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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 25 September 2020

                          Stuck at sea: Nations urged to help virus-stranded mariners

            (AP) — Another COVID-19  ers  to  keep  extending  their  home to his family in Florida
            problem  that  the  U.N.  is  contracts.                  in  late  May.  But  more  than
            trying to solve: how to help                              300,000  mariners  are  still
            more than 300,000 merchant  U.N. Secretary-General An-    stranded, waiting for replace-
            mariners who are trapped at  tonio  Guterres  joined  ship-  ment  crews;  about  as  many
            sea  because  of  coronavirus  ping companies, trade unions  are  waiting  on  shore,  trying
            restrictions.Describing   the  and  maritime  organizations  to get back to work.
            mounting desperation of sea-  in  urging  governments  to  Maritime officials from Pan-
            farers  who  have  been  afloat  recognize merchant crews as  ama, the Philippines, Canada,
            for  a  year  or  more,  Captain  essential  workers  and  allow  France  and  Kenya  defended
            Hedi  Marzougui  pleaded  them  to  travel  more  freely.  steps  they  have  taken  indi-
            their case Thursday at a meet-  With more than 80% of global  vidually  to  allow  safe  crew
            ing with shipping executives  trade by volume transported  changes or otherwise ease the
            and  government  officials  on  by sea, the world’s 2 million  crisis.
            the  sidelines  of  this  week's  merchant seafarers play a vi-  But officials lamented a lack
            U.N. General Assembly.       tal role. Merchant ship crews  of international coordination
                                         are  used  to  long  stretches  among nations and shipping
            As the pandemic washed over  away from home, but as virus  companies,  calling  for  new  to  bring  infections  on  our  date  crew  changes.  Kenya
            the world and made shipping  infections  and  restrictions  rules  to  protect  countries  ships.” He blamed “red tape  called for sharing costs glob-
            crews  unwelcome  in  many  spread  early  this  year,  anxi-  from the virus while respect-  and  bureaucracy"  for  crew  ally  for  a  rapid  testing  plan
            ports,  he  said,  “We  received  ety  mounted  along  with  the  ing  the  rights  of  stranded  change delays and said border  for major ports.
            very  limited  information,  uncertainty, Marzougui said.  crews.                      guards and local port officials  Crews  often  work  12-hour
            and  it  became  increasingly  “Not knowing when or if we                              in  some  countries  are  being  shifts  with  no  weekends,
            difficult  to  get  vital  supplies  would  be  returning  home  No figures were released for  overzealous in blocking them  and  Marzougui  warned  that
            and  technical  support.  Na-  put  severe  mental  strain  on  how  many  merchant  mari-  from  coming  ashore.  One  extending  stints  without  a
            tions changed regulations on  my crew and myself," he said.  ners  have  contracted  the  vi-  way goods are still able to get  break risks physical and men-
            a daily, if not hourly, basis.”  "We felt like second-class citi-  rus,  but  Guy  Platten  of  the  ashore  despite  restrictions  tal  strain  —  potentially  put-
            Several  months  later,  many  zens with no input or control  International  Chamber  of  is  by  dock  workers  fetching  ting ships and oceans in dan-
            borders  remain  closed  and  over our lives."            Shipping said the virus risk is  them from the ships.     ger. The captain compared it
            flights are rare, complicating                            “relatively low" because ship-                            to telling a marathon runner
            efforts  to  bring  in  replace-  The  Tunisian-born  captain  ping  companies  have  strict  France proposed compiling a  at  the  end  of  the  race  that
            ment crews for those stuck at  spent an extra three months  protection  measures  and  global U.N. list of ports that  they had to “do it again, right
            sea and forcing their employ-  at  sea  and  finally  made  it  “have  no  wish  whatsoever  can be secured to accommo-  away, with no rest.”

