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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 26 Juli 2022

                        Ex-US congressman among 9 charged in insider trading cases

            (AP)  —  A  former  U.S.  diana,  was  arrested  Monday  that the cases, in addition to
            congressman  from  Indi-     in his home state. He served  several  other  recently  an-
            ana,  technology  company  on  committees  with  over-    nounced  crackdowns  on  in-
            executives,  a  man  train-  sight over the telecommuni-  sider trading, represent a fol-
            ing  to  be  an  FBI  agent,  cations industry while a Re-  low-through on his pledge to
            and an investment banker  publican  congressman  from  be “relentless in rooting out
            were  among  nine  people  1993 through 2011.             crime  in  our  financial  mar-
            charged  in  four  separate                               kets.”
            and    unrelated    insider  He was described as making
            trading  schemes  revealed  purchases  of  Sprint  securi-  “We have zero tolerance, zero
            on  Monday  with  the  un-   ties in March 2018 just a day  tolerance for cheating in our
            sealing  of  indictments  in  after  attending  a  golf  outing  markets,” said Gurbir S. Gre-
            New York City.               with  a  T-Mobile  executive  wal, director of the SEC En-
                                         who told him about the com-  forcement Division.
            It was one of the most signif-  pany’s  then-nonpublic  plan
            icant attacks by law enforce-  to  acquire  Sprint,  according  “When  insiders  like  Buyer
            ment on insider trading in a  to a civil case brought against  — an attorney, a former pros-  information  security  officer  at a major Washington D.C.
            decade, and a prosecutor and  Buyer  by  the  Securities  and  ecutor,  and  a  retired  Con-  of Lumentum Holdings Inc.,  law firm. According to court
            other federal officials pledged  Exchange  Commission  in  a  gressman  —  monetize  their  of  using  secrets  to  trade  il-  papers, he and a friend made
            fresh  enthusiasm  for  similar  federal court in Manhattan.  access to material, nonpublic  legally  and  then  giving  the  more than $1.4 million in il-
            prosecutions  in  the  future.                            information, as alleged in this  information to criminal asso-  legal profits after he  learned
            They  said  the  cheating  re-  Authorities  said  he  also  en-  case, they not only violate the  ciates, including four friends.  that Merck & Co. was going
            sulted  in  millions  of  dollars  gaged  in  illegal  trading  in  federal  securities  laws,  but  The SEC said Bhardwaj and  to  acquire  Pandion  Thera-
            of  illegal  profits  for  defen-  2019 ahead of Navigant Con-  also  undermine  public  trust  his  friends  generated  more  peutics.  It  was  unclear  who
            dants situated on both coasts  sulting  Inc.’s  acquisition  by  and  confidence  in  the  fair-  than  $5.2  million  in  illicit  would  represent  Markin  in
            and in middle America.       consulting and advisory firm  ness of our markets,” Grewal  profits  by  trading  ahead  of  court.
                                         Guidehouse.     Documents  said.                          two corporate acquisition an-
            Stephen  Buyer  was  accused  said he leveraged his work as                            nouncements.                 In  a  fourth  indictment,  an
            in  court  papers  of  engag-  a  consultant  and  lobbyist  to  In  a  second  prosecution,                        investment  banker  based  in
            ing in insider trading during  make illegal profits.      three  executives  at  Silicon  A  lawyer  for  Bhardwaj  did  New York was charged with
            the  $26.5  billion  merger  of                           Valley technology companies  not immediately return mes-  sharing  secrets  about  poten-
            T-Mobile  and  Sprint,  an-  His  lawyer,  Andrew  Gold-  were  charged  with  trading  sages seeking comment.      tial  mergers  with  another
            nounced  in  April  2018.  An  stein,  said  in  a  statement:  on  inside  information  about                      person, on the understanding
            indictment identified him as  “Congressman  Buyer  is  in-  corporate mergers that one of  In  a  third  case,  Seth  Mar-  that the pair would share ille-
            someone  who  misappropri-   nocent. His stock trades were  them learned about from his  kin, of Washington Crossing,  gal profits of about $280,000.
            ated  secrets  he  learned  as  a  lawful.  He  looks  forward  to  employer.          Pennsylvania  —  a  man  who
            consultant to make $350,000  being quickly vindicated.”                                was  training  to  be  an  FBI  Authorities said seven of the
            illegally.                                                An indictment accused Amit  agent — allegedly stole inside  nine defendants were arrest-
                                         U.S.  Attorney  Damian  Wil-  Bhardwaj, 49, of San Ramon,  information  from  his  then-  ed  Monday  while  two  were
            Buyer, 63, of Noblesville, In-  liams told a news conference  California, who was the chief  girlfriend  who  was  working  arrested previously.

