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A30     world news
              Diabierna 25 September 2020

                         Assange 'binge-watched' suicide of ex-Bosnian Croat general

                                                                                                   British prison.              for refusing to testify before
                                                                                                   Crosby  also  said  that  in  a  a  grand  jury  investigating
                                                                                                   visit  to  Belmarsh  Prison  in  WikiLeaks.
                                                                                                   London in October 2019, As-  Psychologist  Nigel  Black-
                                                                                                   sange "appeared to be severe-  wood, who assessed Assange
                                                                                                   ly depressed" and that he had  at  Belmarsh,  rebutted  de-
                                                                                                   talked about having thoughts  fense experts on the extent of
                                                                                                   of suicide "hundreds of times  Assange's  condition,  saying
                                                                                                   a day."                      his suicide risk was "manage-
                                                                                                   "He seemed to be in very dire  able."
                                                                                                   straits," she said.          "I think there is some risk of
                                                                                                   U.S.  prosecutors  have  in-  suicide  but  that  risk  has  to
                                                                                                   dicted the 49-year-old on 17  be carefully managed at Bel-
                                                                                                   espionage  charges  and  one  marsh,"  he  said.  "The  risk
                                                                                                   charge  of  computer  misuse  factors are modifiable and he
                                                                                                   over  WikiLeaks'  publication  engages with treatment avail-
                                                                                                   of  secret  American  military  able to manage that risk."
                                                                                                   documents a decade ago. The  Assange, he added, is a "very
                                                                                                   charges  carry  a  maximum  resilient  and  very  resource-
            (AP)  —  Julian  Assange  work.                           hours later.                 sentence of 175 years in pris-  ful man," who is at "the very
            relayed  how  he  "binge-    Crosby  told  London's  Old  The  dramatic  scene  of  the  on.                        mildest  end"  of  the  autism
            watched"  the  suicide  of  the  Bailey  criminal  court  that  72-year-old  former  com-  Lawyers  acting  on  behalf  of  spectrum.  Blackwood  noted
            former Bosnian Croat gener-  on  a  visit  in  February  2018,  mander  of  Bosnian  Croat  the  U.S.  government  have  that Assange has been "highly
            al in a U.N. courtroom three  Assange  had  first  described  military  forces  lifting  his  sought to show that Assange's  functioning  to  a  very  high
            years ago, a doctor who vis-  thoughts of suicide and how  trembling  right  hand  to  his  mental state is not as bad as  level  in  running  a  very  suc-
            ited  the  WikiLeaks  founder  he was thinking about it "very  mouth and drinking the liq-  claimed  by  witnesses  acting  cessful organization."
            on several occasions while he  deliberately" and that he had  uid was streamed live on the  for  the  defense  and  that  he  He  did  say  that  Assange's
            was  in  the  Ecuadorian  Em-  "binge-watched"  the  suicide  court's website.         wouldn't be subjected to im-  mental  health  benefits  from
            bassy in London told an ex-  a few months earlier of Slo-  She  said  Assange  described  proper  conditions  if  sent  to  being  able  to  have  access  to
            tradition hearing Thursday.   bodan Praljak at the Interna-  how  he  "freeze-framed"  and  the pre-trial facilities at Alex-  family  and  friends  and  re-
            Dr. Sondra Crosby, associate  tional  Criminal  Tribunal  for  "analyzed" Praljak's face while  andria  Detention  Center  in  cently  to  the  Samaritans
            professor of medicine at the  the Former Yugoslavia in The  he took his own life.      Virginia.                    helpline  in  the  U.K.  aimed
            Boston University School of  Hague.                       Assange's  lawyers  have  ar-  It  was  at  that  facility  that  at providing support to any-
            Medicine,  said  she  noted  a  Seconds  after  an  appeals  gued this week that their cli-  Chelsea  Manning,  the  for-  one in emotional distress or
            visible  deterioration  in  both  judge confirmed his 20-year  ent could very well try to kill  mer intelligence analyst who  thinking about suicide.
            his mental and physical state  sentence for war crimes dur-  himself  if  he  is  sent  to  the  leaking a trove of documents  "I think there is some risk of
            over her four visits from Oct.  ing the 1992-95 Bosnian war,  United  States  to  face  espio-  to  WikiLeaks,  tried  to  take  suicide attempt linked to ex-
            2017  to  the  embassy  where  Praljak proclaimed his inno-  nage charges, and have point-  her own life earlier this year.  tradition, but not substantial
            Assange  was  living.  He  had  cence  and  then  drank  from  ed to his deteriorating mental  Though  President  Barack  risk," he told the court. "His
            been  granted  asylum  by  Ec-  a  small  bottle  containing  state  during  his  seven-year  Obama  commuted  the  re-  suicide risk may increase in a
            uador  five  years  earlier  over  potassium  cyanide.  He  col-  stay  at  the  Ecuadorian  Em-  mainder of her 35-year sen-  much  more  deleterious  en-
            fears  of  extradition  to  the  lapsed  in  court  and  died  in  bassy  and  since  his  ejection  tence  in  2017,  Manning  has  vironment without access to
            U.S. related to his WikiLeaks  a  Dutch  hospital  about  two  from there in April 2019 to a  been  in  jail  since  May  2019  things that he values."

