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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 29 June 2020
            AP Interview: U.S. envoy calls for Iran arms embargo renewal

            By JON GAMBRELL                                                                                                     try to buy Russia's S-400 an-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ti-aircraft missile system and
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-                                                                                         its Bastian coastal defense
            ates  (AP)  —  An  expiring                                                                                         missile system, the DIA said.
            United  Nations  weapons                                                                                            Iran  long  has  been  out-
            embargo  on  Iran  must  re-                                                                                        matched  by  U.S.-backed
            main in place to prevent it                                                                                         Gulf  nations  like  the  UAE,
            from  "becoming  the  arms                                                                                          which have purchased bil-
            dealer of choice for rogue                                                                                          lions of dollars of advanced
            regimes  and  terrorist  orga-                                                                                      American  weaponry.  In
            nizations around the world,"                                                                                        response,  Tehran  turned
            the U.S. special representa-                                                                                        toward  developing  ballis-
            tive to Iran said Sunday.                                                                                           tic  missiles  as  a  deterrent.
            Brian Hook told The Associ-                                                                                         Hook  declined  to  discuss
            ated  Press  that  the  world                                                                                       an  explosion  Friday  in  Iran
            should ignore Iran's threats                                                                                        near  an  area  analysts  be-
            to retaliate if the arms em-                                                                                        lieve hides an underground
            bargo  set  to  expire  in  Oc-                                                                                     tunnel  system  and  missile
            tober  is  extended,  calling                                                                                       production sites.
            it  a  "mafia  tactic."  Among                                                                                      Being able to pay for new,
            its  options,  the  Islamic  Re-                                                                                    foreign  weapons  systems,
            public could expel interna-                                                                                         however,  remains  in  ques-
            tional  inspectors  monitor-                                                                                        tion. U.S. sanctions imposed
            ing Iran's nuclear program,   In  this  Nov.  29,  2018  file  photo,  Brian  Hook,  U.S.  special  representative  for  Iran,  speaks  at  the   after  Trump  withdrew  from
            deepening a crisis created   Iranian Materiel Display at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling in Washington.   Associated Press  the  nuclear  deal  have
            by President Donald Trump                                                                                           crushed  Iran's  oil  sales,  a
            unilaterally   withdrawing  the dark, it will do in broad  Arab Emirates, as part of a  systems  in  2010  amid  ten-  major  source  of  revenue.
            from  Tehran's  2015  atomic  daylight  and  then  some,"  Mideast tour. Hook met Sat-  sions  over  its  nuclear  pro-  Energy  prices  have  also
            accord with global powers.  Hook  said.    Iran's  mission  urday  with  Emirati  Foreign  gram.  That  blocked  Iran  collapsed  amid  the  pan-
            The U.N. arms embargo so  to  the  United  Nations  did  Minister Abdullah bin Zayed  from  replacing  its  aging  demic.    Asked  about  how
            far  has  stopped  Iran  from  not  immediately  respond  Al  Nahyan  and  planned  equipment, much of which  Iran would pay for the new
            purchasing    fighter   jets,  to  a  request  for  comment  Sunday to meet with other  had  been  purchased  by  weapons,  Hook  said  Teh-
