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Friday 8 december 2017
Loyal Guests Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority
PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure of honoring
a group of guests who are loyal and friendly visitors of Aruba at the Bucuti & Tara Beach
Resort and the Divi Phoenix Beach Resort as Distinguished Visitors.
The symbolic honorary title is presented in the name of the Minister of Tourism as a token
of appreciation to guests who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 consecutive years.
The honorees were Mr. Steve and Mrs. Melissa Eshelman, and Mrs. Estee Dorfman, all
celebrating 10 or more consecutive annual visits to Aruba!
These special visitors are regular guests at Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort and the Divi Phoe-
nix Beach Resort and they love Aruba very much because of the safety, the beautiful
sunsets, friendly locals, variety of food and the feeling of home-away-from-home. The
certificates were presented by Ms. Emely Ridderstaat representing the Aruba Tourism
Authority together with associates from the Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort and the Divi
Phoenix Beach Resort.q
Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort) Prestigious Award for Aruba
CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION MAURITIUS/ORANJESTAD - place in the best regional
LIVE POKER Aruba Airport Authority NV airport with over 2 mil-
(AAA) was called on stage lion passengers annually,
in Mauritius during the Air- which is shared with Quito
GAMES START 8 PM TO THE WEE HOURS ports Council Internation- Airport. Aruba Airport also
al Airport Service Quality won the top prize as the
Awards ceremony where airport that has shown the
1-2.....2-5......5-5 1-3.....2-5......5-5 large and small airports most improvement in the
$100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR around the world compete Latin America and Carib-
for awards that recognize bean Regions.
OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES best passenger service “We will continue with our
CRAPS and experience. objective of becoming
leaders in customer service
ONLY CASINO IN ARUBA TO OFFER 3, 4 & 5 TIME ODDS These are determined by among airports. This award
clients rating the airports is not only the achieve-
over the period of one ment for us as the airport
SPORTSBOOK year. and airport community,
The categories are orga-
but a huge achievement
LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS nized to recognize the for our passengers,” said
achievements of airports of Marc Figaroa, Commerce
THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS varying sizes, and in the dif- Manager for AAA who
ferent regions. accepted the awards in
Aruba Airport won the third Mauritius.”q