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u.s. news Diaranson 2 December 2020
Trump headed to Georgia as runoff boost, but also a threat
(AP) — Some estab- Vice President-elect Kamala
lishment Republicans Harris as the tie-breaking
are sounding alarms majority vote.
that President Donald
Trump’s conspiratorial Trump on Monday blasted
denials of his own defeat Gov. Brian Kemp as “hap-
could threaten the party’s less” for not intervening to
ability to win a Senate ma- “overrule” Secretary of State
jority and counter Presi- Brad Raffensperger’s certi-
dent-elect Joe Biden’s ad- fication of Biden’s win. The
ministration. president baselessly claimed
in a Tuesday tweet that Kemp
The concerns come ahead of had allowed Georgia to be
Trump’s planned Saturday “scammed.”
visit to Georgia to campaign
alongside Sens. David Perdue On Sunday, Trump told Fox
and Kelly Loeffler, who face News he was “ashamed”
strong Democratic challeng- he’d endorsed Kemp in his
ers in Jan. 5 runoffs that will 2018 GOP primary for gov-
determine which party con- ernor. Kemp’s office noted
trols the Senate at the outset in response that state law
of Biden’s presidency. gives Kemp no authority to
overturn election results,
Republicans acknowledge despite Trump’s contention
Trump as the GOP’s big- that Kemp could “easily” in-
gest turnout driver, includ- voke “emergency powers.”
ing in Georgia, where Biden Meanwhile, Raffensperger, a
won by fewer than 13,000 Trump supporter like Kemp, that the system is hopelessly can predecessor as governor,
votes out of about 5 mil- has accused the president of corrupted. Among Repub- said Trump should “drive a “What’s the best motivator?
lion cast. That means every throwing him “under the licans more loyal to Trump strong, forward-looking mes- Fear,” he said. Before No-
bit of enthusiasm from one bus” for doing his job. than to the party, some could sage” about what’s at stake for vember, Democrats dreaded
of Trump’s signature rallies skip the runoff altogether out a Republican base that “is fer- a second Trump term more
could matter. The president launched of anger at a party establish- vently devoted to him.” than Republicans feared
similar broadsides against ment the president continues Trump losing, Robinson rea-
But some Republicans worry another Republican, Arizona to assail. Lastly, at the other “The best thing he can do for soned. “Republicans have
Trump will use the platform Gov. Doug Ducey, after his end of the GOP spectrum are the party,” Robinson said, “is reason to be scared now,” he
to amplify his baseless alle- state certified Biden's vic- the moderate Republicans to talk about the importance said, because of the prospect
gations of widespread voter tory there. Ducey pushed who already crossed over to of having a Republican Sen- that Democrats could control
fraud — arguments roundly back Tuesday on social me- help Biden win Georgia and ate majority to project his both ends of Pennsylvania
rejected in state and federal dia, defending Arizona's elec- could be further alienated if policy legacy and to make Avenue.
courts across the country. tion system and saying he'd the runoff becomes another sure the Democrats can’t “That could make a differ-
That could make it harder for bragged on it previously “in referendum on Trump. reverse a lot of what he has ence in turnout” beyond any-
Perdue and Loeffler to keep a the Oval Office.” Ducey did put in place that Republicans thing Trump says, Robinson
clear focus on the stakes in not mention Trump by name. Josh Holmes, a top adviser support.” concluded.
January and could even dis- to Senate Majority Leader
courage Republicans from Perdue and Loeffler have at- Mitch McConnell, said Re- Asked what Trump should For their parts, the senators
voting. tempted to stay above the publicans “haven’t seen any avoid, Robinson circled back continue their public em-
fray. evidence of lack of enthusi- to what he believes the presi- brace of all things Trump
“The president has basically asm in the Senate races.” dent should say. ahead of the visit.
taken hostage this race,” said They’ve long aligned them-
Brendan Buck, once a top ad- selves with Trump and even But none of the potential Former U.S. Rep. Jack “I couldn’t be more excited
viser to former House Speak- echoed some of his general bad effects would have to be Kingston, a Trump ally, to welcome” the president
er Paul Ryan. criticisms of the fall elections, sweeping to tilt the runoffs downplayed the potential for “back to Georgia,” Loeffler
jointly demanding Raffens- if they end up as close as the GOP splintering, framing an wrote on Twitter after Trump
Especially fraught are perger’s resignation. presidential contest in Geor- “inner-family squabble” as a confirmed his plans. Perdue’s
Trump’s continued attacks gia. sideshow to the “incredible” campaign quickly retweeted
on Georgia’s Republican But the crux of their runoff consequences that define the the comment, which Loeffler
state officials and the state’s argument — that Republi- “We’ll see how it plays out. It runoffs. punctuated with a reminder
election system, potentially cans must prevent Democrats changes day by day and week that the runoffs are “an all-
taking away from his public from controlling Capitol Hill by week. But so far, so good,” “Followers of Trump will fol- hands-on-deck moment.”
praise of Loeffler and Perdue. and the White House — is Holmes said. low Trump, but they’re not
itself a tacit admission that blind to the huge stakes. And It’s not clear, though, if all
“Trump’s comments are Biden, not Trump, will be in- White House press secretary neither is he,” Kingston said. Republicans will be on hand
damaging the Republican augurated Jan. 20. And at one Kayleigh McEnany insisted “He knows to keep his legacy. at all.
brand,” argued Republican recent campaign stop, Perdue in an appearance Tuesday He’s got to get these people
donor Dan Eberhart, who heard from vocal Trump sup- on “Fox & Friends” that the reelected.” Trump, Kingston Kemp, the governor who ap-
added that the president is porters who demanded that president still believes it’s argued, is “keeping the base pointed Loeffler upon Sen.
“acting in bad sportsmanship he do more to help Trump important “to turn out and interested,” a necessary com- Johnny Isakson’s retire-
and bad faith” instead of em- somehow claim Georgia’s 16 vote,” despite his continued ponent of any successful run- ment last year, has on previ-
phasizing Republicans’ need electoral votes. groundless claims of wide- off campaign since second ous Trump visits greeted the
to maintain Senate control. spread fraud. rounds of elections often see president as he disembarks
Republicans see three po- a drop-off in voter participa- from Air Force One. Asked
The GOP needs one more tential negative outcomes to In Georgia, any Republican tion. Monday whether Georgians
seat for a majority. Democrats Trump fanning the flames. concerns are more circum- will see a similar scene Satur-
need Jon Ossoff to defeat spect. Robinson added that Demo- day, Kemp spokesman Cody
Perdue and Raphael Warnock Some GOP voters could be crats face their own challenge Hall said he could not com-
to defeat Loeffler to force a dissuaded from voting again Brian Robinson, a former in replicating record turnout ment “yet.”
50-50 Senate, positioning if they accept Trump’s claims adviser to Kemp’s Republi- for Biden.