                        German bishops set up system for larger sex abuse payments

            (AP)   —    The    Catholic  More than half of the victims  toward state law," Katsch said  es  and  oriented  toward  the  added.
            Church  in  Germany  is  set-  were 13 or younger when the  in a statement. "In doing so,  "upper region" of those pay-  The  payment-setting  body
            ting up a new system to com-  abuse took place, and nearly a  they  acknowledge  that  the  ments,  Baetzing  said,  mean-  will include medical, psycho-
            pensate  survivors  of  sexual  third of them were altar boys.  so-called  'recognition  pay-  ing  "a  framework  of  up  to  logical, legal and educational
            abuse by clergy that will pro-  A top bishop has apologized  ment' of up to 5,000 euros in  50,000 euros."          experts  who  do  not  work
            vide  for  payments  of  up  to  for the abuse.           recent years was unjust."    "These  are  one-time  pay-  for  the  church,  the  bishop
            about 50,000 euros ($58,400)  Under the previous system in  The future level of payments  ments that will be set individ-  said.  Its  members  are  to  be
            to each victim.              Germany, people could apply  will  be  based  on  the  awards  ually by an independent body  appointed  by  a  committee
            Victims will be able to apply  for "payments in recognition  from  court  judgments  and  for every person affected who  whose majority is from out-
            for payments under the new  of  suffering."  Payments  un-  verdicts  in  comparable  cas-  makes  an  application,"  he  side the church.
            system  starting  Jan.  1,  the  der that system have averaged
            head of the German Bishops'  about  5,000  euros  ($5,840)
            Conference, Limburg Bishop  since 2011.
            Georg Baetzing, said Thurs-  The new guidelines fall short
            day  after  conference  mem-  of  a  recommendation  pre-
            bers  signed  off  at  a  meeting  sented  to  the  bishops  by  an
            on  the  details  of  a  proposal  independent  working  group
            approved in March.           last  year  for  payments  rang-
            The  Catholic  Church  has  ing  to  up  to  400,000  euros
            been  shaken  in  recent  years  ($467,000) per person.
            by  sex  abuse  and  cover-up  A group representing victims,
            scandals  in  several  coun-  Eckiger  Tisch,  was  unim-
            tries, including Germany, the  pressed by the bishops' deci-
            homeland  of  Emeritus  Pope  sion. Its spokesman, Matthias
            Benedict XVI.                Katsch,  called  for  last  year's
            A  church-commissioned  re-  recommendation to be made
            port  in  2018  concluded  that  "the  basis  for  talks  between
            at  least  3,677  people  were  people affected and bishops."
            abused  by  clergy  in  Germa-  "After  10  years,  the  bishops
            ny  between  1946  and  2014.  decide  to  orient  themselves
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