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A28    u.s. news
              Diabierna 25 September 2020

                          Progressives pledge to keep pushing Biden to expand court

                                                                                                   the GOP push to quickly fill  legitimate  any  election  he
                                                                                                   Ginsburg's seat is a “gigantic  loses.  He  cited  “the  danger
                                                                                                   mistake and abuse of power.”  that this country faces from a
                                                                                                   Some progressives said Gins-  president who is a pathologi-
                                                                                                   burg's  death  laid  bare  why  cal  liar,  who  has  strong  au-
                                                                                                   they're backing Biden.       thoritarian  tendencies,  who
                                                                                                   “Voting for Joe Biden is not  neither  understands  nor  re-
                                                                                                   about  whether  you  agree  spects  our  Constitution  and
                                                                                                   with him. It’s a vote to let our  who  is  prepared  to  under-
                                                                                                   democracy live another day,"  mine American democracy in
                                                                                                   Alexandria   Ocasio-Cortez  order to stay in power.”
                                                                                                   said on Instagram last week.  The  voting  results  may  be
                                                                                                   The  New  York  congress-    disputed  and  trigger  a  legal
                                                                                                   woman  spent  months  ex-    fight,  Sanders  said,  noting
                                                                                                   pressing  skepticism  toward  that  Trump  "is  attempting
                                                                                                   Biden but also was co-leader  to  push  through  a  Supreme
                                                                                                   of  a  task  force  on  climate  Court justice who may very
                                                                                                   change  that  top  Biden  sup-  well cast a vote in a case that
                                                                                                   porters  and  advisers  formed  will  determine  the  outcome
                                                                                                   with their counterparts from  of this election.”
                                                                                                   Sanders'  unsuccessful  presi-  Rather  than  mentioning  ex-
                                                                                                   dential  campaign  to  try  to  panding the Supreme Court,
                                                                                                   better reach consensus on top  Sanders said the way to coun-
                                                                                                   issues.  Those  groups  made  ter that is to have the largest
                                                                                                   policy recommendations that  voter turnout in U.S. history.
            (AP) — Since Joe Biden ran  founding  a  firm  to  advance                             helped shape the Democratic  “This is not just an election
            away  with  the  Democratic  progressive  causes,  Amare  During  his  first  extended  Party  platform,  which  was  between Donald Trump and
            presidential  nomination  in  Public Affairs.             comments  Sunday  about  adopted  at  its  national  con-  Joe  Biden,"  Sanders  said.
            March,  leading  progressives  The  Constitution  doesn't  Ginsburg's  death,  Biden  ap-  vention  last  month  and  was  "This is an election between
            have accepted him — some-    mandate the number of Su-    pealed to the few remaining  meant to avoid the ideologi-  Donald  Trump  and  democ-
            times  grudgingly  —  as  their  preme Court justices, which  moderate Senate Republicans  cal  clashes  that  Clinton  en-  racy    and  democracy  must
            party's leader. But, in the fi-  has  changed  over  time.  In  to  buck  their  party's  leader-  dured four years ago.  win.”
            nal  weeks  of  the  campaign,  1937,  President  Franklin  D.  ship, rather than to progres-
            the  Supreme  Court  vacancy  Roosevelt  promoted  legis-  sives looking for him to sup-  Sanders,  who  opposes  Su-  Just  getting  Biden  elected
            is threatening to inflame old  lation  to  “pack  the  court”  port larger court.      preme Court expansion, and  might  not  be  enough  for
            divides.                     by  expanding  its  number  of  Since then, Biden has largely  Warren,  who  has  suggested  everyone,  though.  Adam
                                         justices, an effort that stalled  sought  to  avoid  the  issue  as  she'd  be  willing  to  support  Green,  co-founder  of  the
            Some activists on the left are  once  the  justices  began  to  he's  campaigned  in  battle-  it, have similarly used Gins-  Progressive  Change  Cam-
            pressing Biden to endorse ex-  rule  in  his  favor  on  policies  ground  states,  preferring  in-  burg's death as a rallying cry  paign Committee, called the
            panding the number of high  tied to the New Deal.         stead  to  focus  on  Trump's  for Biden.                 coming  Senate  nomination
            court justices should he win                              handling  of  the  coronavi-  “Democracy  as  we  know  it  fight  Biden’s  chance  to  of-
            the White House and Dem-     Since then, the makeup of the  rus  pandemic  and  high  un-  is in danger,” Warren said at  fer a “first big show of force
            ocrats  take  control  of  the  court hasn't been a prominent  employment.  He  ducked  a  a virtual event with Virginia  as  leader  of  the  Democratic
            Senate.  But  Biden,  who  ran  issue in national politics. That  question  about  changes  to  leaders,  calling  Republican  Party.”
            a  relatively  centrist  primary  began to change after Justice  the court during an interview  court  efforts  “the  last  gasp  “He can quickly unify Dem-
            campaign,  hasn't  embraced  Brett  Kavanaugh's  conten-  with  a  Wisconsin  television  of  a  desperate  party  that  is  ocrats in saying no confirma-
            those calls, worried they may  tious 2018 nomination fight.  station,  saying  a  response  overrepresented  in  the  hall  tion until after inauguration,"
            intensify the nation's partisan  Calls  to  add  justices  grew  would “shift all the focus.”  of  power."  During  a  speech  Green  said.  “And  promising
            split. There's little indication  much louder this week in re-  Biden  has  also  said  Demo-  Thursday,  Sanders  warned  to expand the court if Repub-
            that large swaths of progres-  sponse to the GOP's rush to  crats  should  concentrate  on  that  Trump  is  openly  sug-  licans do an end run around
            sives  will  abandon  Biden  or  fill Ginsburg's seat before the  making it clear for voters why  gesting that he'll brand as il-  democracy.”
            back  third-party  candidates,  election,  which  would  leave
            moves that wounded Demo-     the  court  with  six  conserva-
            crat  Hillary  Clinton's  2016  tives and three liberals.
            bid.  But  activists  insist  they  “The politics of this are mov-
            will keep pressure on Biden  ing very, very fast,” said Aar-
            to  pursue  dramatic  reforms  on  Belkin,  director  of  Take
            to the Supreme Court if Re-  Back the Court, which advo-
            publicans move forward with  cates for increasing the num-
            a  plan  to  quickly  approve  ber of justices. “And under a
            President  Donald  Trump's  Biden  administration,  when
            pick to replace the late Justice  the court has the administra-
            Ruth Bader Ginsburg.         tion handcuffed on Day One,
                                         I think the politics are going
            “The majority of Berniecrats  to  be  changing  even  more
            will most likely vote for Vice  quickly.” That puts Biden in a
            President  Joe  Biden,”  said  tough spot. As someone who
            Nina Turner, a former Ohio  spent  36  years  in  the  Sen-
            state senator and top adviser  ate, he built a career revering
            to  progressive  Sen.  Bernie  Washington's   institutions.
            Sanders’ 2016 and 2020 pres-  During the 2020 primary, he
            idential  campaigns.  “That  pointedly  declined  to  join
            doesn’t  mean  that  they  are  rivals  such  as  Massachusetts
            not going to raise hell all the  Sen.  Elizabeth  Warren  or
            way.” “Biden should make it  California Sen. Kamala Har-
            clear  that  he  will  fight  back  ris, who is now his running
            by expanding the court if he  mate, in being open to court
            wins,”  said  Turner,  who  is  expansion.
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