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A30 people & Arts
Tuesday 14 april 2020
Quibi stars have no quibble with new phone-only filmmaking
By MARK KENNEDY AP En- to be compared to other
tertainment Writer types of filmmaking.
NEW YORK (AP) — They "Just because it's short
were skeptical. The name doesn't mean it's of lesser
was weird. The concept quality or value," he says.
was a little crazy — but it "It's not the little cousin or
was intriguing. the derivative or the smaller
Oscar-winner Christoph form of anything. It is Quibi.
Waltz and rising star It is a thing in itself."
Stephan James each over- Waltz also doesn't believe
came initial reluctance to Quibi's launch points to the
become pioneers in Qui- future of filmmaking or sig-
bi, the mobile phone-only nals the death of traditional
platform that offers install- movies. Episodic films on
ments of movies and TV in phones are just going to be
10 minutes or less. This image released by Quibi shows Stephan James in a scene from "#FreeRayShawn." part of life from now on.
"When they told me about Associated Press. "Just because you have
the whole endeavor, I said, spans come down that far? — co-starring Liam Hems- cept for the fact that they miniature portraits doesn't
'Really? Have attention It's now below 10 minutes?'" worth as a man who be- employed additional nifty, mean anything for the fu-
jokes Waltz. comes hunters' prey — and crafty dramatic twists and ture of landscape paint-
Now on the other side, James' "#FreeRayshawn," turns to chain the individual ing," he says. "Just because
both film actors are firm the tense story of a man portions together," he says. you have a violin sonata
believers in the process set up by police in New Or- James was attracted to doesn't mean it will change
that transforms their art into leans. The actors say noth- his Quibi show because it the world of the symphony
something snack-sized. "It ing on their Quibi film sets tackled race and policing once and for all. No. These
was kind of ingenious and was different from being on in a very current way — tell- are things that exist at the
I'm honestly glad I took the a regular Hollywood one, ing the story of a black man same time."
risk," says James. "As the with no dilution of quality or framed by cops, with refer- James sees Quibi as a re-
times change, we'll change corners cut. "You wouldn't ences to Black Lives Matter finement and technologi-
with it — and we should." have done anything differ- and a nod to the power of cal evolution of something
Quibi launched last week ent on a project that is shot social media. millions of people already
with a staggering 175-plus for the theaters," says Waltz. "Without question. I always do — watch TV and films
programs planned for this Waltz's show has 16 epi- believe that our power as on our phones, via apps or
year, including "Punk'd," sodes and with each run- artists is to make art that re- YouTube.
with Chance the Rapper ning about 10 minutes, the flects life and society and "To be honest, there are
and "Chrissy's Court," with total entertainment time of to me the story of '#FreeR- tons of people who, even
Chrissy Teigen administer- "Most Dangerous Game" is ayshawn' is no different," he before Quibi, were watch-
ing justice in small claims what you'd find at any film says. ing full-on shows on their
cases. at the cineplex. It's just in Waltz, who has won Oscars phones, regardless of the
Two of the more prestigious chunks. for "Django Unchained" platform. Now you have
scripted shows are Waltz's "It would be a movie if you and "Inglourious Basterds," a platform that is literally
"Most Dangerous Game" string them together ex- says Quibi doesn't need made for your phone." q
Volunteers feed hungry animals at Nepal’s revered shrine
Nepal's government or- ered. The lockdown, im-
dered a complete lock- posed March 24, banned
down to stop the spread all flights and ground trans-
of the coronavirus. People port, and closed markets,
were forbidden from leav- schools and offices.
ing their homes. Temples It is common for devotees
closed. And the animals to feed cows, which are
risked starvation. sacred and worshipped by
Now, every morning and the Hindus, and monkeys,
evening, a few guards, which are believed to be
about a dozen staff and descendants of the Hindu
some volunteers come out god Hanuman. Cows line
to ensure that the animals up the path leading to the
survive. temple and the banks of
"We are trying to make sure the Bagmati River, while
In this Tuesday, March 31, 2020, photo, Nepalese volunteers feed that these animals are not monkeys roam freely
monkeys at Pashupatinath temple, the country's most revered starving and they are tak- around the forested hill
Hindu temple, during the lockdown in Kathmandu, Nepal. en care of," said Pradeep next to the shrine.
Associated Press. Dhakal, an official of the Dry corn is spread out on
By BINAJ GURUBACHARYA cows and pigeons. Pashupatinath Develop- the banks of the river for
Associated Press Normally, the animals are ment Trust, which controls pigeons while a dough is
KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) fed by thousands of devo- the temple and surround- made for cows from grain.
— When COVID-19 came tees at the country's most ing areas. Hundreds of monkeys most-
to Nepal, attention turned revered Hindu temple, Nepal has nine confirmed ly line up to receive food
to an unlikely group of vic- Pashupatinath temple in cases of the coronavirus from volunteers wearing
tims: hundreds of monkeys, Kathmandu. But last month and one person has recov- masks and rubber gloves.q