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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 14 april 2020
            Easter storms sweep South, killing at least 20 people

            Continued from Front         wind and hail on Monday.  nagement  agency  twee-         in  Davidson  County,  nor-  Paula  Reid  Ainsworth,  aut-
                                         The  storms  knocked  down  ted,  promising  details  later  theast of Charlotte, as high  horities said.
            Andrew  Phillips  crowded  trees  across  Pennsylvania,  in the morning.               winds  were  blowing  throu-  “Robert  left  this  world  a
            into  a  closet-sized  “safe  and  an  apparently  strong  In  northwest  Georgia,  a  gh,  Sheriff’s  Capt.  Mike  hero,  as  he  shielded  Mrs.
            room” with his wife and two  tornado  moved  through  narrow path of destruction  Burns said.                       Paula during the tornado,”
            sons after watching an on-   southern  South  Carolina,  five miles long hit two mo-   Apparent  tornadoes  da-     said a Facebook message
            line Easter service because  leaving chaos in its wake.   bile home parks, killing five  maged  dozens  of  homes  by the sheriff’s office.
            the pandemic forced their  “Everything is up in the air.  people  and  injuring  five  in  a  line  from  Seneca  to  “This  is  not  how  anyone
            church to halt regular wor-  Power lines are down, trees  more,  Murray  County  Fire  Clemson.  Emergency  offi-   wants to celebrate Easter,”
            ship. Then, a twister struck,  are  all  over  the  place.  It’s  Chief  Dewayne  Bain  told  cials  also  were  working  to  said  Mississippi  Gov.  Tate
            shredding    their   house,  hard to get from one place  WAGA-TV.  Another  person  open  shelters  in  the  North  Reeves.  “As  we  reflect  on
            meat-processing  business  to  the  other  because  the  was  killed  when  a  tree  fell  Carolina  mountains  after  the death and resurrection
            and  vehicles  in  rural  Moss,  roads are blocked,” Hamp-  on  a  home  in  Cartersville,  heavy rainfall there.   on  this  Easter  Sunday,  we
            Mississippi.  The  room,  built  ton  County  Sheriff  T.C.  the station reported.     In  Chattanooga,  Tennes-    have  faith  that  we  will  all
            of sturdy cinder blocks, was  Smalls said.                In  Arkansas,  one  person  see,  the  National  Weather  rise together.”
            the only thing on their pro-  A suspected twister lifted a  was  killed  when  a  tree  fell  Service  confirmed  a  tor-  There  were  no  immediate
            perty left standing.         house,  mostly  intact,  and  on  a  home  in  White  Hall,  nado  struck,  damaging  at  reports  of  serious  injuries  in
            “I’m just going to let the in-  deposited  it  in  the  middle  southeast  of  Little  Rock,  least 150 homes and com-  Louisiana, even though the
            surance handle it and trust  of  a  road  in  central  Geor-  the  Jefferson  County  De-  mercial  buildings.  More  storm  damaged  between
            in the good Lord,” said Phil-  gia. In Louisiana, winds rip-  partment  of  Emergency  than a dozen people were  200 and 300 homes in and
            lips.                        ped apart a metal airplane  Management  said.  In  Sou-   treated,  but  none  of  their  around the city of Monroe,
            The  National  Weather  Ser-  hangar.                     th  Carolina,  a  person  was  injuries appeared to be life-  Mayor  Jamie  Mayo,  told
            vice tallied hundreds of re-  Deaths were tallied in small  found dead in a collapsed  threatening,  Chattanooga  KNOE-TV. Flights were can-
            ports  of  trees  down  across  numbers  here  and  the-  building near Seneca as an  Fire Chief Phil Hyman said.   celed  at  Monroe  Regional
            the region, including many  re,  considering  the  storm  apparent  tornado  struck,  The deaths in Mississippi in-  Airport,  where  airport  di-
            that  punctured  roofs  and  front’s  vast  reach  and  in-  Oconee  County  Emergen-  cluded a married couple —  rector  Ron  Phillips  told  the
            downed power lines. Mete-    tensity.                     cy  Management  Direc-       Lawrence  County  sheriff’s  News-Star  the  storm  cau-
            orologists warned the mid-   Mississippi’s  death  toll  rose  tor Scott Krein said. And in  deputy,  Robert  Ainsworth,  sed up to $30 million in da-
            Atlantic  states  to  prepare  to  11  early  Monday,  the  North  Carolina,  a  person  and a Walthall County Jus-  mage  to  planes  inside  a
            for  potential  tornadoes,  state’s  emergency  ma-       was  killed  by  a  falling  tree  tice  Court  deputy  clerk,  hangar.q

