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                                                                                         world news Diamars 26 Juli 2022

                          EU struggles with how to cut off its reliance on Russian gas

            (AP) — European Union nations  that could add a big chill to the up-
            struggled  Monday  to  find  com-   coming  winter,  leaving  nations  like
            mon ground on how to wean the  economic  juggernaut  Germany  es-
            bloc  off  its  reliance  on  Russian  pecially exposed. But some other EU
            natural  gas,  seeking  to  appease  countries,  like  Spain  and  Portugal,
            wary, stressed consumers at home  which have little dependence on Rus-
            while upholding unity as Moscow  sian gas, do not want to force such a
            turns down the tap.                 major cut on their people.

            Russian President Vladimir Putin has  Russia has cut off or reduced gas to a
            weaponized  gas  exports  to  pressure  dozen EU countries so far. On Mon-
            the  bloc  into  reducing  its  sanctions  day, it said it will slash flows this week
            over the war in Ukraine or to push  through a major pipeline to Germany
            other political aims.               by  another  half,  to  20%  of  capacity.
                                                The Nord Stream 1 pipeline reduc-
            On  the  eve  of  an  emergency  meet-  tions  further  endanger  goals  to  fill
            ing to discuss plans to cut EU gas use  European gas storage tanks for winter
            15%  over  the  coming  months,  en-  as envoys haggled over EU plans.
            voys on Monday were still brokering
            a  possible  compromise  that  should  It  was  what  European  Commission
            keep all 27 nations in line by Tuesday  President Ursula von der Leyen had
            night.                              seen  coming  when  she  announced
                                                the plan. She is convinced that Putin
            “This a still a work in progress,” said  will cut off natural gas exports to try
            a senior diplomat who asked not to be  to wreak economic and political hav-  Eric Mamer. “This development vali-  been working nonstop on the divisive
            identified because the talks were still  oc in Europe this winter.      dates our analysis. We therefore hope  issue and had sought to clip the pow-
            ongoing.                                                                that the Council will adopt an appro-  ers of the executive European Com-
                                                “This  is  exactly  the  sort  of  scenario  priate response” on Tuesday.  mission, which under its plan, could
            The bloc is bracing for a possible full  the  president  was  referring  to  last                           sidestep member countries to impose
            Russian cutoff of natural gas supplies  week,” said Commission spokesman  The  diplomat  said  ambassadors  had  such reductions.

                          Myanmar executes ex-lawmaker, 3 other political prisoners

            (AP)  —  Myanmar’s  gov-     cruel  and  regressive  step.”  Myanmar  after  the  military  Myanmar’s  military,  Foreign  bars for political activism be-
            ernment confirmed Mon-       She added: “For the military  seized  power  in  February  Ministry  spokesman  Zhao  fore his arrest in Yangon last
            day  it  had  carried  out  its  to widen its killing will only  2021, rejected the allegations  Lijian refused to comment on  October. He had been put on
            first  executions  in  nearly  deepen  its  entanglement  in  the  men  were  involved  in  the executions, saying Beijing  a wanted list for social media
            50 years, hanging a former  the crisis it has itself created.”  violence.              “always upholds the principle  postings that allegedly incited
            lawmaker,  a  democracy                                                                of non-interference in other  unrest,  and  state  media  said
            activist and two other po-   According to the newspaper,  “Punishing them with death  countries’ internal affairs.”  he  was  accused  of  terrorist
            litical  prisoners  who  had  the  four  were  executed  “in  is  a  way  to  rule  the  public                     acts  including  mine  attacks
            been accused of a targeted  accordance with legal proce-  through  fear,”  he  told  The  Phyo Zeya Thaw, 41, was ar-  and of heading a group called
            killing after the country’s  dures” for directing and orga-  Associated Press.         rested  last  November  based  Moon  Light  Operation  to
            military takeover last year.  nizing “violent and inhuman                              on  information  from  people  carry  out  urban  guerrilla  at-
                                         accomplice  acts  of  terrorist  Among  those  executed  was  detained  for  shooting  secu-  tacks.
            The  executions,  first  an-  killings.” It did not say when  Phyo  Zeya  Thaw,  a  former  rity  personnel,  state  media
            nounced  in  the  state-run  they were hanged.            lawmaker from ousted leader  said at the time. He was also  The  other  two,  Hla  Myo
            Mirror  Daily  newspaper,                                 Aung San Suu Kyi’s National  accused of being a key figure  Aung and Aung Thura Zaw,
            were  carried  out  despite  The  military  government  League for Democracy party.  in a network that carried out  were  convicted  of  tortur-
            worldwide pleas for clemen-  later issued a brief statement  Also known as Maung Kyaw,  what  the  military  described  ing  and  killing  a  woman  in
            cy for the four men, includ-  about  the  executions,  while  he was convicted in January  as terrorist attacks in Yangon,  March 2021 who they alleg-
            ing from United Nations ex-  the  prison  where  the  men  by a closed military court of  the country’s biggest city.  edly  believed  was  a  military
            perts  and  Cambodia,  which  had been held and the prison  offenses involving possession                           informer.
            holds the rotating chairman-  department  refused  com-   of explosives,  bombings  and  Phyo  Zeya  Thaw  had  been
            ship  of  the  Association  of  ment.                     financing terrorism.         a  hip-hop  musician  before  Elaine  Pearson,  acting  Asia
            Southeast Asian Nations.                                                               becoming  a  member  of  the  director  of  Human  Rights
                                         Aung  Myo  Min,  human  His  wife,  Thazin  Nyunt  Generation  Wave  political  Watch, said the legal proceed-
            There  were  swift  condem-  rights  minister  for  the  Na-  Aung, told the AP the world  movement  formed  in  2007.  ings against the four had been
            nations.  U.N.  human  rights  tional  Unity  Government,  needs to hold the military ac-  He was jailed in 2008 under  “grossly unjust and politically
            chief  Michelle  Bachelet  said  a  shadow  civilian  adminis-  countable for the executions.  a  previous  military  govern-  motivated military trials.”
            she  was  dismayed  by  “this  tration  established  outside  “They have to pay,” she said.  ment  after  being  accused  of
                                                                                                   illegal association and posses-  “The  junta’s  barbarity  and
                                                                      The U.S. Embassy in Myan-    sion of foreign currency.    callous  disregard  for  human
                                                                      mar said it mourned the loss                              life  aims  to  chill  the  anti-
                                                                      of the four men and offered  Also executed was Kyaw Min  coup protest movement,” she
                                                                      condolences to their families  Yu,  a  53-year-old  democ-  said following the announce-
                                                                      while  decrying  the  decision  racy  activist  better  known  ment of the executions.
                                                                      to execute them.             as  Ko  Jimmy,  for  violating
                                                                                                   the  counterterrorism  law.  Thomas  Andrews,  an  inde-
                                                                      “We  condemn  the  military  He was one of the leaders of  pendent   U.N.-appointed
                                                                      regime’s execution of pro-de-  the  88  Generation  Students  expert on human rights who
                                                                      mocracy  leaders  and  elected  Group,  veterans  of  a  failed  had  condemned  the  deci-
                                                                      officials  for  exercising  their  1988 popular uprising against  sion  to  go  ahead  with  the
                                                                      fundamental  freedoms,”  the  military rule.              executions  when  they  were
                                                                      embassy said.                                             announced  in  June,  called
                                                                                                   He  already  had  spent  more  for a strong international re-
                                                                      In China, a longtime ally of  than  a  dozen  years  behind  sponse.
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