Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210731
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world news Diasabra 31 Juli 2021
Belarus leader ready to invite Russian troops 'if necessary'
(AP) — Belarus’ authori- uled to conduct large-scale However, the Kremlin is no
tarian president said Fri- joint military exercises. hurry to support these initia-
day he’s prepared to invite tives,” Karbalevich said.
Russian troops into the Until recently, Lukashenko’s
country if such a move is government had resisted Lukashenko has accused the
necessary to ensure the se- Moscow’s attempts to ex- West of attempting to or-
curity of both Belarus and pand military presence in chestrate a revolution in the
Russia. Belarus and rejected requests country he has ruled with an
to open an airbase and sta- iron fist for decades and of
But, President Alexander tion additional troops in the plotting a coup, including by
Lukashenko said, at the mo- country. pressuring Belarus with sanc-
ment “there is absolutely no tions. His challenger in the
need” to do that. But amid the political crisis election fled to Lithuania and
that unfolded in Belarus after Lithuanian officials say au-
In remarks carried by the Lukashenko’s reelection to thorities in Belarus are now
state-run Belta news agency, a sixth term in August 2020 flooding Lithuania’s border
Lukashenko stressed that he was met with huge protests, with migrants to put that EU
had dealt with last year’s anti- Russia promised its neigh- nation under pressure.
government protests without bor military support and al-
involving other countries’ located a $1.5 billion loan for “They seem to seek out our
armed forces, but added Belarus’ ailing economy. sore spots. They hit primar-
that he would not hesitate ily the export sectors of the
to bring in Russian troops if Lukashenko faced months of Belarusian economy: petro-
necessary. protests that were triggered chemistry, mechanical engi-
by his being announced the neering, potash, and so on.
Belarus is able to quickly winner of an August 2020 But the main goal is to leave
deploy 500,000 of its own presidential vote that the op- the people without pensions,
personnel, but “if it is not position and the West saw salaries, benefits, education,
enough, all Russian armed as rigged. He responded to medical care and cause dis-
forces will be brought in,” demonstrations with a mas- content among Belarusians,”
Lukashenko said, according sive crackdown that saw Lukashenko said.
to Belta. “If it is necessary, we more than 35,000 people ar-
won’t hesitate.” rested and thousands beaten The Belarusian president
by police. called for further action
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry against the country’s human
Peskov said Friday that Mos- The United States and the rights groups, alleging that and massacre of those who tion of Journalists said raids
cow hasn’t received any offi- European Union have im- behind them are foreign mas- don’t support these so-called and detentions targeting re-
cial requests from Belarus to posed multiple sanctions terminds, and said govern- revolutionary, thuggish senti- porters continued Friday in
deploy troops, and the move targeting the Belarusian lead- ment pressure on indepen- ments.” Minsk and other cities. Ear-
“is possible only after an of- ership and key sectors of its dent media would continue. lier this week, the authorities
ficial request from the lead- economy in the wake of the Belarusian authorities in re- declared the Polish-funded
ership of one country to the crisis. “Freedom of speech that cent weeks have ramped up Belsat TV channel an ex-
leadership of other.” we’re protecting under the the pressure against non- tremist group.
Belarusian political analyst constitution today has turned governmental organizations
Russia and Belarus have close Valery Karbalevich told The into extremist activities,” and independent media, con- A total of 28 Belarusian jour-
military and defense ties. Associated Press that Lukash- Lukashenko charged, urg- ducting more than 200 raids nalists remain in custody
Two Russian radar stations enko’s statements on Friday ing state officials to closely of offices and apartments of either awaiting trial or serv-
communicating with nuclear were a clear attempt to scare control every journalist and activists and journalists this ing their sentences. Journal-
submarines in the Atlantic the West. blogger. “It’s one thing to month alone, according to ist groups on Thursday de-
and Indian oceans and parts criticize the authorities. We the Viasna human rights cen- manded that authorities give
of the Pacific are based in Be- “For the first time, he threat- have always took criticism ter. urgent hospital care to a lead-
larus. In September, the two ened with the deployment of adequately ... It’s a different ing journalist who has been
ex-Soviet nations are sched- Russian troops to Belarus. thing to call for a rebellion The Belarusian Associa- in pre-trial detention.
UK man sentenced to 5 years for string of cat killings
(AP) — A former security guard who knifed nine cats to death in night-time of a dead cat was found on “cruel, it was sustained and
attacks in the English sea- his phone, and a knife with it struck at the very heart of
side city of Brighton was feline blood and Bouquet’s family life.”
sentenced Friday to more DNA on it was found during
than five years in prison. a search of his home. Jayne Cioffi, a senior pros-
ecutor with the Crown Pros-
Steve Bouquet, 54, was con- He was found guilty after a ecution Service, said “none
victed of attacking 16 cats, trial of possessing a knife in of us can comprehend what
nine of them fatally, between public and 16 counts of crim- drove Bouquet to do this to
late 2018 and mid-2019 in inal damage in relation to the family pets.”
Brighton, 50 miles (80 kilo- cats — a crime that carries a
meters) south of London. higher sentence than animal “This has been a tragic case
cruelty. for all the owners involved.
He was caught after the own- Not only did Steve Bouquet
er of one of the dead cats set Owners of some of Bou- inflict horrendous suffering
up a security camera. Bou- quet’s feline victims were at to each of the animals he at-
quet denied involvement in Hove Crown Court on Fri- tacked, but he also caused real
the attacks, in which some day to see him sent to pris- trauma to their owners, many
cat owners found their pets on for five years and three of whom found their beloved
bleeding on the doorstep. months. Judge Jeremy Gold pets injured and bleeding,”
But prosecutors said a photo said Bouquet’s behavior was she said.