Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200629
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locAl           Monday 29 June 2020

            United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC):

            Basic income to help the most vulnerable population overcome

            the Coronavirus’s effects

            PORT-OF-SPAIN,  TRINIDAD  the  long  term,  the  organi-
            &  TOBAGO  —  The  ECLAC  zation reiterates that these
            organization  presented  a  transfers  should  be  made
            new  report  on  the  social  permanent,  extending  be-
            challenges  of  the  crisis  yond people in situations of
            stemming  from  COVID-19.  poverty  and  reaching  the
            In a context of low growth,  broad  social  strata  of  the
            a  significant  increase  in  population  that  are  very
            poverty,  extreme  poverty  vulnerable  to  becoming
            and  inequality  is  foreseen  poor,  which  would  enable
            in  Latin  America  and  the  moving towards a universal
            Caribbean.                   basic income to guarantee
                                         the  basic  right  to  survival,
            To cope with the socioeco-   according  to  a  new  re-
            nomic  effects  of  the  crisis  port unveiled today by the
            caused by the coronavirus  Commission’s       Executive
            (COVID-19)  disease,  the  Secretary, Alicia Bárcena.
            Economic  Commission  for  The  senior  United  Nations
            Latin America and the Ca-    official presented this Tues-  Alicia Bárcena, ECLAC Executive Secretary, during the presentation of the report.
            ribbean  (ECLAC)  proposes  day,  May  12,  the  Special  Latin American and Carib-    (BEI) that should be imple-  with the coronavirus, which
            that  governments  ensure  Report COVID-19 No. 3, en-     bean countries in the short,  mented  immediately,  with  will  hamper  the  reactiva-
            immediate temporary cash  titled                          medium  and  long  term.  a view to keeping it in place  tion  of  the  economy  and
            transfers  to  meet  basic  ‘The  social  challenge  in  At  a  virtual  press  confer-  over  time,  depending  on  production.
            needs  and  sustain  house-  times  of  COVID-19’,  which  ence  transmitted  live  from  each  country’s  situation.
            hold  consumption,  which  gives  an  estimate  of  the  Santiago,  Chile,  Bárcena  This  is  especially  relevant  For the full article please go
            will be crucial for achieving  social  impact  and  related  also  revealed  the  details  because  overcoming  the  to:
            a solid and relatively quick  challenges  that  the  cur-  of  ECLAC’s  proposal  for  a  pandemic  will  take  time  en/eclac-notes/104.q
            reactivation. In addition, in  rent crisis is seen having for  basic  emergency  income  and  societies  must  coexist

            Aruba to me

            ORANJESTAD  —  In  these  difficult  without compensation.
            times  we  would  like  to  reach  out
            to  our  friends  abroad  who  were  Today  we  share  a  poem  written
            supposed  to  spend  their  tropical  by David P. Carroll from the United
            vacation on Aruba or who had to  States of America.
            break up their vacation due to the
            COVID-19  situation.  Aruba  Today  Coronavirus
            invites you to send us your picture          We live in a scary
            and words expressing your memo-                World today
            ry of our island or your dream va-           It's different than
            cation for the future. Now that bor-              Before
            ders are opening again we hope to          No more hugs kissing
            welcome you soon.                       Our happiness gone away
                                                         Like never before
            Send  us  your  picture(s)  together      The virus has taken our
            with completing the sentence: Aru-           Loved ones away
            ba to me is …….. (Email: news@aru-           Families suffering
   Please do note: By             Like never before
            submitting photos, text or any oth-      The fear of the unknown                 Like never before                     When will this
            er materials, you give permission to            Has arrived                We practice social distancing            Virus ever go away
            The Aruba Today newspaper, Ca-         The worry of what will happen        Every day to keep the virus                But I promise
            ribbean Speed Printers and any of        Tomorrow to you and me            At bay as we shop in different      I'll love and pray for everyone
            its affiliated companies to use said     Coronavirus on our mind's                     ways                              Suffering
            materials,  as  well  as  names,  like-  Coronavirus everywhere             Were asked to stay at home                  Every day.
            ness, etc. for promotional purposes         Our lives in danger                  Like never before
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