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A30    world news
                      Diasabra 31 Juli 2021

                        Regional forces join offensive against Mozambique extremists

                                                                      rebels.                      from  South  Africa,  leading  rebels  from  expanding  their
                                                                                                   the contingent being sent by  foothold in the region.
                                                                      The new offensive is seen as  the 16-nation Southern Afri-  Since  its  start  in  2017,  the
                                                                      a  drive  to  regain  control  of  can  Development  Commu-  insurgency has been blamed
                                                                      Mocimboa da Praia, the Indi-  nity to assist Mozambique.  for  more  than  3,000  deaths,
                                                                      an Ocean port that the rebels                             according to the Armed Con-
                                                                      have held for nearly a year.  South  Africa,  the  regional  flict Location and Event Data
                                                                                                   powerhouse, will send about  project. The rebels, allied to
                                                                      The  joint  forces  have  also  1,500 troops at a cost of near-  the Islamic State group, have
                                                                      been  fighting  the  rebels  in  ly  1  billion  rand  ($68  mil-  beheaded  scores  of  people
                                                                      Palma and appear to be trying  lion), President Cyril Rama-  and  imposed  Shariah  law  in
                                                                      to  secure  the  nearby  Afungi  phosa  informed  parliament  areas they have seized. More
                                                                      peninsula  where  the  French  this  week.  A  South  African  than  800,000  people  have
                                                                      firm Total was forced to stop  general is to lead the regional  been displaced by the conflict
                                                                      operations  in  its  $20  billion  force.                 and  nearly  1  million  people
                                                                      liquified  natural  gas  project,                         need  food  aid,  according  to
            (AP)  —  Rwandan  troops  fought  alongside  Mozambi-     according to Cabo Ligado, a  Zimbabwe        announced  the  U.N.  World  Food  Pro-
            have  joined  Mozambican  can  troops  to  regain  control  newsletter about the extrem-  Thursday that it will deploy  gram.
            forces  to  launch  a  major  of  Awasse,  a  strategic  town  ist violence.           300  soldiers  as  trainers  and
            offensive  against  Islamic  in  northern  Cabo  Delgado                               advisers,  and  Botswana  sent  The U.S. has sent 12 special
            rebels  in  northern  Mo-    province,  according  to  the  Rwanda’s  forces  killed  14  300  troops  to  Mozambique  forces  officers  to  help  train
            zambique as more troops  Mozambican government.           extremists,  that  country’s  earlier  this  week.  Angola  Mozambique’s  military,  and
            arrive  from  South  Africa                               army  spokesman  announced  and  Botswana  have  also  an-  the  European  Union  is  to
            and  other  neighboring  “We  have  attacked  and  re-    Thursday.  Mozambican  me-   nounced  they  are  sending  send a military training mis-
            countries to battle the in-  occupied the enemy position  dia  report  that  both  sides  forces.                   sion  to  build  on  a  training
            surgency.                    at  Awasse,”  President  Filipe  have suffered casualties.                             program provided by Portu-
                                         Nyusi said in a broadcast to                              The  countries  of  southern  gal, according to a recent re-
            Less  than  two  weeks  after  the  nation  earlier  this  week.  The  campaign  against  the  Africa  are  giving  military  port by Cabo Ligado, a proj-
            landing in Mozambique, the  He  said  three  other  towns  rebels  will  be  further  sup-  support  to  Mozambique  to  ect led by ACLED to research
            1,000  soldiers  from  Rwanda  also  were  retaken  from  the  ported  by  troops  arriving  try  to  prevent  the  extremist  the conflict.

