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                      Monday 29 June 2020
            Brazil signs deal to produce experimental virus vaccine

            By DANIEL CARVALHO and                                                                                              Tuesday  that  the  vaccine
            MAURICIO SAVARESE                                                                                                   maker has the capacity to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    produce  2  billion  doses  in
            BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — The                                                                                         its  first  batch,  which  is  ex-
            Brazilian  government  an-                                                                                          pected  by  the  end  of  the
            nounced  on  Saturday  an                                                                                           year,  but  said  that  much
            agreement  with  Oxford                                                                                             of  the  global  production
            University and pharmaceu-                                                                                           was already purchased.On
            tical  company  AstraZene-                                                                                          May  21,  the  United  States
            ca to produce a promising                                                                                           announced  a  deal  for  at
            coronavirus vaccine that is                                                                                         least  300  million  doses  of
            undergoing tests.                                                                                                   the  Oxford  shot  and  com-
            Brazilian Health Ministry au-                                                                                       mitted up to $1.2 billion to
            thorities said at a news con-                                                                                       the effort. On June 13, As-
            ference  that  the  country                                                                                         traZeneca  agreed  to  sup-
            will pay $127 million and re-                                                                                       ply up to 400 million doses
            ceive  material  to  produce                                                                                        of  the  experimental  vac-
            30.4  million  doses  in  two                                                                                       cine  to  European  Union
            batches in December and                                                                                             nations. Other negotiations
            January,  which  would  al-                                                                                         are  ongoing  with  Russia
            low it to quickly start inocu-                                                                                      and  Japan,  among  other
            lation efforts if the vaccine                                                                                       countries,  the  company's
            is  certified  to  be  safe  and                                                                                    CEO said this month.
            effective.                   Welington Goncalves, right, sits next to his colleague as they wait to refill their tanks during a   Another experimental vac-
            They  said  the  total  deal  is   disinfection to help contain the spread of the new coronavirus in an area occupied by squatters   cine  in  development  by
                                         in a poor region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Friday, June 26, 2020.
            for 100 million vaccines for                                                                       Associated Press   Chinese  company  Sino-
            a country of about 210 mil-                                                                                         vac  Biotech  will  be  tested
            lion residents. It will be pro-  details.                 The  Brazilian  government  British  researchers  started  in  Brazil  in  July,  accord-
            duced  by  local  vaccine  Fiocruz  said  in  statement  said the first to get the Ox-  testing  the  experimental  ing  to  the  Sao  Paulo  state
            maker Fiocruz.               that  it  still  had  to  reach  a  ford shot would be high-risk  shot  in  May  aiming  to  im-  government.  Sinovac  has
            Vijay  Rangarajan,  the  Brit-  deal  with  AstraZeneca  for  groups such as the elderly,  munize  more  than  10,000  a deal with the state's Insti-
            ish  ambassador,  said  on  the  transfer  of  technology  people  with  comorbidities  people,  including  older  tuto  Butantan  to  produce
            Twitter  that  "the  30  million  of  the  vaccine  if  it  works.  and  health  and  security  people  and  children.  The  it. Some 9,000 Brazilians are
            doses  will  be  available  in  "After  the  production  (of  professionals.           vaccine is one of about a  expected to participate.
            Brazil" and Fiocruz will "pre-  the shots), it will still be nec-  Arnaldo  Correia  de  Me-  dozen in the early stages of  The  World  Health  Organi-
            pare for local production,"  essary (to follow) phases of  deiros,  secretary  of  health  human testing.           zation's chief scientist, Sou-
            without  making  reference  registry  and  validation  be-  surveillance,  said  distribu-  Brazil, where coronavirus in-  mya  Swaminathan,  said
            to the promised additional  fore a possible distribution,"  tion will be fast because of  fections are still on the rise,  Friday  that  AstraZeneca's
            70  million  doses.  The  British  it said.               Brazil's  public  health  care  counts more than 1 million  experimental  vaccine  is
            Embassy  said  in  a  state-  Fiocruz  added  it  will  be  system.  "This  country  has  confirmed cases and more  probably  the  world's  lead-
            ment  that  "the  70  million  possibly responsible for pro-  extensive experience in ex-  than 55,900 fatalities.  ing  candidate  and  most
            will come in a second mo-    ducing the vaccine for the  tremely  fast  vaccination",  The British ambassador told  advanced  in  terms  of
            ment," without giving more  rest of Latin America.        he said.                     The  Associated  Press  on  development.q

              South Africa’s surge of virus cases expected to rise rapidly

                                                                      confirmed  cases,  Health  increases.                    COVID-19, 80% are in gen-
                                                                      Minister Zwelini Mkhize said  After two months of a strict  eral wards and about 15%
                                                                      in a statement. He warned  lockdown, South Africa at  of  them  are  getting  high
                                                                      this number is expected to  the beginning of June be-    flow  oxygen  treatment.
                                                                      rise quickly.               gan  lifting  restrictions  to  About 11% of those hospi-
                                                                      "We are seeing a rapid rise  allow  economic  activity,  talized have severe cases
                                                                      in the cumulative number  as the shutdown had dra-       and  are  in  intensive  care
                                                                      of  positive  COVID-19  cas-  matically  increased  un-  and  of  those  more  than
                                                                      es  indicating  that,  as  we  employment  and  hunger,  58%  are  on  ventilation,
                                                                      had expected, we are ap-    in  a  country  rated  as  the  Mkhize said.
                                                                      proaching  a  surge  during  world's most unequal.       He  said  that  the  steroid
                                                                      the ... months of July and  The  current  rise  in  infec-  dexamethasone  is  being
                                                                      August,"  Mkhize  said  in  a  tions has come from peo-  given to the most critically

              In this Friday June 19, 2020, a woman wearing a face mask   statement.              ple  who  "moved  back  ill patients.
              passes a coronavirus billboard carrying a message in a bid to   "It is anticipated that while  into the workplace. It was  He  said  that  South  Africa
              prevent the spread of the virus.                        every  province  will  un-  therefore  inevitable  that  has built several field hos-
                                                     Associated Press  fortunately  witness  an  in-  there would be cluster out-  pitals,  including  in  con-
                                                                      crease  in  their  numbers,  breaks as infections spilled  vention  centers,  a  car
              By ANDREW MELDRUM           weeks and press the coun-   areas  where  there  is  high  over  from  communities  manufacturing  plant  and
              Associated Press            try's  hospitals  to  the  limit,   economic  activity  will  ex-  into  places  of  congrega-  by  building  large  tented
              JOHANNESBURG          (AP)  the  health  minister  said   perience  an  exponential  tion  such  as  mines,  facto-  structures.
              —  South  Africa's  current  Sunday night.              rise,"  said  Mkhize,  saying  ries, taxis and buses," Mkh-  The field hospitals have in-
              surge of COVID-19 cases is  More  than  4,300  people   that  the  cities  of  Johan-  ize said.                 creased  the  hospital  bed
              expected  to  dramatically  have been hospitalized out   nesburg,  Cape  Town  and  Of  the  more  than  4,300  capacity  for  COVID-19  to
              increase  in  the  coming  of  South  Africa's  138,000   Durban will see the biggest  people  hospitalized  for  27,000, Mkhize said. q
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