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LOCAL SPORTS                        Friday 8 September 2017

            Magnificent 7: J35 Dash wins Aruba Regatta for 7  straight time

            The J35 Dash has now won
            the  Aruba  International  Re-
            gatta  an  unprecedented
            seven times in a row. Some
            35  vessels  from  around  the
            ABC  Islands  crewed  by
            people  from  as  far  away
            as  the  US,  Puerto  Rico,
            Venezuela,Sint Maarten the
            Netherlands  and  Belgium,
            participated  in  the  event
            that  was  characterized  by
            winds  ranging  from  2  knots
            to 25 knots, testing the range
            of sailing skills of all partici-

            Dash,  formerly  fromCura-
            çao  but  now  sailed  by  the
            Aruban  Eric  Mijts  and  his
            team,  including  veteran
            sailors Anita Aerts and Mar-
            tin  van  der  Velden,  clearly
            set  the  pace  in  Racing
            Class.  Dash  finished  ahead
            of  his  Curaçao  rival  J105
            Vuja De skippered by Capt.
            Remco van Dortmondt, and  na  skippered  by  Eric  Maris.   ners  in  the  Optimist  races
            newcomer Vejigante under  The Sunfish races were won      were  Vivian  Hankart,  Colin
            the command of Puerto Ri-    by Richard van der Walwho    Debevere  and  Quentin  de
            can Capt. Pedro Marcucci,  pushed  last  year’s  winner   Lisle.
            who  finished  second  and  Randy  Brown  into  second    The Aruba International Re-
            third respectively.          place.  Third  place  went  to   gatta  again  received  gold
            In  the  Open  Class  Aruba  Theo  Poiesz.  In  the  Beach   status  from  Sailors  for  the
            won as well. First place went  Cat  races  Aat  Hoek  and   Sea – Clean Regattas and,
            to  Capt.  Anthony  Hage-    Theo Kock took the winner’s   living  up  to  that  expecta-  marked the transition of the  which human activity affects
            doorn  with  Ocean  505,  cup,  followed  by  Rob  and    tion,  sustainability  officer  Surfside Beach Bar to a non-  the  marine  environment.
            then  came  Melody  from  Frances  Grijpmain  second      Anita Aerts set up a number  single  use  plastics  policy.  Regatta organizers Eric Mijts,
            Curaçaowith  Capt.  Win-     and Henk Steenbergen and     of  campaigns  to  promote  As  a  result,  the  volunteers  Joost Horward and Anthony
            fried  Merkies,  and  Robai-  Henk  Hankart  in  third.  Win-  and  stimulate  responsible  charged with beach clean-  Hagedoorn look back on a
                                                                      resource management dur-     ing  following  the  regatta  successful regatta.
                Taoist Tai Chi Society Aruba                          ing  the  event.  Symbolizing  could devote their attention  “The  event  brings  together
                                                                      this  effort,  the  coveted  re-
                                                                                                   to other tasks: no trace was  the  sailors  of  different  dis-
                celebrates ‘Awareness Day’                            gatta  awards  were  pro-    left behind.                 ciplines  and  from  different
                                                                      duced from reclaimed plas-
                                                                                                   Special  regatta  guest  for  places  in  the  world,  to  cel-
                                                                      tics  and  wood  by  the  Aru-  2017  was  American  sailor  ebrate  sailing  and  friend-
                                                                      ban  sustainability  initiative  and  environmental  activist  ship in a sustainable fashion.
                                                                      Brenchie’s Lab. No one-time  Tyson Bottenus who gave a  Special  thanks  need  to  be
                                                                      plastics  were  used  during  speech  at  the  closing  cer-  given  to  the  sponsors  that
                                                                      catering  and  participants  emony  on  the  activities  of  made  the  event  possible,
                                                                      and spectators joined in the  Sailors  for  the  Sea.  He  un-  and to the valuable support
                                                                      effort to make the footprint  derscored  the  role  sailors  provided by the Dutch Ma-
                                                                      of  the  regatta  as  small  as  can play in convincing peo-  rines  who  provided  safety
                                                                      possible.                    ple  of  the  impact  of  single  and support at sea,” the or-
                                                                      The  regatta  event  also  use plastics and the way in  ganizers said. q

              All 26 countries that prac-  movement. Tai Chi is suit-
              tice  the  art  of  the  Taoist  able  for  all  ages  and  will
              Tai  Chi  have  a  celebra-  eventually be a flow that
              tion  coming  up.  This  Sat-  is part of your body move-
              urday  they  will  celebrate  ment  without  stressing
              ‘Awareness  Day’.  Aruba  anything.  The  advantag-
              has  an  active  Taoist  Tai  es  that  come  out  of  this
              Chi  Society  and  you  are  exercise  are  of  great  im-
              welcome  to  come  over  portance  to  your  health.
              and have a look this Sat-  For more information you
              urday at the address: Sta-  can  call  583-0177,  check
              dionweg 13. From 9 am to  Facebook  Taoist  Tai  Chi
              12 am there will be dem-   Society Aruba or the web-
              onstrations  and  expla-   site    www.aruba.taoist.
              nations  about  this  art  of  org.q
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