                              Co-defendant in Central Park jogger case is exonerated

            (AP) — A co-defendant of the so-    Lopez was 15 when he was arrested  false  statements”  and  under  “im-  and  murderer,  Matias  Reyes,  to  the
            called  Central  Park  Five,  whose  along with five other Black and La-  mense external pressure.” He served  attack.
            convictions  in  a  notorious  1989  tino teenagers in the rape and assault  more than three years behind bars be-
            rape of a jogger were thrown out  on  Trisha  Meili  but  reached  a  deal  fore being released in the early 1990s.  Prosecutors  who  reviewed  the  case
            more than a decade later, had his  with  prosecutors  to  plead  guilty  to                                 had concluded the teenagers’ confes-
            conviction  on  a  related  charge  the lesser charge that he and several  Lopez,  now  48,  didn’t  give  a  state-  sions, made after hours of interroga-
            overturned Monday.                  others mugged a male jogger on the  ment in court and left without speak-  tions, were deeply flawed.
                                                same night.                         ing to reporters.
            Steven Lopez was exonerated in re-                                                                          “A comparison of the statements re-
            sponse  to  requests  by  both  Lopez’s  District Attorney Alvin Bragg told a  “Mr. Lopez is looking for privacy at  veals  troubling  discrepancies,”  they
            attorney  and  prosecutors  at  a  court  judge  Monday  that  a  review  of  the  this time,” said his lawyer, Eric Sha-  wrote  in  court  papers  at  the  time.
            hearing in Manhattan.               case  found  that  Lopez  had  pleaded  piro Renfroe.                   “The accounts given by the five de-
                                                guilty  involuntarily  “in  the  face  of                               fendants  differed  from  one  another
                                                                                    During  the  hearing,  the  defense  at-  on the specific details of virtually ev-
                                                                                    torney told his client: “I believe what  ery major aspect of the crime.”
                                                                                    happened to you was a profound in-
                                                                                    justice  and  an  American  tragedy.  ...  Prosecutors  said  on  Monday  that
                                                                                    I’m happy to be here today with DA  statements  implicating  Lopez  in  the
                                                                                    Bragg so we can give you your name  violence night also were unreliable.
                                                                                                                        Other individuals who linked Lopez
                                                                                    The  brutal  assault  on  Meili,  a  to the attacks on the male and female
                                                                                    28-year-old white investment banker  joggers later recanted their allegations
                                                                                    who was in a coma for 12 days after  in their civil depositions, prosecutors
                                                                                    the attack, was considered emblemat-  wrote in court papers. The male jog-
                                                                                    ic of New York City’s lawlessness in  ger never identified Lopez as one of
                                                                                    an era when the city recorded 2,000  the assailants, the papers add.
                                                                                    murders a year.
                                                                                                                        The  Central  Park  Five,  now  some-
                                                                                    Five teenagers were convicted in the  times  known  as  the  “Exonerated
                                                                                    attack on Meili and served six to 13  Five,” went on to win a $40 million
                                                                                    years  in  prison.  Their  convictions  settlement from the city and inspire
                                                                                    were  overturned  in  2002  after  evi-  books, movies and television shows.
                                                                                    dence linked a convicted serial rapist
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