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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 25 September 2020

                        Kenosha shooter's defense portrays him as 'American patriot'

            (AP)-  The  way  lawyers  for  “This is the sacred ground in
            Kyle  Rittenhouse  tell  it,  he  Kenosha where a 17-year old
            wasn't just a scared teenager  child  became  a  Minuteman
            acting  in  self-defense  when  and said 'Not on My Watch,'”
            he  shot  to  death  two  Keno-  Pierce tweeted above a pho-
            sha,  Wisconsin,  protesters.  to  of  the  city  where  rioters
            He was a courageous defend-  burned  and  looted  just  days
            er  of  liberty,  a  patriot  exer-  before. Eric Creizman, a for-
            cising his right to bear arms  mer partner at Pierce’s firm,
            amid rioting in the streets.  said  the  heated  language  in
                                         the  tweets  is  not  surprising
            “A  17-year-old  citizen  is  be-  because  of  his  former  boss'
            ing  sacrificed  by  politicians,  tendency  toward  hyperbole,
            but it’s not Kyle Rittenhouse  though he wonders if it will
            they  are  after.  Their  end  backfire. “The question really
            game is to strip away the con-  should focus on whether this
            stitutional right of all citizens  guy is guilty of what they’re
            to defend our communities,”  charging him with,” he said,
            says  the  voice-over  at  the  “instead  of  making  it  into  a
            end  of  a  video  released  this  political issue.”
            week by a group tied to Rit-  One  politically  charged  tac-
            tenhouse’s  legal  team.  “Kyle  tic  critics  have  attacked  as  a
            Rittenhouse will go down in  longshot  is  Pierce’s  promise
            American  history  alongside  to fight a charge of underage
            that  brave  unknown  patriot  firearm possession, a misde-
            ... who fired ‘The Shot Heard  meanor, by arguing U.S. law
            Round  the  World,’’’  lead  at-  allows  for  an  “unorganized
            torney John Pierce wrote this  militia.” Rittenhouse wielded
            month in a tweet he later de-  a semi-automatic rifle.
            leted.  “A  Second  American
            Revolution  against  Tyranny  Some  experts  have  even
            has begun.”                  questioned whether the teen-
                                         ager’s team of four attorneys
            But  such  dramatic  rhetoric  will feel pressure to hold back
            that  has  helped  raise  nearly  from  making  a  plea  bargain
            $2 million for Rittenhouse’s  out of fear of disrupting the
            defense  may  not  work  with  patriotic narrative and disap-  nity, the Fox News host with  Foundation   documentary,  up!” one person in the crowd
            a  jury  considering  charges  pointing donors.           close ties to Trump.         the  real  Rittenhouse  is  not  says. Another yells, “Get him!
            that  could  put  the  teen  in  There is a temptation to shape  And  Wood  made  headlines  the  wild-eyed  vigilante  crit-  Get that dude!”
            prison for life. Legal experts  court arguments to “keep the  recently representing Nicho-  ics  have  painted  him.  He  is
            say  there  could  be  big  risks  money flowing while the bat-  las Sandmann, the Kentucky  instead portrayed as a model  What  happened  next,  as
            in turning a fairly straightfor-  tle is ongoing,” said Richard  teen  in  the  “Make  America  citizen  who  had  just  gotten  Pierce  put  it  in  a  statement,
            ward self-defense case into a  Cayo,  a  Milwaukee  attorney  Great Again” hat, in his law-  off his shift as lifeguard and  were  a  series  of  clear  signs
            fight for freedom that mirrors  who  helps  other  lawyers  in  suits  against  news  organiza-  was  cleaning  graffiti  from  a  captured on cellphone video
            the  law-and-order  reelec-  ethics cases. “It puts lawyers  tions  over  their  coverage  of  vandalized  high  school  be-  that Rittenhouse was in pos-
            tion  theme  President  Don-  at risk of trying to serve two  his encounter with an Ameri-  fore  he  received  word  from  sible mortal danger.
