Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200414
P. 26
Tuesday 14 april 2020
NY death toll surpasses 10,000; new hot spots slow to emerge
Continued from Page 25 Veneto, one of the coun- issued a global plea to public gatherings were proach the issue very
try's most infected regions, the world's richer countries limited to only two people. carefully, and invest deep
But Health Minister Salva- officials are loosing some and international finan- In South Korea, Prime Min- thought into when and
dor Illa said Monday that restrictions on movement cial institutions to provide ister Chung Sye-kyun said how to transition," Kim said.
the government will move as they enter a phase debt-relief for poor coun- officials were discussing The pandemic's new epi-
carefully on allowing oth- the governor, Luca Zaia, tries, where forced lock- new public guidelines that center is now the United
ers to end their self-isola- termed ''lockdown light.'' downs are crippling al- would allow for "certain States, which has seen
tion. He said officials will Zaia is expanding the ready troubled economies levels of economic and more than 22,000 deaths,
proceed with "the utmost 200-meter from home ra- and causing widespread social activity" while also the world's highest. About
caution and prudence ... dius for physical fitness and hunger for the poor. maintaining distance to half have been in the New
and always based on sci- allowing open-air markets Khan last week relaxed slow the virus' spread. York metropolitan area,
entific evidence." in a new ordinance that his country's lockdown to South Korea's caseload but hospitalizations are
"We're in no position to be takes effect Tuesday. allow the construction in- has slowed from early slowing in the state, and
setting dates" about when At the same time, the or- dustry, which employs the March, when it was report- other indicators suggest
isolation might end. "We dinance makes masks or vast majority of Pakistan's ing around 500 new daily lockdowns and social dis-
can't get ahead of our- other face coverings man- daily wage earners, to re- cases, but officials have tancing are working.
selves." Some health ex- datory outside the home open. German Chancel- warned of a broader "qui- U.S. infectious disease ex-
perts and politicians argue — not just in supermarkets lor Angela Merkel, who et spread'' at locations pert Dr. Anthony Fauci
that it's premature to ease or on public transporta- has urged a cautious ap- such as bars, which are said parts of the country
the lockdown in a nation tion, as was previously proach to any loosening still open. President Moon could gradually reopen as
that has suffered almost the case. In Madrid, José of restrictions, planned to Jae-in vowed Monday to early as next month.
17,500 deaths and re- Pardinas took a mask be- hold a video conference focus on saving jobs and In Britain, the death toll
ported more than 169,000 ing handed out by police with regional governors protecting the economy passed 10,600.
infections, second only to as he walked to work at Wednesday, after the amid a sharp increase Prime Minister Boris John-
the United States' 557,000 a moving company that governor of the state with in the number of people son, the first major world
infections. was re-starting operations the most infections called seeking unemployment leader to test positive for
Italy's day-to-day increase after a three-week halt. for a "road map" to return benefits. the virus, paid an emo-
in new COVID-19 cases "The company hasn't to normality. South Korea's vice health tional tribute to the coun-
was one of the lowest in given us any protective Armin Laschet, governor minister, Kim Gang-lip, said try's National Health Ser-
weeks, bolstering a gen- equipment. I'm quite ner- of North Rhine-Westphalia, a quick return to normality vice after leaving the hos-
erally downward trend. vous about contracting said "the willingness for re- was "virtually impossible" pital on Sunday. Johnson,
That brought Italy's known the virus because my fam- strictions also needs the considering the threat of who spent three nights in
cases to nearly 160,000. ily can't afford more time prospect of normalization." new infections. intensive care, especially
The day-to-day death toll, without an income," Pardi- His government came up "A premature easing (of thanked two nurses who
566, however, was up, nas said. with a plan for gradually social distancing) would stood by his bedside for 48
from the 431 new deaths Pakistan's Prime Minister easing the restrictions im- come at an irrevocable hours "when things could
registered on Sunday. In Imran Khan, meanwhile, posed on March 22, when cost, so we should ap- have gone either way."q
1st FBI poster in Navajo language seeks info on homicide
COUNSELOR, N.M. (AP) — The FBI has issued its first poster in a Native
American language, seeking information in Navajo on the death of an
elderly man six years ago on the New Mexico portion of the vast Navajo
Nation reservation.
Wilson Joe Chiquito, 75, was beaten to death at his home in the com-
munity of Counselor in February 2014.
The FBI recently released the poster that offers a reward of up to $10,000
for information leading to an arrest and conviction. It has been shared
on social media and posted in Navajo communities, grocery stories and
trading posts, said Navajo Police Chief Phillip Francisco.
"Having it in both languages, it obviously helps the ability to get tips," he
"It's a positive thing and it shows the FBI's dedication to helping solve
crimes on Navajo by embracing the culture and the language."
Francisco wasn't aware of any new tips that authorities have received
based on the Navajo-language poster but said "any small detail can
help out."
James Langenberg, special agent in charge of the Albuquerque division
of the FBI, said FBI employees who speak Navajo helped translate the
information for the poster.
"We already work closely with the Navajo Nation Division of Public Safety,
but we hope this effort will improve our communication with the rest of
the Diné," Langenberg said.
The FBI hasn't translated posters into any Native American language be-
side Navajo, said FBI spokeswoman Manali Basu.
"The FBI plans to continue translating regularly in order to ensure we are
receiving any and all information possible that may lead us to the per-
petrators of these crimes and bringing them to justice," the agency said.
The Navajo Nation spans parts of New Mexico, Arizona and Utah.
It covers more than 27,000 square miles (70,000 square kilometers), mak-
ing it larger than the state of West Virginia.q