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              Tuesday 28 November 2017
              Loyal Guests Honored at the Divi Resorts

            EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently  McLane  and  Mr.  Norma
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  Plans, all celebrating more
            ity  had  the  great  pleasure  than  10  consecutive  an-
            of  honoring  a  very  large  nual visits to Aruba!
            group of loyal and friendly  These  special  visitors  are
            visitors of Aruba at the Divi  all  regular  guests  at  the
            Resorts  as  Distinguished  Divi  Resorts  and  they  love
            Visitors!                    Aruba very much because
            The symbolic honorary title  of the safety, the beautiful
            is  presented  in  the  name  sunsets, friendly locals, vari-
            of the Minister of Tourism as  ety of food and the feeling
            a token of appreciation to  of home-away-from-home.
            guests  who  visit  Aruba  for  The  certificates  were  pre-
            10-to-19 consecutive years.  sented  by  Ms.  Emely  Rid-
            The  honorees  were  Mr.  Al-  derstaat  representing  the
            vin  Clemencia  and  Mrs.  Aruba  Tourism  Authority
            Maria  Timmermans  of  Bo-   together  with  Mr.  Francis
            naire, Mr. Lars and Mrs. Ani-  Ridderstap  and  Mr.  Ger-
            ta  Carneborn  of  Sweden,  rit  Griffith  from  the  Divi
            Mr.  Robert  and  Mrs.  Lisa  Resorts.q


            ORANJESTAD  -  Suresh  Mir-
            chumal is a spiritual writer.
            “Well,  you  can  categorize
            it like that, although I don’t
            call  myself  one.  These
            thoughts  come  in  effort-
            lessly.”  His  aim  is  in  a  way
            to  reach  out  to  whoever
            gets inspired or has an eye
            opening event within them
            that  may  transcend  their
            current state of conscious-

            “Or  let’s  say  current  emo-
            tional state too. If one in a
            thousand  benefits,  that  is
            already great.”
            Due  to  the  current  world
            state,  lots  of  struggles
            and  stresses,  we  seem  to   actually expose the oppo-  to happen and the process
            lose  touch  with  that  inner   site  polarity.  For  example,  unfolds  of  its  own.  Simplic-
            peace  that  we  long  for,   if one tries too much to be  ity is quite a ways from the
            Suresh  explains.  “I  wish  to   beautiful  ends  up  being  modern way of living but it
            ease  that  through  these   ugly or if one tries too much  is  the  most  ideal  for  inner
            small  articles  or  tidbits.”   to be kind actually ends up  contentment.
            You  will  find  his  tidbits  in   to be a form of selfishness.
            Aruba Today from now on,     Any  over  determined  be-   By  continually  accumulat-
            mostly  on  Tuesdays  and    havior  only  ends  up  to  be  ing  material  wealth,  we
            Thursdays.                   the opposite polarity.       may actually live our daily
            Life and its polarities      An  obsession  to  stay  alive  lives trying to secure it, thus
            This world exists in polarities.   only exposes the fear of dy-  giving  it  power  over  us,  a
            Too  much  of  one  this  will   ing. Do not push for things  state of no peaceq
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