            tanks,  warships  and  other  on  Hook's  remarks.  How-  officials.  Hook  declined  to  the shah before the 1979 Is-  ran's lowered revenues rep-
            weaponry, but has failed to  ever,   President   Hassan  say  where  else  he  would  lamic Revolution. An earlier  resented "a good thing for
            halt its smuggling of weap-  Rouhani described 2020 as  travel  on  his  trip.  Hook  embargo  targeted  Iranian  the region" and affected its
            ons into war zones. Despite  Iran's  "most  difficult  year"  spoke  to  AP  journalists  in  arms  exports.    If  the  em-  ability  to  back  its  regional
            that,  Hook  argued  both  on Sunday due to the U.S.  Dubai via videoconference  bargo is lifted, the U.S. De-      proxies, like Syria. "We have
            an  import  and  export  ban  economic  pressure  cam-    as Abu Dhabi's borders re-   fense  Intelligence  Agency  put this regime through our
            on  Tehran  must  remain  in  paign and the coronavirus  main closed to the UAE's six  predicted in 2019 that Iran  strategy  on  the  horns  of  a
            place  to  secure  the  wider  pandemic.Hook made the  other sheikhdoms over the  likely would try to purchase  dilemma," Hook said. "They
            Mideast. "If we let it expire,  comments  while  on  a  visit  pandemic.  The United Na-  Russian  Su-30  fighter  jets,  have  to  choose  between
            you  can  be  certain  that  to  Abu  Dhabi,  the  capi-  tions banned Iran from buy-  Yak-130 trainer aircraft and  guns in Damascus or butter
            what Iran has been doing in  tal of the U.S.-allied United  ing  major  foreign  weapon  T-90 tanks. Tehran also may  in Tehran." q
            Myanmar destroys seized drugs worth more than $800 million

            By THEIN ZAW                 ly  it  threatened  to  set  fire  Myanmar has a long history
            Associated Press             to an awning set up for the  of drug production, fueled
            YANGON,  Myanmar  (AP)  occasion  that  firefighters  by decades of civil war. The
            —  More  than  $839  million  hurriedly  doused  with  wa-  government says some eth-
            worth of seized illegal drugs  ter hoses.                 nic armies -– which control
            were  destroyed  in  Myan-   Authorities  also  destroyed  large swaths of remote terri-
            mar on Friday to mark the  drugs  in  Mandalay,  Lashio  tory -– use narcotics to fund
            annual  International  Day  and in Taunggyi, the capi-    their  insurgencies.  But  crit-
            Against Drug Abuse and Il-   tal  of  eastern  Myanmar's  ics have accused elements
            licit Trafficking, officials said.  Shan state, all areas closer  of  Myanmar's  government
            The country has long been  to where the drugs are pro-    and army of profiting from
            a  major  source  of  illegal  duced.                     the trade themselves.
            drugs  for  East  and  South-  The  Myanmar  government  The UNODC's regional rep-
            east  Asia,  despite  repeat-  and the United Nations Of-  resentative  for  Southeast   Flames  and  smoke  rise  from  burning  illegal  drugs  during  a
            ed efforts to crack down.    fice  on  Drugs  and  Crime  Asia  and  the  Pacific,  Jer-  destruction ceremony to mark International Day against Drug
            In  Myanmar's  biggest  city,  announced  in  May  a  re-  emy Douglas, recently said   Abuse and Illicit Trafficking outside Yangon, Myanmar, Friday,
            Yangon.  a  massive  pile  of  cord haul of narcotics. Over  there is now clear evidence   June 26, 2020.                       Associated Press
            drugs  worth  an  estimated  roughly  a  six-week  period  of the involvement of trans-
            $144  million  went  up  in  a  ending  in  early  April,  the  national  organized  crime  with little fear of capture.  derivative, heroin.
            spectacular  blaze.  It  in-  combined police and army  groups.                        The  area  where  the  bor-  In recent decades, produc-
            cluded    opium,    heroin,  operation seized around 18  The  country's  vast,  moun-  ders of Myanmar, Laos and  tion  has  largely  switched
            methamphetamine,  mari-      tons of drugs in and around  tainous  and  forested  bor-  Thailand  meet  became  to  synthetic  drugs  such
            juana,  ketamine  and  the  a  village  in  Shan  state,  in-  ders  mean  producers  can  known  as  the  Golden  Tri-  as   methamphetamine,
            stimulant  known  as  ice,  or  cluding  almost  200  million  move  large  quantities  of  angle  when  it  was  notori-  and  now  increasingly  to
            crystal meth.                methamphetamine        tab-  cheaply  produced  drugs  ous for the production and  synthetic  opioids  such  as
            The blaze burned so fierce-  lets, they said.             into  neighboring  countries  trafficking of opium and its  fentanyl.q
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