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A28    u.s. news
                      Diasabra 31 Juli 2021

                          First evacuation flight brings 221 Afghans, many kids, to US

                                                the interpreters, translators and oth-  But a refugee agency said the Biden
                                                ers on the flights out. The first evacu-  administration  appeared  to  be  still  But  U.S.  officials,  speaking  on  the
                                                ation  flight,  an  airliner,  carried  221  scrambling to work out the resettle-  condition  of  anonymity  to  discuss
                                                Afghans  under  the  special  visa  pro-  ment  of  thousands  more  of  the  Af-  negotiations, said Friday that no deal
                                                gram,  including  57  children  and  15  ghans,  and  it  urged  Biden  to  bring  had been closed with those two coun-
                                                infants, according to an internal U.S.  them  quickly  to  the  U.S.  or  a  U.S.  tries.  Concerns  about  housing  Af-
                                                government  document  obtained  by  territory, such as Guam.            ghans who have not completed their
                                                The Associated Press.                                                   security  screenings  and  uncertainty
                                                                                    “We  cannot  in  good  conscience  put  on  the  American  side  about  finding
                                                It touched down in Dulles, Virginia,  them at risk in third countries with  funding  for  the  massive  relocation
                                                just outside Washington, D.C., after  unreliable  human  rights  records,  effort  have  remained  obstacles,  the
                                                midnight,  according  to  the  FlightA-  or where the Taliban may be able to  U.S. officials said.
                                                ware tracking service.              reach them,” the resettlement official
                                                                                    said.                               Biden announced earlier this year the
                                                Friday’s  flight  was  “an  important                                   U.S.  would  withdraw  all  its  troops
            (AP) — The first flight evacuat-    milestone  as  we  continue  to  fulfill  The  Biden  administration  calls  the  from  Afghanistan  by  Sept.  11,  hon-
            ing  Afghans  who  worked  along-   our promise to the thousands of Af-  effort  Operation  Allies  Refuge.  The  oring a withdrawal agreement struck
            side  Americans  in  Afghanistan  ghan nationals who served shoulder-   operation  has  broad  backing  from  by former President Donald Trump.
            brought  more  than  200  people,  to-shoulder  with  American  troops  Republican  and  Democratic  law-   He later said the U.S. military opera-
            including scores of children and  and diplomats over the last 20 years in  makers  and  from  veterans  groups.  tion would end on Aug. 31, calling it
            babies  in  arms,  to  new  lives  in  Afghanistan,” Biden said. He said he  Supporters cite repeated instances of  “overdue.”  Some  administration  of-
            the United States on Friday, and  wanted  to  honor  the  military  veter-  Taliban forces targeting Afghans who  ficials have expressed surprise at the
            President  Joe  Biden  said  he  was  ans, diplomats and others in the U.S.  worked with Americans or with the  extent and speed of Taliban gains of
            proud to welcome them home.         who have advocated for the Afghans.  Afghan government.                 territory  in  the  countryside  since
            The launch of the evacuation flights,  Secretary  of  State  Antony  Blinken  Congress  on  Thursday  overwhelm-
            bringing  out  former  interpreters  and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Aus-  ingly approved legislation that would  Biden said that although U.S. troops
            and others who fear retaliation from  tin lauded the Afghans for their work  allow  an  additional  8,000  visas  and  are leaving Afghanistan, the U.S. will
            Afghanistan’s  Taliban  for  having  alongside  Americans  and  said  their  $500 million in funding for the Af-  keep supporting Afghanistan through
            worked  with  American  troops  and  arrival demonstrates the U.S. govern-  ghan visa program.              security  assistance  to  Afghan  forces
            civilians, highlights American uncer-  ment’s commitment to them.                                           and  humanitarian  and  development
            tainty about how Afghanistan’s gov-                                     The  United  States  has  been  talking  aid to the Afghan people.
            ernment  and  military  will  fare  after  Friday’s flight was all about “keeping  with Qatar and Kuwait about tempo-
            the last U.S. combat forces leave that  promises,” said Will Fischer, an Iraq  rarily hosting thousands of other Af-  The newly arrived Afghan people will
            country in the coming weeks.        war veteran and an advocate on vet-  ghan interpreters who are much fur-  join 70,000 others who have resettled
                                                eran’s issues.                      ther behind in their visa application  in the United States since 2008 under
            Family  members  are  accompanying                                      process than Friday’s arrivals.     the special visa program.

