESTAD —  On  April 9, 2020,                                                                          devastating  effects  of  the  COV-
              CEDE Aruba launched its “Happy                                                                            ID-19 pandemic, international ex-
              to  Give  Back”  relief  initiative  in                                                                   perts project that Aruba will be the
              response  to  the  COVID-19  pan-                                                                         #1 country in the world most neg-
              demic, which has brought Aruba’s                                                                          atively affected by the COVID-19
              only  economic  pillar  of  tourism                                                                       crisis, with close to a quarter of the
              to  a  complete  stop.  CEDE  Aruba                                                                       island’s  population  expected  to
              has joined forces with several lo-                                                                        lose their jobs. Yet, with the help of
              cal influencers who are helping to                                                                        Aruba’s international friends, who
              support the cause, and the orga-                                                                          number roughly 1.2 million visitors
              nization is both proud and grateful                                                                       a year, along with local support-
              to count Aruban MLB all-star short-                                                                       ers like Xander, some of this local
              stop Xander Bogaerts as one of its                                                                        devastation can be mitigated.
                                                                                                                        CEDE Aruba would like to whole-
              Xander—who  has  so  gracefully                                                                           heartedly  thank  Xander  for  his
              represented  his  home  island  on                                                                        generous  support  of  the  “Happy
              the world stage as a star player for                                                                      to Give Back” initiative and kind-
              the Boston Red Sox with two World                                                                         ly urges those who can afford to
              Series wins under his belt—makes                                                                          give back to Aruba at this time to
              a personal call to all international                                                                      visit
              friends  of  Aruba  to  give  back  to                                                                    donate to make a donation. Such
              the island, their home away from                                                                          support will help give the Aruban
              home, by donating to the “Happy  elderly, people in complete isola-   up  his  call  for  support  during  this  community  the  strength  it  needs
              to Give Back” initiative. All dona-  tion, children, and the thousands  difficult  time  with  his  own  gener-  to  stay  afloat  until  it  can  once
              tions  will  fund  local  food  banks  of people in the local community  ous contribution to the “Happy to  again  welcome  back  its  many
              and warm meals for Aruba’s vul-    who  have  lost  their  jobs  due  to  Give Back” campaign.            international  friends  with  open
              nerable  groups,  especially  the  COVID-19.  Xander  has  backed  While the entire world is facing the  arms.q
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