                             Ship tied to Israeli billionaire attacked off Oman, 2 killed

            (AP) — An attack on an oil tank-    London-based Zodiac Maritime, part  did not respond to a request for com-  di-led  military  coalition  battling  the
            er linked to an Israeli billionaire  of Israeli billionaire Eyal Ofer’s Zo-  ment.                          rebel Houthis in Yemen claimed later
            killed  two  crew  members  off  diac Group, said the attack killed two                                     Friday  that  it  had  thwarted  an  at-
            Oman in the Arabian Sea, author-    crew members, one from the United  British  military’s  United  Kingdom  tempted  “enemy  drone”  attack  on  a
            ities said Friday, marking the first  Kingdom and the other from Roma-  Maritime  Trade  Operations  said  an  Saudi merchant ship, Saudi Arabia’s
            fatalities  after  years  of  assaults  nia.  It  did  not  name  them,  nor  did  investigation was underway into the  state  TV  reported,  without  offering
            targeting shipping in the region.   it describe what happened in the as-  attack and that coalition forces were  further details. The coalition blamed
                                                sault. It said it believed no other crew  taking part.                  the  Iran-backed  Houthis  for  threat-
            No one immediately claimed respon-  members on board were harmed.                                           ening maritime security in the south-
            sibility for the Thursday night raid on                                 A U.S. official, speaking on condition  ern Red Sea near the crucial Bab al-
            the  Liberian-flagged  tanker  Mercer  The  U.K.  government  later  con-  of  anonymity  to  discuss  the  ongo-  Mandeb Strait. The strait is used for
            Street. However, a U.S. official said it  firmed  that  a  British  national  “has  ing  investigation,  told  The  Associ-  oil shipments from the Persian Gulf
            appears a so-called suicide drone was  died following an incident on a tank-  ated Press that the attack appeared to  to Europe, as well as goods from Asia
            used in the attack, raising the possi-  er off the coast of Oman.”      have been carried out by a “one-way”  to Europe.
            bility that a government or a militia                                   drone  and  that  other  drones  took
            group was behind it. Without provid-  The  statement  from  Zodiac  Mari-  part.  The  official  said  it  wasn’t  im-  British  maritime  security  firm  Am-
            ing  evidence,  Israeli  officials  alleged  time said that “at the time of the in-  mediately known who launched the  brey said the attack on Mercer Street
            that Iran carried out the attack.   cident the vessel was in the northern  attack and declined to elaborate.  had killed one of its team members,
                                                Indian Ocean, traveling from Dar es                                     along with a member of the tanker’s
            The U.S. Navy rushed to the scene  Salaam to Fujairah with no cargo on-  Israeli  officials,  who  similarly  spoke  crew. The intelligence firm said it was
            following the attack and was escort-  board,” naming ports in Tanzania and  on  condition  of  anonymity  as  they  working with authorities and offering
            ing the tanker to a safe harbor, a Lon-  the United Arab Emirates.      weren’t  authorized  to  talkj  to  the  support to the victim’s family “at this
            don-based  ship  management  com-                                       media, blamed Tehran for the attack,  incredibly sad time.”
            pany said Friday.                   Satellite tracking data from Marine-  adding that Israel’s “campaign against
                                        showed  the  vessel  had  (Iran) will continue.”           U.S.  State  Department  deputy
            The  assault  represented  the  worst-  been near where British officials said                              spokeswoman Jalina Porter extended
            known  maritime  violence  so  far  in  the attack occurred. However, the last  Israel considers Iran to be its biggest  U.S. condolences and said that Wash-
            regional  attacks  on  shipping  since  signal the ship sent came early Friday  threat, citing Tehran’s hostile rheto-  ington was “deeply concerned by the
            2019.  The  U.S.,  Israel  and  others  morning.                        ric,  support  for  anti-Israeli  militant  reports  and  closely  monitoring  the
            have blamed the attacks on Iran amid                                    groups and growing influence in the  situation.”  At  the  United  Nations,
            the  unraveling  of  Tehran’s  nuclear  Zodiac Maritime described the Mer-  region.                         associate  spokesperson  Eri  Kaneko
            deal with world powers. Iran now ap-  cer Street’s owners as Japanese, with-                                said  “this  latest  incident  shows  the
            pears poised to take an even tougher  out  naming  them.  Shipping  author-  The  remarks  came  after  an  earlier  increased need” to protect seafarers.
            approach with the West as the coun-  ity Lloyd’s List identified the vessel’s  report from private maritime intelli-
            try prepares to inaugurate a hard-line  ultimate owner as Taihei Kaiun Co.,  gence firm Dryad Global referred to
            protégé of Supreme Leader Ayatollah  which  belongs  to  the  Tokyo-based  a drone sighting involving the vessel
            Ali Khamenei as president next week.  Nippon Yusen Group.               prior to the attack. Iran and Yemen’s
                                                                                    Tehran-backed  Houthi  rebels  have
            The  attack  on  Thursday  night  tar-  Late Friday, Zodiac Maritime said the  in the past employed suicide drones
            geted the tanker just northeast of the  tanker was sailing under the control  — unmanned aircraft loaded with ex-
            Omani  island  of  Masirah,  over  300  of her crew “to a safe location with  plosives that detonate on impact with
            kilometers  (185  miles)  southeast  of  a  U.S.  naval  escort.”  The  company  a target.
            Oman’s capital, Muscat.             did  not  elaborate.  The  U.S.  Navy’s
                                                5th Fleet, which patrols the Mideast,  In a separate development, the Sau-
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