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P. 42

Super Stars

                                                                                       September 8, 2017
                                                                                       T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                   Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
               Big Deal

                    Senate Passes $15B Disaster Aid Measure, Debt Limit Increase

            Rep. Pete Olson, R-Texas, center, with other members of the Texas delegation, speaks about the emergency funding bill for Harvey relief efforts, during a news
            conference on Capitol Hill in Washington. The Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly backed a $15.3 billion aid package for victims of Harvey, nearly doubling President
            Donald Trump’s emergency request, and adding a deal between Trump and Democrats to increase America’s borrowing authority and fund the government into
                                                                                                                                 (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)
                                                                                                                                                    Page 3
               Nations Rush to Help Islands Devastated by Hurricane Irma

             By EZEQUIEL ABIU                    schools and roads, laying waste to  emy  DeHart,  a  U.S.  Air  Force  Re-  Irma  sideswiped  the  island,  but
             DANICA COTO                         some of the world’s most beautiful  serve  weather  officer  who  flew  there were no immediate reports
             Associated Press                    and exclusive tourist destinations.  through the eye of Irma at 10,000  of large-scale casualties.
             SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Re-        Hundreds  of  miles  to  the  west,  feet.                            But the first islands hit by the storm
             public  (AP)  —  French,  British  and  Florida braced for the onslaught,  “Because this is the real deal.”  were  scenes  of  terrible  destruc-
             Dutch  rescuers  rushed  aid  to  a  with  forecasters  warning  Irma  By  Thursday  afternoon,  the  hur-  tion.
             heavily damaged string of Carib-    could slam headlong into the Mi-   ricane  was  north  of  the  Domini-  French  Prime  Minister  Edouard
             bean  islands  Thursday  after  Hurri-  ami metropolitan area of 6 million  can  Republic,  where  authorities  Philippe  said  four  people  were
             cane Irma left at least seven peo-  people,  punish  the  entire  length  reported  some  flooding  and  the  confirmed dead and about 50 in-
             ple dead and thousands homeless  of  the  state’s  Atlantic  coast  and  evacuation  of  several  thousand  jured on the French side of St. Mar-
             as it spun toward Florida for what  move  into  Georgia  and  South  locals  and  tourists  but  no  serious  tin, an island split between Dutch
             could be a catastrophic blow this  Carolina.                           damage or casualties.              and French control. The toll could
             weekend.                            More  than  a  half-million  people  Skies over the Haitian capital, Port-  rise  because  rescue  teams  had
             Warships and military planes were  in  Miami-Dade  County  were  or-   au-Prince, were still clear just after  yet to get a complete look at the
             dispatched with food, water and  dered to leave as Irma closed in  noon local time.                       damage.
             troops  after  the  fearsome  Cat-  with winds of 175 mph (281 kph).   About a million people were with-
             egory  5  storm  smashed  homes,  “Take  it  seriously,”  said  Maj.  Jer-  out  power  in  Puerto  Rico  after   Continued on Page 2
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