                           Israel tightens second lockdown as coronavirus cases soar

            (AP)  —  Israel  on  Thursday  moved  to  further                                                the gradual easing of restrictions on essential but
            tighten its second countrywide lockdown as coro-  The limits on both prayers and protests could spark  low-risk  activities.  Israel  is  currently  reporting
            navirus cases continued to soar, ordering all non-  a backlash.                                  nearly 7,000 new daily cases, making the outbreak
            essential businesses to close and requiring people  Israel's politically influential ultra-Orthodox com-  in the country of 9 million people among the worst
            to stay within 1,000 meters (yards) of their homes.  munity has objected to limits on public prayer dur-  in the world on a per capita basis.
            Prayers during the ongoing Jewish High Holidays,  ing the ongoing Jewish High Holidays, and Ne-  Israel won praise this spring when it swiftly moved
            as well as political demonstrations, would be lim-  tanyahu opponents have accused him of using the  to seal its borders and shut down most businesses.
            ited to open spaces and no more than 20 people,  lockdown as a cover to end weekly demonstrations  By May, its daily rate of new cases had dropped into
            and participants would have to remain within the  against his handling of the crisis.            the double-digits. But then it reopened the econo-
            restricted distance from home.                  Netanyahu dismissed such allegations as “absurd,"  my too quickly, leading to a surge of new infections
                                                            saying all of the restrictions were for public safety.  over the summer.
            The measures are set to go into force on Friday af-  In a separate address, Netanyahu's former rival and  In  recent  months,  a  national  unity  government
            ternoon, as the country shuts down for the weekly  now  governing  partner,  Benny  Gantz,  called  for  that was formed to address the pandemic has been
            Sabbath ahead of the solemn holy day of Yom Kip-  national unity.                                mired  in  infighting,  with  authorities  issuing  un-
            pur on Sunday and Monday. Even during normal                                                     clear  and  sometimes  contradictory  guidelines,
            times, Israel completely shuts down for Yom Kip-  "We  cannot  allow  anyone  to  exploit  and  deepen  leading much of the public to disregard the risk.
            pur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, with businesses  polarization and make us lose this battle,” he said,
            and  airports  closed,  roads  empty,  and  even  radio  vowing that protesters could take to the streets and  Many businesses, meanwhile, have yet to recover
            and television stations going silent. In a televised  worshippers could fill synagogues once the situa-  from the earlier lockdown, and the new restrictions
            address Thursday night, Prime Minister Benjamin  tion is brought under control. “Saving lives comes  are expected to take a heavy toll on the economy
            Netanyahu acknowledged the pain caused by the  before anything else. Anything at all,” Gantz said in  even  though  they  are  being  imposed  during  the
            closure, but said the holiday season, when many  a speech outside his home. Hecklers could be heard  holidays, when many businesses would ordinarily
            businesses  slow  down  in  any  case,  was  the  best  shouting at him in the distance. The government  scale back hours.
            time to take action.                            ordered  synagogues  to  close  for  the  lockdown,  Israel  has  reported  a  total  of  more  than  200,000
            Comparing  the  situation  to  a  war,  he  said  the  which is expected to last for at least two weeks, but  cases  since  the  pandemic  began,  including  1,335
            measures would save lives. “Wake up. Enough is  said they could open with limitations for prayers  deaths. It has more than 50,000 active cases.
            enough. We are in a new reality,” he said.      on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calen-
                                                            dar. Hagai Levine, a professor of epidemiology and  The Health Ministry says at least 667 people are
                                                            a member of an expert panel advising the govern-  hospitalized  in  serious  condition,  and  in  recent
                                                            ment, warned that allowing Yom Kippur prayers in  days health officials have warned that hospitals are
                                                            synagogues could lead to mass transmission.      rapidly approaching full capacity.
                                                                                                             The government last week imposed a nationwide
                                                            He went so far as to compare it to the 1973 war,  lockdown  that  closed  schools,  shopping  malls,
                                                            when Egypt and Syria launched a surprise attack on  hotels and restaurants, making Israel the first de-
                                                            Israel during Yom Kippur. “Now, it’s no surprise.  veloped country to impose a second closure. But
                                                            We are going to have a massive problem and mas-  the restrictions included numerous exceptions, in-
                                                            sive transmission on Yom Kippur in a few days,”  cluding allowing people to leave their homes for
                                                            he said.                                         work, exercise, prayers and public demonstrations.
                                                            He said the government should instead impose a
                                                            complete  lockdown  for  a  short  period  to  under-  The new lockdown is expected to eliminate most
                                                            score the seriousness of the situation, followed by  of those loopholes.
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