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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 31 Juli 2021

                          Ex-Sen. Levin, Michigan’s longest-serving senator, has died

            (AP) — Former Sen. Carl  President  George  W.  Bush’s  he said cost the U.S. govern-
            Levin, a powerful voice on  administration  had  “written  ment  at  least  $100  billion  a
            military  issues  in  Wash-  the book on how to misman-   year in lost taxes. He also was
            ington and a staunch sup-    age a war.” He gave a cautious  an advocate for stem cell re-
            porter  of  the  auto  indus-  endorsement  to  President  search and gun control.
            try  back  home  in  Michi-  Barack Obama’s 2009 build-
            gan during his record ten-   up of troops in Afghanistan,  Closer  to  home,  Levin  pro-
            ure in the U.S. Senate, has  but later warned of “the be-  moted  policies  benefiting
            died. He was 87.             ginnings of fraying” of Dem-  the  auto  industry  and  sup-
                                         ocratic support.             ported  giving  $25  billion  in
            The  Harvard-educated  civil                              loan  guarantees  to  General
            rights  attorney  and  former  He was also critical of Presi-  Motors and Chrysler. He ar-
            taxi  driver,  who  for  decades  dent Ronald Reagan’s build-  gued that a vibrant domestic
            carried  his  faded  1953  auto  up  of  nuclear  weapons,  say-  auto  industry  was  crucial  to
            union  membership  card  in  ing  it  came  at  the  expense  rebuilding the economy after
            his wallet, died Thursday, his  of  conventional  weapons  the Great Recession. He also
            family and the Levin Center  needed  to  maintain  military  was a member of a task force
            at  Wayne  State  University’s  readiness.                supporting  efforts  to  fight
            law school announced in an                                pollution and other environ-
            evening statement.           But,  colleagues  said,  he  al-  mental  problems  affecting
                                         most  always  engendered  a  the Great Lakes.
            “We  are  all  devastated  by  feeling of respect.
            his  loss.  But  we  are  filled                          Carl Milton Levin was born
            with  gratitude  for  all  of  the  President  Joe  Biden,  who  in Detroit on June 28, 1934,
            support  that  Carl  received  served with Levin in the Sen-  and  he  stayed  in  the  Motor
            throughout his extraordinary  ate  for  30  years,  said  Friday  City for most of his life. After
            life and career, enabling him  “he was one of the most hon-  high school, he spent time as  1969,  and  he  served  as  its  the Heart of the Matter: My
            to touch so many people and  orable  and  decent  people  I  a  taxi  driver  and  worked  on  president  before  ousting  a  36 Years in the Senate,” was
            accomplish  so  much  good,”  have ever known.” Levin, he  auto  assembly  plant  lines  to  Republican  to  win  the  1978  published  in  March.  The
            the statement said.          said,  was  “brilliant,  humble  help  put  himself  through  Senate race. He won the seat  Navy named a destroyer for
                                         and  principled”  —  embody-  school.                     five more times but decided  him  to  honor  his  years  of
            First  elected  to  the  Senate  ing “the best of who we are as                        against running for a seventh  public service.
            in  1978,  Levin  represented  Americans.”                Always  proud  of  having  term in 2014.
            Michigan  longer  than  any                               helped  build  the  DeSoto                                His  nephew,  Andy  Levin,
            other  senator,  targeting  tax  Famous for wearing his eye-  and Ford trucks at a plant in  Democratic  Gov.  Gretch-  was  reelected in 2020 to his
            shelters,  supporting  manu-  glasses  down  on  his  nose,  Highland Park, he held onto  en  Whitmer  called  Levin  a  father’s  9th  Congressional
            facturing  jobs  and  pushing  Levin seemed to be the same  his  United  Auto  Workers  “champion for Michigan.”    District  seat  that  represents
            for military funding. His ten-  candid,  hardworking  guy  union  membership  card  for                             parts of suburban Detroit.