            ald  Trump  has  struck  amid  masters.”                  can Indian protester in Wash-  a  business  owner  seeking  A  man  strikes  Rittenhouse
            a wave of protests over racial  Both  Pierce  and  Wood  have  ington last year.       help to protect what was left  as  he  runs  down  the  street,
            injustice. “They’re playing to  ties  to  Trump’s  orbit  and  Both attorneys moved quick-  of  his  property  after  rioters  chased  by  several  people
            his most negative characteris-  his  brand  of  GOP  politics,  ly  after  Rittenhouse  was  ar-  had burned two of his other  trying  to  stop  him.  Ritten-
            tics and stereotypes, what his  though  it’s  not  clear  if  that  rested  in  his  hometown  of  buildings.       house  falls  to  the  ground
            critics  want  to  perceive  him  played  any  role  in  their  in-  Antioch,  Illinois,  a  day  after             and  another  protester  kicks
            as — a crazy militia member  volvement  in  Rittenhouse’s  the  Aug.  25  shootings  that  According  to  prosecutors,  him.  Back  on  his  feet and a
            out  to  cause  harm  and  start  case and how it is being han-  came  amid  raucous  protests  Rittenhouse  shot  and  killed  bit  farther  down  the  street,
            a  revolution,”  said  Robert  dled. For his part, Trump has  in  Kenosha  over  the  police  Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, after  he is struck by a skateboard.
            Barnes, a prominent Los An-  made statements appearing to  shooting  that  paralyzed  a  the  protester  threw  a  plastic  He  shoots,  killing  the  man
            geles  defense  attorney.  Rit-  support  Rittenhouse's  claim  Black man, Jacob Blake. Rit-  bag  at  the  teenager,  missing  with  the  skateboard,  Antho-
            tenhouse’s  high-profile  de-  of  self-defense,  saying  the  tenhouse, who is white, was  him.                    ny  Huber,  26,  and  wound-
            fense and fund-raising teams,  young man “probably would  charged  with  first-degree  But  to  Pierce,  the  situation  ing a third person holding a
            led  by  Los  Angeles-based  have been killed.”           intentional  homicide  in  the  was  far  more  dire.  Rosen-  handgun, Gaige Grosskreutz,
            Pierce  and  Atlanta  attorney  Trump’s  personal  lawyer  killing of two white protest-  baum was the head of a “mob  26.George  Washington  Uni-
            Lin  Wood,  respectively,  re-  Rudy Giuliani hired Pierce’s  ers and attempted intentional  that  had  become  enraged”  versity  law  professor  Jona-
            fused to speak to The Associ-  firm  late  last  year  when  he  homicide in the wounding of  at  the  sight  of  Rittenhouse  than Turley said he wouldn’t
            ated Press about their strategy  was  reportedly  under  inves-  a third.              trying  to  put  out  a  fire  set  be  surprised  if  the  patriotic
            ahead of the teen’s next court  tigation for possibly breaking                         by  arsonists  and  decided  to  language  that  has  wooed
            appearance  Friday,  a  hearing  lobbying laws for his work in  Pierce flew to Illinois to meet  chase after him, “relentlessly  online  donors  were  eventu-
            in Illinois on whether to re-  Ukraine for the president, as  Rittenhouse  and  his  family  hunting  him  as  prey.”  Rit-  ally abandoned for the most
            turn him to Wisconsin.       did  Carter  Page  and  George  that  next  day,  according  to  tenhouse,  in  Pierce's  telling,  obvious  defense,  that  “Rit-
                                         Papadopoulos,       former  his  tweets,  which  included  fired  only  after  Rosenbaum  tenhouse was a confused kid
            But in a TV appearance and  Trump advisers caught up in  appeals  for  donations  to  the  began  to  “assault  him  from  who got in over his head.”
            a  blizzard  of  social  media  the Russia investigation.  #FightBack Foundation that  behind”  and  attempted  to  Still,  Turley  said,  those  who
            posts,  they  doubled  down                               was started with Wood a few  take his rifle away.         give the most tend to gravi-
            on the hero theme, describ-  Wood,  a  defamation  lawyer  weeks  earlier  to  fund  law-  “I just killed somebody,” Rit-  tate  to  the  extremes  of  the
            ing Kenosha as a “war zone”  who  represented  falsely  ac-  suits aimed at the “lies” of the  tenhouse  says  into  his  cell-  political spectrum.
            and  the  young  shooter  as  cused security guard Richard  “radical left.”            phone, according to the com-
            an  “American  patriot”  and  Jewell  in  the  1996  Olympic  In  Pierce’s  telling  on  a  Fox  plaint filed by prosecutors, as  “There  is  danger  that  social
            a  “shining  symbol  of  the  Park  bombing  in  Atlanta,  is  News  appearance  and  an  he starts running and several  media  campaigns  can  alter
            American fighting spirit.”   also a lawyer for Sean Han-  11-minute       #FightBack  people give chase. “Beat him  your narrative," he said.
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