            NY death toll surpasses 10,000; new hot spots slow to emerge

            By ERIC TUCKER, ARITZ PAR-                                                                                          parts  of  the  United  States
            RA and JOSEPH WILSON                                                                                                still  seeing  increasing  daily
            Associated Press                                                                                                    levels  of  deaths  or  infec-
            MADRID (AP) — New York's                                                                                            tions; France and New York
            coronavirus    death    toll                                                                                        hoping they are stabilizing,
            topped 10,000 on Monday                                                                                             albeit  at  a  high  plateau
            even  as  the  absence  of                                                                                          of  deaths;  and  nations
            fresh  hot  spots  in  the  U.S.                                                                                    like  Italy  and  Spain  seeing
            or  elsewhere  in  the  world                                                                                       declines  in  the  rates  of  in-
            yielded  a  ray  of  optimism                                                                                       crease.
            in global efforts against the                                                                                       Spanish  Prime  Minister  Pe-
            disease, though a return to                                                                                         dro  Sánchez  said  his  gov-
            normal  was  unlikely  any-                                                                                         ernment  must  balance  its
            time soon.                                                                                                          response  to  the  virus  crisis
            Officials  around  the  world                                                                                       that  "threatens  to  destroy
            worried  that  halting  quar-                                                                                       lives and at the same time
            antine  and  social  distanc-                                                                                       destroy the economic and
            ing  measures  could  eas-                                                                                          social  fabric  of  our  coun-
            ily  undo  the  hard-earned                                                                                         try." Seeking to restart man-
            progress.  Still,  there  were                                                                                      ufacturing,  Spain's  govern-
            signs  that  countries  were                                                                                        ment  is  allowing  workers
            looking  in  that  direction.                                                                                       to  return  to  some  factory
            Spain    permitted    some   A woman on  a  bicycle  passes a coronavirus graffiti by street artist 'Uzey'  showing a  nurse  as   and  construction  jobs.  The
            workers  to  return  to  their   Superwoman, the lettering reads "for the real heroes" on a wall in Hamm, Germany, on Easter   country on Monday report-
            jobs,  a  hard-hit  region  of   Monday, April 13, 2020.                                                            ed its lowest daily growth in
            Italy  loosened  its  lock-                                                                       Associated Press.  infections  in  three  weeks.
            down  restrictions  and  grim  virus Sunday, though once  devastates      economies  Spain,  one  of  the  hardest  Retail  stores  and  services
            predictions  of  a  virus  that  discharges and deaths are  worldwide,   governments  hit  countries  in  the  pan-  remain  closed,  and  office
            would  move  with  equal  accounted  for,  the  num-      are struggling with the deli-  demic.  In  South  Korea,  of-  workers  are  strongly  en-
            ferocity  from  New  York  to  ber  of  people  hospitalized  cate  balance  between  ficials  warned  that  hard-  couraged to keep working
            other parts of America had  has flattened to just under  keeping  people  safe  from  earned  progress  fighting  from  home.  A  prohibition
            not  yet  materialized.  New  19,000.  "This  virus  is  very  a  highly  contagious  dis-  the  virus  could  be  eroded  on  people  leaving  home
            York state's 671 new deaths  good at what it does. It is a  ease and making sure they  by new infections as restric-  for  anything  other  than
            on Sunday marked the first  killer," Gov. Andrew Cuomo  can  still  make  a  living  or  tions  ease.  The  decisions  groceries and medicine will
            time  in  a  week  that  the  said Monday during a state  have enough to eat.          are  complicated  because  remain in effect for at least
            daily toll dipped below 700.  Capitol news briefing.      Workers  in  some  nones-    each  nation  is  on  its  own  two weeks.
            Almost  2,000  people  were  As  the  coronavirus  throws  sential  industries  returned  coronavirus arc, with plac-
            newly hospitalized with the  millions  out  of  work  and  to  their  jobs  Monday  in  es  like  Britain,  Japan  and     Continued on Page 26
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