            ure was a testament to voters’  wherever  he  went,  whether  decades.  That  ended  when  “He  saw  what  we  were  ca-
            approval of the slightly rum-  he  was  in  front  of  cameras  his wallet was stolen.  pable  of  when  we  came  to  “Carl  Levin  personified  in-
            pled,  down-to-earth  Detroit  on Capitol Hill, on an over-                            the  table  as  Michiganders,  tegrity and the notion of put-
            native whom Time magazine  seas  fact-finding  mission  or  He  earned  a  bachelor’s  de-  as  Americans,  to  get  things  ting  the  public  good  above
            ranked among the nation’s 10  lost in the crowd of a college  gree in political science from  done,” she said. “Carl devot-  self-interest,”  Andy  Levin
            best senators in 2006.       football stadium on game day.  Swarthmore College in 1956,  ed  his  life  to  public  service,  said,  calling  him  “the  very
                                                                      and a law degree from Har-   and it us up to us to follow  picture of sober purpose and
            “He’s just a very decent per-  “No  one  would  accuse  Carl  vard in 1959. He married his  his example.”           rectitude. In truth, he wasn’t
            son,”  Democratic  Sen.  Jack  Levin of looking like Holly-  wife, Barbara, two years later,                        unfun.  In  fact,  he  often
            Reed of Rhode Island, a fel-  wood’s version of a U.S. Sen-  and together they raised three  After  his  retirement,  the  pierced tense situations with
            low  Senate  Armed  Services  ator. He’s pudgy, balding and  daughters.                Levin  Center  at  Wayne  Law  self-deprecating  humor,  and
            Committee member, said in  occasionally rumpled, and he                                was  established  to  promote  he  privately  shared  incisive
            2008.  “He’s  unpretentious,  constantly  wears  his  glasses  Levin  fell  in  line  with  his  fact-based,  bipartisan  over-  observations  about  others
            unassuming.  He  never  for-  at  the  very  tip  of  his  nose,”  family’s strong sense of civic  sight  by  Congress  and  state  with staff and colleagues.”
            gets that what we’re doing is  Time  magazine  said  in  its  duty  in  1964,  when  he  was  legislatures  and  to  encour-
            enmeshed  with  the  lives  of  2006 article ranking the sena-  named  an  assistant  state  at-  age  civil  dialogue  on  pub-  Carl Levin is survived by his
            the people he represents.”   tor among the country’s best.  torney  general  and  the  first  lic  policy  issues.  He  chaired  wife, their three adult daugh-
                                         “Still,  the  Michigan  Demo-  general  counsel  for  the  the center and co-taught law  ters,  Kate,  Laura  and  Erica,
            A  Washington  insider  and  crat has gained respect from  Michigan Civil Rights Com-  courses. He also was a part-  and  several  grandchildren.
            former  prosecutor  known  both parties for his attention  mission.  His  older  brother,  ner and distinguished coun-  There will be a private funer-
            for  his  professorial  bear-  to detail and deep knowledge  former  longtime  U.S.  Rep.  sel at the Honigman law firm  al. Information about a pub-
            ing,  Levin  took  a  civil  but  of policy, especially in his role  Sander “Sandy” Levin, had a  in Detroit.       lic  memorial  will  be  forth-
            straightforward    approach  as a vigilant monitor of busi-  liberal voting record on many                          coming.
            that allowed him to work ef-  nesses and federal agencies.”  social  issues,  while  their  fa-  His  memoir,  “Getting  to
            fectively  with  Republicans                              ther served on the Michigan
            and  fellow  Democrats.  He  A  foe  of  fraud  and  waste,  Corrections  Commission,  a
            was  especially  astute  on  de-  Levin  led  an  investigation  citizens’  group  that  oversaw
            fense  matters  thanks  to  his  in  2002  into  Enron  Corp.,  prison  operations,  and  their
            years as the top Democrat on  which  had  declared  bank-  mother  volunteered  for  a
            the  Senate  Armed  Services  ruptcy  the  previous  year  Jewish organization.
            Committee.                   amid financial scandals. The
                                         probe  contributed  to  a  new  Carl  Levin  was  Michigan’s
            And  he  didn’t  fear  speaking  federal law that requires ex-  only Jewish senator. He once
            his mind.                    ecutives to sign off on finan-  said that public service was in
                                         cial statements so they could  his  DNA,  and  politics  often
            He  was  in  the  minority  —  be criminally liable for post-  was  discussed  at  the  dinner
            even  among  his  Democratic  ing phony numbers.          table when he was a boy.
            Senate  colleagues  —  when
            he  voted  against  sending  Levin pushed legislation de-  He  dove  into  public  office
            U.S. troops to Iraq in 2002,  signed  to  crack  down  on  when  Detroit  voters  elected
            and  two  years  later  he  said  offshore  tax  havens,  which  him  to  the  City  Council  in
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