Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20200414
P. 27
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 14 april 2020
As virus deaths rise, Sweden sticks to 'low-scale' lockdown
By DAVID KEYTON and herd. Sweden is suffering
VANESSA GERA very, very badly. It's a way
Associated Press of doing it."
STOCKHOLM (AP) — But Swedish Health Minister
Crowds swarm Stockholm's Lena Hallengren recently
waterfront, with some peo- told The Associated Press:
ple sipping cocktails in the "We have never had a
sun. In much of the world, strategy for herd immunity."
this sort of gathering would So far, Sweden has banned
be frowned upon or even gatherings larger than 50
banned. people, closed high schools
Not in Sweden. and universities, and urged
It doesn't worry Anders Teg- those over 70 or otherwise
nell, the country's chief epi- at greater risk from the virus
demiologist and top strate- to self-isolate.
gist in the fight against the The softer approach means
coronavirus pandemic. that schools for younger
The 63-year-old has be- children, restaurants and
come a household name in most businesses are still
Sweden, appearing across open, creating the impres-
the media and holding sion that Swedes are living
daily briefings outlining the their lives as usual.
progression of the outbreak Yet as Johan Klockar
with a precise, quiet de- watches his son kick a ball In this Wednesday, April 8, 2020 file photo people chat and drink outside a bar in Stockholm,
meanor. around a field during a soc- Sweden.
As countries across Europe cer practice in Stockholm, Associated Press.
have restricted the move- the 43-year-old financial being felt. Last week, nations like Italy and Spain, around 47 dead per million
ment of their citizens, Swe- analyst says it's not like that. 25,350 Swedes registered which together have seen in Denmark.
den stands out for what He and his wife work from as unemployed, according at least 37,000 virus-related Sweden, with a population
Tegnell calls a "low-scale" home and avoid unneces- to the Stockholm Chamber deaths, and will be ready of 10 million, has registered
approach that "is much sary outings. They socialize of Commerce — a larger after Easter for a slow re- 899 deaths, while Denmark,
more sustainable" over a in a very small circle, and increase than during the turn to normal life that starts with 5.8 million people, has
longer period. limit their son's contacts to 2008 financial crisis. with reopening preschools 273 deaths. Worldwide, the
President Donald Trump people he sees at school or In contrast, just across a and primary schools. virus has infected a report-
has suggested that a ris- soccer practice. narrow strip of sea, neigh- For weeks, the numbers of ed 1.8 million people and
ing number of COVID-19 "Society is functioning, but boring Denmark is already COVID-19 cases and fa- killed 114,000, according
deaths indicate Sweden I think it's quite limited," talking about reopening talities were proportionally to a tally by Johns Hopkins
is paying a heavy price Klockar said. "Other than society. They imposed a similar between Sweden University. Still, due to lim-
for embracing the idea of this sort of situation — much stricter lockdown and Denmark, but while ited testing, different ways
herd immunity — that is, let- schools, soccer practice — four weeks ago, closing the economic results of the of counting the dead and
ting many individuals get we basically stay at home." borders, schools and busi- strict isolation are being deliberate under-counting
sick to build up immunity And while most businesses nesses. This week, the prime felt in Denmark, Sweden's by some governments, ex-
in the population. He said: in Sweden are still operat- minister said by acting ear- mortality rate has reached perts believe those num-
"Sweden did that -- the ing, the economic cost of ly, Denmark averted the more than 88 dead per bers vastly understate the
herd. They called (it) the the pandemic is already tragedy that struck hard-hit million, compared with pandemic's true toll.q
Egypt opens Gaza border for returnees stranded by outbreak
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip Hamas and its governmen- ade, Palestinian political
(AP) — Egypt reopened its tal bodies are struggling to divisions and conflicts with
border crossing on Mon- keep the COVID-19 threat Israel. International or-
day with the Gaza Strip at bay after its spread in ganizations warn that an
after nearly three weeks, neighboring Israel and outbreak would be cata-
allowing hundreds of Pal- Egypt. Only 13 cases have strophic among the 2 mil-
estinians stranded by the been diagnosed in the Pal- lion people packed in the
coronavirus pandemic to estinian enclave that the narrow enclave, where
return home. two countries blockaded poverty and unemploy-
Hamas, the militant group following Hamas' violent ment levels have jumped
ruling Gaza, has coordi- 2007 takeover. Nine have over 50%.
nated the timing of Rafah recovered. The cases The Rafah crossing will re-
crossing's one-way re- were discovered among main open for four days
opening with Egypt to co- travelers who returned to allow for the return of
incide with the completion from abroad via Israel and some 2,000 Palestinians
of 1,000 rooms to place Palestinian workers load food supplies distributed by the United Egypt in March. from Egypt.
the returnees into manda- Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) at the Sheikh But experts say the num- In the West Bank, there
tory quarantine. Redwan neighborhood of Gaza City, Tuesday, March 31, 2020. bers could be low owing are 260 infections and two
The arrivals were taken into Associated Press. to the limited testing ca- deaths, while in neighbor-
buses, without their lug- ters. Sick returnees would forces and medics waited pacity. ing Israel the injuries have
gage, under police escort be placed in hospitals and for the arrival in full protec- Gaza's health system is exceeded 11,000 and 115
into the quarantine cen- the old at hotels. Security tion clothes. gutted due to the block- deaths.q