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business Tuesday 14 april 2020
Relief money is coming - for some. Here's what to know
By SARAH SKIDMORE SELL taxes for those years but
Associated Press did not include direct de-
Americans are beginning posit information, the IRS
to see the first economic plans to have a "Get My
impact payments hit their Payment" app available
bank accounts. later this week that will al-
The IRS tweeted Saturday low them to add their bank
that it had begun deposit- information so their pay-
ing the funds into taxpayers' ment can be deposited.
bank accounts and would For everyone else, the gov-
be working to get them ernment will mail a check.
out as fast as possible. The WHEN WILL I GET THE PAY-
one-time payments were MENT?
approved by Congress as Direct deposits began this
part of an emergency relief weekend. The Treasury
package intended to com- said paper checks will be-
bat the economic dam- gin to be issued later in the
age from the coronavirus month.
pandemic. Everyone who gets a pay-
The exact timing of when ment will receive written
people get their money notice within 15 days after
depends on a few factors, the payment that specifies
such as income and pay- In this March 20, 2020 file photo, shoppers line up to enter a Costco store in Tacoma, Wash. how much you received
ment delivery method. Americans are beginning to see the first economic impact payments hit their bank accounts this and how it was delivered.
Here is what you should ex- week. The IRS also said the "Get
pect: Associated Press. My Payment" app will allow
WHO IS GETTING A CHECK? one child, the benefit starts these are IRS forms used for recipients and railroad re- taxpayers to track the sta-
Any adult earning up to to decline at $112,500 and certain types of self-em- tirees, who aren't typically tus of their payment.
$75,000 in adjusted gross falls to zero at $136,500. ployment income in Puerto required to file taxes, would A memo from lawmakers
income who has a valid Even those who only re- Rico. not need to file a simple tax earlier in the month said
Social Security number will ceive Social Security or WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO return to get the payment. that paper checks wouldn't
receive a $1,200 payment. other government benefit GET ONE? Anyone else who isn't typi- start being mailed until
The payment steadily de- programs can receive a For most people, nothing. cally required to file taxes May. And because the pa-
clines for those who make check. Checks will arrive via di- and does not receive So- per checks would be issued
more and phases out for WHO DOESN'T GET ONE? rect deposit if a taxpayer cial Security will still need to at a rate of about 5 million
those who earn more than High-income filers are ex- included the relevant infor- file an abbreviated return a week, the process could
$99,000. For married cou- cluded, as is anyone with- mation on their tax return to get the payment. On Fri- take through August.
ples, both adults receive out a valid Social Security filed this year or last. day, the Treasury unveiled The Treasury, however, said
$1,200, with the phase-out number. Some Americans are not an online tool that allows that paper checks pay-
starting at $150,000 of in- If someone can be claimed required to file a tax re- these non-filers to more ments would begin later in
come and falling to zero for as a dependent on some- turn — such as low-income quickly register to get their April but did not confirm a
couples who earn $198,000. one else's return, such as taxpayers, Social Security check. date or how long it would
Parents will also get pay- an adult child or student, recipients, some veterans If someone didn't file a tax take to complete those dis-
ments of $500 for each they will not get a pay- and people with disabilities. return for either the 2018 or tributions.
eligible child; this is gener- ment. Nonresident aliens After some back and forth 2019 tax year, the IRS is urg- All payments will be made
ally those 16 years old or aren't eligible. People who with lawmakers, the Trea- ing them to file as soon as based on income, with
younger. filed Form 1040-PR or 1040- sury and IRS ultimately they can. lower-income individuals
For heads of household with SS for 2019 are not eligible; decided Social Security And for people who filed receiving payment first.q
City Lights Bookstore launches successful GoFundMe campaign
By HILLEL ITALIE wrote in a recent posting founded 60 years ago. At
AP National Writer on the store's website. "The the same time, bestselling
NEW YORK (AP) — One of fiscal support we're receiv- novelist James Patterson
the world's most famous ing here will help stabilize has launched a fundrais-
independent booksellers, us for the next couple of ing initiative for indepen-
City Lights Bookstore in San months, and that will en- dent stores, and personal
Francisco, was in dire fi- able us to begin planning pledged $500,000.
nancial shape because of for the future." The online bookstore www.
the coronavirus outbreak Numerous stores around has raised
and asked for help. the country have been more than $500,000 for in-
Help quickly arrived. Within forced to shut down and dependent sellers.
days of starting a GoFund- have turned to GoFund- "I wanted to tell him what
Me campaign last week Me campaigns to survive. I could about the absolute
seeking $300,000, the In this March 13, 2020 file photo, people are reflected in the They include Posman torrent of love and support
store received more than window of the City Lights Bookstore in North Beach as they Books in New York and At- we've received since the
walk along Columbus Avenue in San Francisco.
$400,000, from nearly 9,000 Associated Press. lanta; Old Firehouse Books launch of this campaign ...
contributors. in Fort Collins, Colorado; but to be honest, I found
"Knowing that City Lights is itself with such momentum don't quite know how to and another San Francisco it impossible to describe,"
beloved is one thing, but and indomitable power, find words for," City Lights institution, Marcus Books, she wrote. q
to have that love manifest well, that's something I CEO Elaine Katzenberger a black-owned store