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                                                                                                                           Friday 8 September 2017

            Starbucks Celebrates Barista Champions’ Coffee Craft and Artistry

            at 3rd Annual Barista Championship Experience in Puebla, Mexico

            ORANJESTAD - Shamiris As-    lombia,  Costa  Rica,  Chile,
            canio,  winner  of  the  Star-  Mexico,  Peru  and  Puerto
            bucks  Aruba  &  Curacao  Rico had the opportunity to
            Barista Championship, was  share their passion for qual-
            one  of  11  Barista  Champi-  ity and barista craft at the
            ons from across Latin Amer-  3rd  annual  Barista  Cham-
            ica  &  the  Caribbean  who  pionship  Experience,  this
            the  company  selected  to  year  held  in  Puebla,  Mexi-
            visit Puebla, Mexico to pre-  co.  “Starbucks Partners are
            pare for their new roles. This  the igniters of human con-
            year’s  champions  visited  nection  that  continues  to
            the Pablo Aco coffee farm,  elevate  the  coffee  experi-
            shared their Starbucks sto-  ence  as  the  passion  that
            ries, and took part in a final  is  poured  into  every  bev-
            latte art throw down.        erage  is  unquestionable,”
                                         emphasized  Ricardo  Rico
            There  is  a  lot  of  work  that  vp  and  general  manager
            goes into preparing a per-   Latin  America  &  Caribbe-
            fect  Starbucks  beverage  an at Starbucks. “We have
            and    Starbucks   baristas  young  leaders  who  are
            know this very well. Wheth-  passionately  sharing  their
            er it be an espresso, a latte,  story  with  others  over  cof-
                                                                      group. Day in and day out,  engaging  in  conversations  regardless  of  where  they
                                                                      we share our love and pas-   about coffee and learning  are  from.  Participating  in
                                                                      sion with our customers and  from  other  countries,  one  the  Barista  Championship
                                                                      that  brings  down  any  bar-  of the main highlights of this  experience  and  having
                                                                      rier”, said Samady Medina,  experience  was  the  final  the opportunity to come to
                                                                      Starbucks senior operations  regional  Barista  Champi-   Mexico  made  me  humble
                                                                      consultation  manager  for  onship  competition  where  and  a  better  person  and
                                                                      Latin  America  &  Caribbe-  Giselle  Dominguez  from  strengthened  the  passion
                                                                      an who led the 2017 Barista  Puerto  Rico,  claimed  the  for what I do.” Dominguez
                                                                      Champions visit to Puebla.  very  top  spot  as  the  2017  said. ”Winning this champi-
                                                                      “If I could describe the 2017  Barista Champion.          onship gave me a chance
                                                                      Barista  Championship  Ex-   When  asked  about  what  to demonstrate how much
                                                                      perience  with  one  word  it  winning the Championship  love  goes  into  each  bev-
                                                                      would be family—it’s amaz-   meant to her, she said: “This  erage and that every per-
                                                                      ing to see what Starbucks,  experience confirmed that  fectly  crafted  beverage
                                                                      its  culture  and  the  coffee  coffee  is  a  great  channel  tells a connection story for
                                                                      means to each and every  to  create  sincere  human  all  the  people  that  come
                                                                      one of them.” In addition to  connections  with  people  and visit us.”q

            a  cappuccino  or  a  Flat  fee— they will mark the dif-
            White  all  beverages  are  ference in their countries as
            handcrafted  by  baristas  they  all  have  dreams  and
            that pour their passion and  are  enthusiastically  look-
            pride to showcase their skills  ing on how to make them
            and  elevate  each  bever-   come true”.
            age’s quality.               The  week-long  event  cel-
            Last month, 2,000 Starbucks  ebrated  the  champions
            baristas  from  16  countries  while  inspiring  and  equip-
            across  Latin  America  and  ping them to be leaders in
            the  Caribbean  participat-  coffee craft and customer
            ed in local Starbucks Baris-  connections at their stores.
            ta  Championship  compe-     The  champions  also  had
            titions,  whose  first  stage  the  opportunity  to  experi-
            took place in their respec-  ence  firsthand  the  entire
            tive stores, then within their  coffee journey- from plant-
            district  and  finally  at  the  ing  a  coffee  tree  at  the
            country level. Ultimately, 11  Pablo  Aco  coffee  farm,
            champions  –  representing  to  perfecting  their  barista
            the best of the best – from  skills  showcasing  their  latte
            Aruba,  Argentina,  Baha-    art.  “I feel so proud of the
            mas,  Brazil,  Bolivia,  Co-  Barista Championship 2017
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