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A30    world news
                       Diamars 26 Juli 2022

                         Zimbabwe debuts gold coins as legal tender to stem inflation

                                                                                    according to the governor of the Re-  and  will  be  tradable  locally  and  in-
                                                                                    serve Bank of Zimbabwe, John Man-   ternationally.  The  coin  may  also  be
                                                                                    gudya.                              used for transactional purposes,” said
                                                                                                                        the central bank. People holding the
                                                                                    The coins can be used for purchases  coins can only trade them for cash af-
                                                                                    in shops, depending on whether the  ter 180 days from the date of buying,
                                                                                    shop has enough change, he said.    the bank said.

                                                                                    “The government is trying to mod-   The  coins,  each  weighing  one  troy
                                                                                    erate  the  very  high  demand  for  the  ounce with a purity of 22 carats, can
                                                                                    U.S. dollar because this high demand  also be used as security for loans and
                                                                                    is not being matched by supply,” said  credit facilities, said the central bank.
                                                                                    Zimbabwean  economist  Prosper  The price of the coins will be deter-
                                                                                    Chitambara.                         mined  by  the  international  market
                                                                                                                        rate for an ounce of gold, plus 5% for
                                                                                    “The expectation is that ... there will  the cost of producing the coin. At the
                                                                                    also  be  moderation  in  terms  of  the  time of the launch Monday, the cost
                                                                                    depreciation  of  the  local  currency,  of Mosi oa Tunya coin was $1,824.
                                                                                    which should have some kind of sta-
                                                                                    bilizing effect in terms of pricing of  Internationally, gold coins are used in
            (AP) — Zimbabwe has launched  IMF.                                      goods,” he said.                    countries such as China, South Africa
            gold coins to be sold to the public                                                                         and Australia to hedge against infla-
            in  a  bid  to  tame  runaway  infla-  With strong memories of that disas-  Any individual or company can buy  tion  and  as  an  investment  opportu-
            tion  that  has  further  eroded  the  trous  inflation,  many  Zimbabweans  the  coins  from  authorized  outlets  nity, although they are not as widely
            country’s unstable currency.        today prefer to scramble on the ille-  such as banks and can keep the coins  used  as  currency  as  envisaged  by
                                                gal market for scarce U.S. dollars to  at  a  bank  or  take  them  home,  ac-  Zimbabwe’s central bank, said Chit-
            The  unprecedented  move  was  an-  keep at home as savings or for daily  cording to an announcement by the  ambara.
            nounced  Monday  by  the  country’s  transactions.  Faith  in  Zimbabwe’s  country’s  central  bank.  Foreigners
            central  bank,  the  Reserve  Bank  of  currency is already so low that many  can only buy the coins in foreign cur-  “For Zimbabwe we are in chronic hy-
            Zimbabwe,  to  boost  confidence  in  retailers don’t accept it.        rency, said the central bank.       perinflation so the expectation is that
            the local currency.                                                                                         there will be a huge uptake of these
                                                The  central  bank  disbursed  2,000  Called Mosi-oa-Tunya, which in the  gold coins,” he said. However, most
            Trust in Zimbabwe’s currency is low  coins to commercial banks on Mon-  local Tonga language refers to Victo-  Zimbabweans  struggle  with  daily
            after people saw their savings wiped  day. The first batch of the coins was  ria  Falls,  the  coins  “will  have  liquid  survival  and  won’t  be  able  to  buy
            out by hyperinflation in 2008 which  minted outside the country but even-  asset status, that is, it will be capable  them, he said.
            reached 5 billion%, according to the  tually  they  will  be  produced  locally,  of  being  easily  converted  to  cash,

                             Mideast nations wake up to damage from climate change

            (AP)  —  Temperatures  in  region.  Governments  across  lions of people as the rise in  its GDP by 2050 because of  drought in 900 years, accord-
            the Middle East have risen  the  Middle  East  have  awak-  temperatures   accelerates:  water  scarcity,  according  to  ing  to  NASA,  a  heavy  blow
            far faster than the world’s  ened  to  the  dangers  of  cli-  The region already has high  the World Bank.         to  countries  like  Syria  and
            average  in  the  past  three  mate  change,  particularly  to  temperatures and limited wa-                        Lebanon  where  agriculture
            decades.     Precipitation  the  damage  it  is  already  in-  ter resources even in normal  In  Egypt,  precipitation  has  relies on rainfall. Demand for
            has  been  decreasing,  and  flicting on their economies.  circumstances.              fallen  22%  in  the  past  30  water in Jordan and the Per-
            experts  predict  droughts                                                             years, according to the World  sian Gulf countries is putting
            will  come  with  greater  “We’re literally seeing the ef-  Middle  East  governments  Bank.                        unsustainable  pressure  on
            frequency and severity.      fects  right  in  front  of  us.  ...  also have a limited ability to                  underground water aquifers.
                                         These impacts are not some-  adapt, the International Mon-  Droughts  are  expected  to  In  Iraq,  the  increased  arid-
            The  Middle  East  is  one  of  thing that will hit us nine or  etary Fund noted in a report  become  more  frequent  and  ity has caused an increase in
            the  most  vulnerable  regions  10 years down the line,” said  earlier  this  year.  Economies  severe. The Eastern Mediter-  sandstorms.
            in the world to the impact of  Lama El Hatow, an environ-  and  infrastructure  are  weak,  ranean recently saw its worst
            climate change — and already  mental  climate  change  con-  and  regulations  are  often
            the effects are being seen.  sultant who has worked with  unenforced. Poverty is wide-
                                         the World Bank and special-  spread, making job creation a
            In  Iraq,  intensified  sand-  izes on the Middle East and  priority over climate protec-
            storms    have    repeatedly  North Africa.               tion. Autocratic governments
            smothered  cities  this  year,                            like  Egypt’s  severely  restrict
            shutting  down  commerce  “More  and  more  states  are  civil  society,  hampering  an
            and  sending  thousands  to  starting  to  understand  that  important  tool  in  engaging
            hospitals.  Rising  soil  salinity  it’s necessary” to act, she said.  the public on environmental
            in Egypt’s Nile Delta is eat-                             and climate issues.
            ing away at crucial farmland.  Egypt,  Morocco  and  other
            In  Afghanistan,  drought  has  countries in the region have  At  the  same  time,  develop-
            helped fuel the migration of  been  stepping  up  initiatives  ing  nations  are  pressuring
            young people from their vil-  for  clean  energy.  But  a  top  countries in the Mideast and
            lages,  searching  for  jobs.  In  priority for them at COP-27  elsewhere to make emissions
            recent  weeks,  temperatures  is to push for more interna-  cuts, even as they themselves
            in  some  parts  of  the  region  tional  funding  to  help  them  backslide on promises.
            have topped 50 degrees Cel-  deal with the dangers they are  The threats are dire.
            sius (122 Fahrenheit).       already  facing  from  climate
                                         change.                      As  the  region  grows  hotter
            This year’s annual U.N. cli-                              and drier, the United Nations
            mate  change  conference,  One  reason  for  the  Middle  has warned that the Mideast’s
            known  as  COP27,  is  being  East’s  vulnerability  is  that  crop  production  could  drop
            held in Egypt in November,  there  is  simply  no  margin  30%  by  2025.  The  region  is
            throwing  a  spotlight  on  the  to cushion the blow on mil-  expected  to  lose  6%-14%  of
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