                             Families paying off rent, food, debts with child tax credit

            (AP) — Christina Darling  said  Walker,  29,  who  took  annually  for  children  under  45%. And it comes at a time  the  money  may  never  reach
            finally  replaced  her  2006  custody  of  her  two  siblings  age 6 and $3,000 for children  when  unemployment  ben-  the neediest because their in-
            Chevrolet Equinox after it  last  year  after  her  mother  ages 6 to 17. Eligible families  efits are being phased out and  comes are so low they aren’t
            broke down several times  overdosed.  The  $800  credit  will receive $300 monthly for  the  federal  eviction  morato-  required to file a tax return,
            while picking her children  will help make up for losses  each child under 6 and $250  rium is set to expire Saturday.  they  don’t  have  a  fixed  ad-
            up from day care. But the  she incurred after quitting a  per older child.                                          dress  or  bank  account,  or
            31-year-old mother of two  kitchen design job to care for                              The payments are also a test  don’t have the internet savvy
            was struggling to keep up  the five youngsters, ages 3 to  Advocates argue the monthly  case of sorts. Biden ultimate-  to apply.
            with the car payments.       19.                          payments  make  more  sense  ly would like to make them
                                                                      for low-income families.     permanent — and the impact  Families who do receive the
            Brianne  Walker  desperately  Biden increased the amounts                              they have could go a long way  credit are mostly spending it
            wanted to take her three chil-  going to families and expand-  “One  of  the  problems  with  to  shaping  that  debate  later  on  rent,  child  care  and  gro-
            dren and two siblings camp-  ed it to include those whose  the big check in a year, if your  this year.             ceries, as well as catching up
            ing  for  the  first  time  but  income is so little they don’t  car broke six months before,                       on cellphone and other bills.
            wasn’t  sure  how  she  could  owe  taxes.  The  benefits  be-  that  is  a  long  time  to  wait,”  “It  infuses  money  into  the  For  Darling,  the  $550  she
            pay  for  it.  After  all,  she  was  gin  to  phase  out  at  incomes  said Michael Reinke, execu-  family  home,”  said  Suzanne  gets will go to car payments,
            behind on her rent, and day  of  $75,000  for  individuals,  tive  director  of  the  Nashua  Torregano, director of Family  more  fresh  produce  and  a
            care  and  grocery  costs  were  $112,500 for heads of house-  Soup  Kitchen  &  Shelter,  Services at Kingsley House in  babysitter  so  she  can  attend
            adding up.                   hold  and  $150,000  for  mar-  which  serves  many  families  New Orleans, who estimated  Nashua  Board  of  Education
                                         ried  couples.  Families  with  making  less  than  $26,000  a  that 85%-90% of the parents  meetings. She is running for
            Then, the two women from  incomes  up  to  $200,000  for  year.                        the  group  serves  are  getting  a seat on the board. Eventu-
            New  Hampshire  got  a  sur-  individuals and $400,000 for                             the monthly payments.        ally, she hopes to put money
            prise  in  their  bank  accounts  married couples can still re-  Robin McKinney, co-found-                          aside to save for a home with
            this  month.  They  qualified  ceive  the  previous  $2,000  er  and  CEO  of  the  CASH  Still,  some  advocates  argue  a yard.
            for  the  expanded  child  tax  credit.                   Campaign  of  Maryland,  a
            credit,  part  of  President  Joe                         Baltimore  nonprofit  organi-
            Biden’s $1.9 trillion corona-  In  the  past,  eligible  families  zation that helps low-income
            virus relief package. Families  got  a  credit  after  filing  their  residents  file  taxes,  said  the
            on  average  are  getting  $423  taxes  —  either  as  a  lump  credit  is  providing  people
            this  month;  the  Treasury  sum  payment  or  a  credit  money in their pockets now,
            Department  estimates  that  against taxes owed. But now  when they need it most.
            35.2 million families received  six  months  of  payments  are
            payments in July.            being  advanced  monthly  If  all  the  money  goes  out,
                                         through the end of the year.  the expectation is that could
                                         A recipient receives the sec-  significantly  reduce  poverty
            “The additional money does  ond half when they file their  — with one study estimating
            help  alleviate  the  pressure,”  taxes.  The  credit  is  $3,600  it could cut child poverty by
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