Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200629
P. 26
Monday 29 June 2020
Mississippi close to removing rebel emblem from its flag
By EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS public hearings about the
Associated Press flag. He said Sunday that
JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — he and other commission-
Mississippi legislators were ers received death threats
working Sunday to change back then.
the state flag by removing Holland, who is white, said
a Confederate battle em- he voted in the 2001 elec-
blem that's broadly con- tion to keep the flag but he
demned as racist. now sees the rebel symbol
The House passed a bill 91- as harmful.
23 with broad bipartisan "People have changed,"
support, sending it to the Holland said. "The coun-
Senate for more debate. try's changed. The world
The flag's supporters resist- has changed." "It was time
ed efforts to change it for to go and leave Ole Miss,"
decades, but rapid devel- Hinson said. "I'm proud not
opments in recent weeks to represent that flag any-
have changed dynamics more and to not be associ-
on this issue in the tradition- ated with anything repre-
bound state. senting the Confederacy."
As protests against racial Reeves and many other
injustice recently spread politicians have said peo-
across the U.S., including ple should get to vote on
Mississippi, leaders from Don Hartness of Ellisville, walks around the Capitol carrying the current Mississippi state flag and a flag design in another
business, religion, edu- the American flag, Saturday, June 27, 2020, in Jackson, Miss. Associated Press statewide election. The
cation and sports have new design — without the
spoken forcefully against The state House and Senate can, has pushed for de- litical power that African Confederate symbol — will
the state flag. They have met Saturday and took a cades to change the flag. Americans gained after the be put on the ballot Nov.
urged legislators to ditch big step: By two-thirds mar- He smiled broadly after Sat- Civil War. 3, but it will be the only
the 126-year-old banner for gins, they suspended legis- urday's vote and said, "This In 2000, the Mississippi Su- choice. If a majority voting
one that better reflects the lative deadlines so a flag bill is such a metamorphosis." preme Court ruled that the that day accept the new
diversity of a state with a could be filed. Spectators Mississippi has the last state flag lacked official status. design, it will become the
38% Black population. cheered as each cham- flag with the Confederate State laws were updated state flag. If a majority re-
The bill being considered ber voted, and legislators battle emblem — a red in 1906, and portions deal- ject it, the commission will
Sunday will remove the seeking the change em- field topped by a blue X ing with the flag were not design a new flag using the
current flag from state law braced each other. "There with 13 white stars. The flag carried forward. Legislators same guidelines.
in the next few days — as are economic issues. There has been divisive for gen- set a flag election in 2001, People wanting to keep
soon as the bill is signed are issues involving football erations. All of the state's and voters kept the rebel- the Confederate-themed
by Republican Gov. Tate or whatever," Republican public universities have themed design. flag could gather more
Reeves, who has said he Lt. Gov. Delbert Hosemann stopped flying it, as have Former state Rep. Steve than 100,000 signatures
will do so. A commission said Saturday. "But this vote a growing number of cities Holland was at the Capitol to put that design up for
would design a new flag came from the heart. That and counties. on Sunday urging legisla- statewide election. It's too
that cannot include the makes it so much more im- White supremacists in the tors to change the flag. As late to get it on the bal-
Confederate symbol and portant." Mississippi Legislature set a Democratic House mem- lot this November, though,
that must have the words Democratic Sen. David Jor- the state flag design in 1894 ber in 2000, Holland served because of timelines set in
"In God We Trust." dan, who is African Ameri- during backlash to the po- on a commission that held state law.q
Pence cancels some political events because of virus spikes
coming week as the states after virus-related lock- pearance in Lake Wales at
experience a surge in new downs as cases in the states an event organized by the
coronavirus cases. Pence rise. Pence is traveling to pro-Trump group America
will still travel to those states, Dallas on Sunday to attend First Policies billed as the
which have set records for a "Celebrate Freedom Ral- "Great American Come-
new confirmed infections ly" at First Baptist Church back tour."
in recent days, the White Dallas before meeting The group announced that
House confirmed, saying with Texas Gov. Greg Ab- "out of an abundance of
he will meet with governors bott. But planned political caution at this time, we
and their health teams. events later in the week are postponing the Great
Pence said Friday during have been pushed off. On American Comeback tour
a briefing by the White Tuesday, Pence was sup- stop in Florida.
House's coronavirus task posed to address a Trump- We look forward to re-
force that he would be vis- Pence campaign "Faith in scheduling soon."
iting Florida, Texas and Ari- America" event in Tuscon, The Sarasota County Re-
Vice President Mike Pence speaks during a news conference zona to receive a "ground Arizona, before meeting publican Party confirmed
with the Coronavirus task force at the Department of Health and report" on spiking cases of Gov. Doug Ducey in Yuma. in a note to supporters that
Human Services in Washington, Friday, June 26, 2020. COVD-19 across the region. The campaign event has Pence's campaign event
Associated Press The three states' Republi- been postponed. along the Gulf Coast of the
By ZEKE MILLER President Mike Pence can governors have come In Florida on Thursday, state was also postponed.
Associated Press called off campaign events under criticism for pushing Pence was to embark on a He was still set to meet with
WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice in Florida and Arizona this for aggressive reopening bus tour, including an ap- Gov. Ron DeSantis.q