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                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 28 November 2017

             Eagle Beach Selected as One of the World’s Best Beaches

            EAGLE BEACH - Lounge un-     crashing of the waves and  of the soft sandy shore, it’s  ba,  making  international  under 20 minutes away by
            der  bamboo  huts  on  the  whistling  breeze.  Closer  to  a  wonderland  of  surprising  travel  quite  easily  acces-  rental  car  or  public  trans-
            shores  of  Eagle  Beach  in  the water, lounge in the silk  views and powdered sugar  sible.  Queen  Beatrix  Inter-  portation.  Many  arrive  by
            Aruba. You’ll often feel you  sands and picnic — or dive  sands.  If  you  are  visiting  in  national is the most popular  cruise ship on a Caribbean
            have  your  own  corner  of  in  for  some  world-class  the summer, keep your eye  airport in Aruba.               galavant  —  if  this  includes
            paradise to yourself — the  snorkeling.                   out  for  the  magic  of  turtle  Visitors  can  fly  into  this  air-  you, simply hail a bus from
            only  footsteps  in  the  sand  Home to the landmark “Divi  hatching.                  port  for  around  $400  from  the  terminal  across  from
            are  yours  for  miles,  while  Divi Tree,” a tangled icon of  Eagle Beach is located on  many   locations.   Once  the  cruise  port  which  will
            the only sound is the gentle  natural wonder in the midst  the  popular  island  of  Aru-  landed, Eagle Beach is just  take you to the beach.q
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