Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20200629
P. 30
a30 PeoPle & arts
Monday 29 June 2020
In this April 11, 2018, file photo, actor Dwayne Johnson poses
for photographers at the premiere of the "Rampage," in
Associated Press
World leaders, stars
In this March 24, 2016 file photo, members of The Rolling Stones, from left, Mick Jagger, Charlie unite at event aimed
Watts, Keith Richards and Ron Wood pose for photos from their plane at Jose Marti international
airport in Havana, Cuba. Associated Press at fighting virus
Rolling Stones threaten to sue LONDON (AP) — A sum- is safe until everyone is
Trump over using their songs mit that included a star- safe," Hugh Evans, CEO of
studded virtual concert Global Citizen, said after
the event Saturday.
hosted by Dwayne John-
By DANICA KIRKA the Stones said. "If Donald cent rally in Tulsa, Okla- son has raised nearly $7 "As we fight this virus, we
Associated Press Trump disregards the ex- homa — an indoor event billion in cash and loan also need to take care of
LONDON (AP) — The Roll- clusion and persists, then criticized for its potential to guarantees to assist the the most vulnerable peo-
ing Stones are threatening he would face a lawsuit for spread the coronavirus. poor around the globe ple and address the chal-
President Donald Trump breaking the embargo and The music rights organiza- whose lives have been lenges they're facing right
with legal action for using playing music that has not tion BMI provides licenses upended by the corona- now," Canadian Prime
their songs at his rallies de- been licensed.'' for venues to play a broad virus pandemic. Minister Justin Trudeau
spite cease-and-desist di- The Trump campaign team array of music and has a Global Citizen said its said during the event.
rectives. didn't immediately respond catalog of more than 15 summit with world lead- Speakers also included
The Stones said in a state- to an email seeking com- million songs that can be ers had raised $1.5 billion the leaders of New Zea-
ment Sunday that their le- ment. played at political events. to help COVID-19 efforts land, El Salvador, Swe-
gal team is working with The Stones had com- Artists can opt out of hav- in poor countries, along den, South Africa and
music rights organization plained during Trump's ing their music played at with a promise of 250 mil- Barbados. Organizers
BMI to stop use of their ma- 2016 campaign about the political events, and a BMI lion doses of a vaccine said the show was not just
terial in Trump's reelection use of their music to fire up statement says the Stones for those nations if one is a fundraiser, but aimed
campaign. his conservative base at have done that. successfully developed. to draw awareness to the
"The BMI have notified the rallies. The Rolling Stones' BMI has informed the Trump The group said it had se- disproportionate impact
Trump campaign on behalf 1969 classic "You Can't Al- campaign that if it plays cured $5.4 billion in loans the coronavirus pandem-
of the Stones that the unau- ways Get What You Want" Stones music again at an and guarantees from the ic has had on marginal-
thorized use of their songs was a popular song for his event, it will be in breach of European Commission ized communities.
will constitute a breach of events. It was played again its licensing agreement, the and the European Invest- French President Emman-
its licensing agreement,'' at the close of Trump's re- statement said. q ment Bank to support uel Macron said shared
fragile economies world- action was needed to
'Mulan' follows 'Tenet' to August, wide. The event included defeat the virus.
"Let's mobilize, let's refuse
a Johnson-hosted con-
ending Hollywood's summer cert with performanc- an 'every man for himself'
es by Jennifer Hudson, approach, let's continue
Miley Cyrus, Coldplay to move forward togeth-
By JAKE COYLE planned to open in March, starring John David Wash- and Chloe x Halle. Cyrus er. France and Europe
AP Film Writer had been slated for July 24. ington and Robert Pattin- performed The Beatles' take their responsibility to-
NEW YORK (AP) — Holly- It's now moving to Aug. 21. son, from July 31 to Aug. "Help!" in an empty sta- day and will do so tomor-
wood's hopes for salvaging "While the pandemic has 12. The studio stressed the dium and Hudson per- row," Macron said.
its summer season have ef- changed our release plans need for flexibility. formed "Where Peaceful Worldwide, nearly 10 mil-
fectively ended after the for 'Mulan' and we will con- "We are choosing to open Waters Flow" from a boat lion people have been
releases of both Christo- tinue to be flexible as con- the movie mid-week to al- in Chicago. reported infected by
pher Nolan's "Tenet" and ditions require, it has not low audiences to discover "The $6.9 billion that was the virus, and nearly a
the Walt Disney Co.'s live- changed our belief in the the film in their own time, pledged today to sup- half million have died,
action reboot of "Mulan" power of this film and its and we plan to play lon- port the world's poorest according to a tally by
were again delayed. message of hope and per- ger, over an extended and most marginalized Johns Hopkins University.
With reported cases of the severance," said Disney co- play period far beyond the communities is an incred- Experts say those figures
coronavirus surging in parts chairmen Alan Horn and norm, to develop a very ible next step on our jour- seriously understate the
of the U.S., Disney on Fri- Alan Bergman in a joint different yet successful re- ney out of the COVID-19 true toll of the pandemic,
day followed Warner Bros. statement. lease strategy," a Warner era, but there is more still due to limited testing and
in pushing "Mulan" to late Late Thursday, Warner Bros. Bros. spokesperson said in a to be done, as no one missed mild cases.q
August. The film, initially also postponed "Tenet," statement.q